01 June 2021: PIB Summary & Analysis

June 1st, 2021, PIB:- Download PDF Here


1. World Milk Day
2. Research Design & Standards Organization (RDSO)

1. World Milk Day


June 1 is observed as World Milk Day.

About World Milk Day:

  • In 2001, World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector.
  • The theme and focus of World Milk Day 2021 is: sustainability in the dairy sector with messages on nutrition.

Dairy sector in India:

  • The dairy sector supports the livelihoods of millions of people in India.
  • India is one of the largest producers of milk in the world.
  • In 1955, India’s butter imports were 500 tons per year and by 1975 all imports of milk and milk products were stopped as India became self-sufficient in milk production.
  • India’s success story in milk production was scripted by Dr Verghese Kurien, known as the “Father of the White Revolution” in India.

Also read: White Revolution

2. Research Design & Standards Organization (RDSO)


RDSO becomes the first institution to be declared SDO (Standard Developing Organisation) under the “One Nation One Standard” mission of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards).


  • To attain “One Nation One Standard”, the BIS had launched a scheme which provides for “Recognition of SDO”.
  • Through this scheme, BIS aims at aggregating and integrating the existing capabilities and dedicated domain specific expertise available with various organizations in the country engaged in standards development in their specific sectors, and enable convergence of all standard development activities in the country.
  • The idea is to develop one template of standard for one given product instead of having multiple agencies set it.
  • BIS, after reviewing the Standard Making Procedures of RDSO, has granted recognition to RDSO in May 2021 as SDO (Standard Developing Organization) becoming the first institution in India to receive this recognition under the scheme.

About RDSO:

  • RDSO is an ISO 9001 research and development organisation under the Ministry of Railways, GOI.
  • It functions as a technical adviser and consultant to the Railway Board, the Zonal Railways, the Railway Production Units, RITES, RailTel and Ircon International in respect of design and standardization of railway equipment and problems related to railway construction, operations and maintenance.
  • Founded in 1921, RDSO is headquartered in Lucknow, UP.

Read previous PIB here.

June 1st, 2021, PIB:- Download PDF Here

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  1. PIB summaries are very helpful. Thanks, Byju’s.