29 January 2020: PIB Summary & Analysis

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January 29th, 2020 PIB:- Download PDF Here


1. National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019
2. National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019
3. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020
4. Madhavpur Mela
5. Operation Vanilla
6. Data on Police Organizations 2019
7. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

1. National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019


Cabinet approves official amendments in the National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019.


  • The Union Cabinet has given its approval to the official amendments in the National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019 for amending the Homoeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 1973. At present, the Bill is pending in Rajya Sabha.
  • The amendments intend to ensure necessary regulatory reforms in the field of Homoeopathy education.
  • They will also enable transparency and accountability for protecting the interests of the general public.
  • The bill seeks the establishment of the National Commission for Homoeopathy, which will replace the current regulatory body for homoeopathy, the Homoeopathy Central Council.
    • The Commission will promote the availability of affordable healthcare services in all parts of the country.


  • The Homoeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 1973 was enacted for:
    • The constitution of a Central Council of Homoeopathy for the regulation of education and practice of Homoeopathy.
    • The maintenance of a Central Register of Homoeopathy and for matters connected therewith.
  • The broad functions, constitution and regulation-making powers of the Council are identical to those of the Medical Council of India.
  • While the Act provides a solid foundation for the growth of medical education and practice in Homoeopathy, various bottlenecks in the functioning of the Council have been experienced, which has resulted in serious detrimental effects on medical education as well as delivery of quality Homoeopathy healthcare services.

2. National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019


Cabinet approves proposal for official amendments in the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCIM) Bill, 2019.


  • The NCIM bill is aimed at bringing reforms in the medical education of the Indian medicine sector in lines with the National Medical Commission proposed for Allopathic system of medicine.
  • The draft bill provides for the constitution of a National Commission with four autonomous boards entrusted with conducting overall education of Ayurveda under the Board of Ayurveda and Unani, Siddha and Sowarigpa under the Board of Unani, Siddha and Sowarigpa.
  • The bill is currently pending in the Rajya Sabha.
  • The proposed legislation will:
    • Ensure necessary regulatory reforms in the field of Indian System of Medicine education.
    • Enable transparency and accountability for protecting the interest of the general public.
  • The Commission will also promote the availability of affordable healthcare services in all parts of the country.
  • The Commission has been structured to streamline the functions related to academic standards, evaluation, assessment and accreditation of educational institutions pertaining to the Indian System of Medicine.
  • The main objective of establishing the NCIM is to promote equity by ensuring an adequate supply of quality medical professionals and enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services in the Indian System of Medicine.

3. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020


Cabinet approves the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020.


  • The Union Cabinet has approved the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. The Bill will be introduced in the ensuing session of the Parliament.
  • Salient features of proposed amendments:
    • Proposing requirement for opinion of one provider for termination of pregnancy, up to 20 weeks of gestation and introducing the requirement of opinion of two providers for termination of pregnancy of 20-24 weeks of gestation.
    • Enhancing the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks for special categories of women which will be defined in the amendments to the MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy) Rules and would include ‘vulnerable women including survivors of rape, victims of incest and other vulnerable women (like differently-abled women, minors), etc.
    • The upper gestation limit not to apply in cases of substantial foetal abnormalities diagnosed by the Medical Board. The composition, functions and other details of the Medical Board to be prescribed subsequently in Rules under the Act.
    • Name and other particulars of a woman whose pregnancy has been terminated shall not be revealed except to a person authorised in any law for the time being in force.
  • The Bill is for expanding access of women to safe and legal abortion services on therapeutic, eugenic, humanitarian or social grounds.
  • It is a step towards the safety and well-being of women and many women are expected to be benefitted by this.
  • Recently, several petitions were received by the Courts seeking permission for aborting pregnancies at a gestational age beyond the present permissible limit on grounds of foetal abnormalities or pregnancies due to sexual violence faced by women.
  • The proposed increase in gestational age will ensure dignity, autonomy, confidentiality and justice for women who need to terminate pregnancy.

For more on the issue and the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, check CNA dated 29th May 2019.

4. Madhavpur Mela


DoNER Minister reviews preparations for the forthcoming Madhavpur Mela of Gujarat.

