Sansad TV Perspective: Leveraging the Power of Science

In the series Sansad TV Perspective, we bring you an analysis of the discussion featured on the insightful programme ‘Perspective’ on Sansad TV, on various important topics affecting India and also the world. This analysis will help you immensely for the IAS exam, especially the mains exam, where a well-rounded understanding of topics is a prerequisite for writing answers that fetch good marks.

In this article, we feature the discussion on the topic of : Leveraging the power of science

Anchor: Vishal Dahiya


  1. Dr Srivari Chandrashekhar, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, GoI
  2. Rajendra Ratnoo, Controller General, Patents, Designs & Trademarks, DPIIT, GoI
  3. S.P. Shukla, Chairman, Mahindra Defence Systems and Mahindra Aerospace & President, SIDM.

Context: India’s progress in the field of science and technology has gathered momentum over a period of time with its prominent visibility during the time of the pandemic. It becomes extremely important to analyse the extent of India’s achievements in science and technology along with a roadmap for the future

Glimpses of India’s Achievements:

  • Human resource in science and technology is a major driver of India’s rise as a knowledge superpower. 
  • Over the past few years, there has been an upward trajectory in the Global Innovation Index from rank 81 in 2015 to rank 46 in 2021.
  • The Gross Expenditure on Research and Development has also increased up to 3 times. 
  • The Government of India took active steps to strengthen the infrastructure for science and technology through various international collaborations and the engagement of experts from industries and academia. For example, India exerts enormous emphasis on expanding the scope of research and development in many of the agreements with its international partners. 
  • India is all set to explore the emerging areas of science such as Big data, Cyber-Physical Systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Waste Processing which are considered futuristic for the country’s development. 
  • History has been an authentic testimony to expound India’s potential in the field of science and technology that has carried forward like a tradition still finding its useful place in the present times. 
  • The National Ayush Mission echoes the significance of the ancient practice of medicines that facilitates the treatment of diseases encouraging the natural process of healing. 
  • Aryabhatta’s legacy can be exemplified through various milestones India has achieved in the field of space science and technology under the aegis of ISRO.

Also read about Indian mathematicians and their contributions in the linked article.

  • When the world was struggling with vaccine shortages against the COVID-19 virus, India’s vaccine development and manufacturing capabilities were extended as waves of humanity and compassion both nationally and internationally. This determines India’s advancement in scientific research and development.
  • With conscious efforts to meet the net zero-emission targets and head towards a sustainable future, India has adopted effective measures with the aid of scientific and technological interventions that include Green Technology, Clean Technology, transition to Hydrogen Energy, the introduction of Electric Vehicles to reduce vehicular carbon emissions and so on. 

 Read about Investment in Green Technology in Perspective, Sansad TV. 

  • The achievements of India in the field of science range from agricultural, textiles, healthcare and pharmaceuticals to information technology, space technology, defence technology and nuclear technology

What are the Challenges?

  • The policies related to science and technology need a thorough review for technology diffusion and development. The scientific developments in India still lack a forward-looking approach. 
  • There exists a number of loopholes in the delivery of scientific education in India with limited scope for innovation from the early stage of education. 
  • Emerging technologies and areas of science like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Data Analytics must be given more attention to skill the youth for employment.
  • There is a prevalent inadequacy of skilled and trained teachers to promote the scientific temper among the students which is a major concern that obstructs further expansion of the ambit of science in the country. 
  • The majority of the students lose interest in science and there is a huge dropout rate in the higher levels of education. 
  • Too much theory-based learning hampers the capability of students to apply their learning practically through experiments, projects and research. 
  • The lack of proper facility and infrastructure for advanced scientific research stands as a major challenge towards the progress of science in India. 

Walking ahead with scientific temper:

  • Investment – The right investment in research is indispensable for India’s growth as a global superpower. The resources must be sufficient for excellent research instead of too many research proposals taken into consideration. 
  • Curiosity-based Learning – Students must be encouraged to ask more questions and curiosity-based learning must be followed to enrich the horizon of scientific knowledge adding to the commercial viability of research. 
  • Researchers’ Productivity – A focus is required on increasing the high productivity of researchers.
  • Incentives for Students – Research awareness, professional and monetary rewards can act as a major boost for many students to take up research as a career option. 
  • Public-private Partnership – The experts recommend more Public Private Partnerships in research with utmost assistance from the government. 
  • Effective Policy – A liberalised ecosystem for science is required through effective policies and by providing autonomy to the institutions and making the processes of funding for equipment purchase more efficient. Resources should be ensured for the high performers to facilitate scientific breakthroughs. 
  • Right Ambience for Researchers – There is a need for a hassle-free ambience for the researchers to deliver their best. 
  • Industry – Institution Synergy – Industries and institutions are expected to get into a productive synergy for better outcomes of scientific research along with the development of the science entrepreneurship ecosystem. 

The joint efforts of the government and the public institutions are necessary elements to transform India into a scientific superpower

Read more summaries of Perspective in the link.

Perspective: Leveraging the Power of Science:- Download PDF Here

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