25 May 2024 PIB
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1. The 3rd Capacity Building Program for the Civil Servants of the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2. EC releases absolute number of voters for all completed phases
FIP Magazine

1.The 3rd Capacity Building Program for the Civil Servants of the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Syllabus: GS-2, International relations 


Prelims: Capacity Building Program for the Civil Servants of the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


Context: The National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) in New Delhi successfully concluded the 3rd Capacity Building Program for senior civil servants from the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on May 24, 2024. This program, which included 41 senior civil servant officers, is part of NCGG’s ongoing efforts to enhance the governance capabilities of international civil servants, with a specific focus on those from Sri Lanka.


Participants and Program Details

  • Attendees: 41 senior civil servants, including Assistant Divisional Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Deputy Sergeants, Directors, among others.
  • Total Trained: NCGG has now trained 95 civil servants from Sri Lanka.


Program Highlights:

  • Valedictory Address: Delivered by Shri V. Srinivas, IAS, who emphasized the role of technology in governance and India’s digital transformation initiatives.
  • Group Presentations: Covered topics like land acquisition, public personnel systems, maintaining a high Human Development Index (HDI), and post-COVID tourism in Sri Lanka.


Topics Covered

  • Governance: Best practices in governance and public administration.
  • Digital Transformation: Insights into India’s Digital India program and its applications.
  • Developmental Schemes: Overview of various developmental initiatives in India.
  • Sustainable Practices: Discussion on sustainability and environmental governance.


Field Visits


Institutions Visited:

  • Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA)
  • Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun
  • Cyber Security Cell, Noida
  • National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram
  • International Solar Alliance, Gurugram
  • District Gautam Budh Nagar
  • Pradhanmantri Sanghralaya
  • Taj Mahal



Strengthening Bilateral Relations

  • India-Sri Lanka Relations: The program enhances diplomatic and administrative ties between India and Sri Lanka.
  • Regional Cooperation: Promotes South-South cooperation and shared learning in governance and development.


Enhancing Governance

  • Knowledge Transfer: Facilitates the transfer of best practices and innovative governance models to Sri Lankan civil servants.
  • Capacity Building: Strengthens the administrative and governance capacity of Sri Lankan civil service.


Digital Transformation

  • Technological Integration: Provides insights into integrating digital technologies in public administration for better governance.

2.EC releases absolute number of voters for all completed phases

Syllabus: GS-2, Polity


Prelims: Election Commission of India (ECI)



  • The Election Commission of India (ECI) has released the absolute number of voters for all completed phases of elections, reiterating the transparency and integrity of the voting process. The ECI emphasizes that the data on votes polled is secure and accessible to candidates through Form 17C and the Voter Turnout App.


Key Announcements

  • Absolute Voter Numbers: The ECI has decided to release the absolute number of voters in every parliamentary constituency. This data is accessible by applying the turnout percentage to the total electors.
  • Voter Turnout App: Voter turnout data has been available 24×7 on the Voter Turnout App, providing real-time updates on voter turnout percentages.

Measures for Transparency

  • Form 17C: Form 17C, which records the total number of votes polled, is shared with polling agents of all candidates on the poll day, ensuring transparency.
  • Secure Handling of Votes: The process of collecting, storing, and recording votes is rigorous and participative, involving agents of candidates at every stage.


Steps Taken by the ECI

  • Final List of Electors: Provided to candidates after the finalization of contesting candidates.
  • Form 17C Distribution: Given to authorized agents of all candidates across polling stations.
  • Secure Transport and Storage: EVMs and statutory papers, including Form 17C, are transported and stored securely with candidate agents allowed to accompany them.
  • Comparison at Counting Centers: Form 17C is compared with the results at counting centers to ensure accuracy.


Voter Turnout Data Availability

  • Real-Time Updates: The Voter Turnout App provides updates from 9:30 AM on poll day, with estimated turnout data published every two hours until 5:30 PM.
  • Final Data: By midnight on poll day, the app shows the best estimated “Close of Poll” data. The final turnout data is updated continuously based on the arrival of polling parties.



False Narratives and Misconceptions

  • Misinformation: The ECI notes patterns of false narratives aimed at discrediting the electoral process.
  • Data Integrity: Allegations of delay or discrepancies in voter turnout data are unfounded, as the data is consistently available on the Voter Turnout App.



Upholding Democratic Integrity

  • Transparency: The ECI’s actions reinforce its commitment to transparency and the integrity of the electoral process.
  • Judicial Support: The Supreme Court’s observations and verdicts support the ECI’s process of releasing voter turnout data, bolstering its efforts.


Enhanced Accountability

  • Higher Responsibility: The ECI feels a heightened responsibility to serve electoral democracy with unwavering resolution.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Continuous engagement with stakeholders ensures accountability and trust in the electoral process.

Read previous PIB articles here.

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