The UPSC OMR Sheet is given to all the candidates appearing for the preliminary examination after reaching the examination hall. This article aims to give some important information about how to fill the answer booklet in the IAS prelims exam.
The UPSC notification for 2023 was released on 1st February and the UPSC civil service prelims exam is scheduled for 28th May 2023. This comprises all the relevant information that a candidate needs to know regarding the upcoming USPC civil services exam.
As the aspirants would know, the prelims exam scheduled for 28th May, 2023, is an objective type exam where candidates have to mark the correct choice of answer in an OMR sheet. There are certain rules to follow while marking in the UPSC OMR Sheet. This article talks about how to fill the answer booklet for the IAS prelims exam.
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UPSC OMR Sheet Instructions
Candidates must be very careful while marking choices on the answer booklet. They must go through the entire instruction list to get an idea of how to fill the OMR sheet. A single error can lead to the rejection of an answer or result in a negative marking. Therefore, to avoid a reduction in marks in UPSC Prelims, candidates must be very thorough while filling out their OMR sheet.
The following instructions are mentioned in the UPSC notification for marking the answer booklet:
- In the answer sheet, mark in BLACK BALL POINT pen, your exam centre, subject and the test booklet series at the appropriate space provided on top.
- Then, mark or encode your booklet series (A/B/C/D), subject code and roll number in the circles provided there.
- If the booklet series is not mentioned on the test booklet or the answer sheet is not numbered, immediately get the test booklet/answer sheet replaced from the invigilator.
- Any changes in marking the roll number should be done with the initials of the candidate and the invigilator. It should also be countersigned by the supervisor.
- Immediately after the exam starts, please check if the test booklet has any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items. In such a case, you must get the complete test booklet replaced with a booklet of the same series and subject.
- In the space provided for rough work in the answer sheet, you are not supposed to write your name or any other information other than what is required for answering the questions.
- The answer sheet is not supposed to be folded or mutilated in any way.
- You are also not supposed to write anything on the reverse of the answer sheet.
- The OMR is going to be evaluated by a computer. So, you must take extreme caution while marking in the answer sheet. Since you cannot erase the answers once marked (with a black ball point), please take care to mark it carefully.
- The questions will be printed in the Test Booklet. It contains questions under each of which four choices will be given. You have to mark the answer in the Answer Sheet (OMR Sheet) against the appropriate serial number.
- You have to mark the correct answer choice in the answer sheet by completely darkening the circle against the correct choice (a/b/c/d) with a black ball point pen.
Given below are a few important links that will give a boost to your upcoming UPSC exam preparations for the prelims examination-
UPSC Prelims Paper Analysis | UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage |
UPSC Current Affairs Quiz | IAS Study Material |
Preparation Strategy for Competitive Exams | List of IAS Subjects |
UPSC OMR Sheet Filling -Example
For example, if the correct answer for a question is (b), in that case, the circle containing the letter (b) is to be completely blackened as shown below:
Example: (a) • (c) (d)
- You also have to mark the relevant entries in the Scannable Attendance List.
Here, you have to mark (P) under the column present/absent.
You also have to blacken the relevant circle under Test Booklet Series.
You have to write the Test Booklet Serial Number.
You also have to blacken the Answer Sheet Serial Number and blacken the circles accordingly.
You also have to sign in the relevant column.
UPSC prelims answer sheet format
Particulars about the Answer Sheet:
The top line of the answer sheet is as given under:-
- The name of the exam centre and the subject should be written in BLACK BALL PEN in English or Hindi.
- The Test Booklet Series in given at the top right corner of the booklet as A, B, C or D.
- The roll number should be written exactly as is given in your e-Admission Certificate.
- The subject code is given in your e-Admission Certificate.
- Then, encode the test booklet series, roll number and the subject code in the circles provided with a black ball point pen.
Illustrations are given below:
Suppose you have got booklet series A and the subject code is 01:-
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