About Madhavpur Mela:

  • The annual mela or fair is held at Madhavpur Ghed in Porbandar district of Gujarat.
  • The Mela will start in April 2020.
  • The eight states of the Northern Eastern Region will participate in a big way during the Madhavpur Mela in the 2020 celebrations.
  • Madhavpur Ghed, a small but culturally significant village, is the place where, according to folklore, Lord Krishna married Rukmini, the daughter of King Bhishmaka.
  • Madhavpur lies on the seashore, close to Porbandar.
  • A 15th century Madhavrai Temple marks the site.
  • This event is commemorated by a cultural fair held every year, commencing on Ram Navami.
  • A colourful chariot carrying the idol of Lord Krishna circumnavigates the village and the festivities usually continue for five days.
  • In 2020, the week-long ‘Utsav’ will see a vibrant cultural trail of art, dance, music, poetry, story-telling and folk drama from Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and other North-Eastern States with the aim to integrate the rich cultures of the two regions.

5. Operation Vanilla


Indian Navy launches ‘Operation Vanilla’ to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief at Madagascar.


  • Indian Navy Ship Airavat, whilst mission-deployed in the Southern Indian Ocean has been diverted to Antsiranana based on request received from Madagascar.
  • The ship will undertake Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief mission as part of ‘Operation Vanilla’ which has been launched to provide assistance to the affected population of Madagascar post devastated by Cyclone Diane.
    • ‘Diane’ is a moderate tropical cyclone.
    • It is packing maximum sustained winds of 40 knots/50 mph and central pressure slightly below 1000 mbar.
    • Diane formed just 38 nautical miles northwest of Port Louis, Mauritius.
  • During the port call, the ship, in coordination with the Embassy of India and the Government of Madagascar is planned to undertake relief operations to provide succour to the flood-affected populace.
  • The Indian Navy Ship is geared to set up medical camp and provide food, water and other necessary relief material.

6. Data on Police Organizations 2019


The Union Home Minister released the Data on Police Organizations 2019.


  • The Data on Police Organizations is the flagship publication of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD).
  • Data on Police Organizations (DoPO) is being released by the Bureau since 1986.
  • Highlights of the DoPO 2019:
    • Out of the total sanctioned police force in the country, which is 25,95,435, there are vacancies to the tune of 5,28,165.
    • The strength of women in the police forces in India is 8.98% of the total strength. This includes both civil and special armed forces.
    • There has been a rise of 9.52% in the number of women in the forces compared to 2018.
    • Population Per Police person (PPP):
      • Sanctioned: 503.40
      • Actual: 632.02
    • Police Population Ratio (Per Lakh) (PPR):
      • Sanctioned: 198.65
      • Actual: 158.22
    • Police Area Ratio (Per 100 Sq Km.) (PAR):
      • Sanctioned: 78.95
      • Actual: 62.8
    • There are a total of 16,587 police stations in the country, while the sanctioned number is marginally higher at 16,671.

For more on the DoPO 2018 and the BPRD, check PIB dated 24th Oct 2019 under the heading ‘Data on Police Organizations (DoPO 2018)’.

7. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)


NCRB launches two online national-level services related to Search of Missing Persons and to Generate Vehicle NOC; starts CCTNS Hackathon & Cyber Challenge.


  • The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) launched police-related citizen-centric services on Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS).
  • These online services will help citizens in Searching their Missing Persons and Generating Vehicle NOC.
  • The services can be accessed through ‘digitalpolicecitizenservices.gov.in’ portal or through a link in the existing ‘Digital Police Portal’. So far, such services were being provided through the state citizen portals and it is the first time that these are being launched centrally.
  • Searching missing persons:
    • Citizens can search for their missing kin against the national database of recovered unidentified found persons/unidentified dead bodies from their homes. This will hugely benefit relatives of missing persons and save them from running around pillar to post, as all such details including photos are available in the CCTNS and will now be accessible to citizens through this portal at their convenience.
  • Generate Vehicle NOC:
    • This service allows citizens to ascertain the status of a vehicle before its second-hand purchase, as to whether it is suspicious or clean from police records.
    • This search could be made against the national database based on vehicle’s details; one can generate and download the relevant NOC, required by the RTO before the transfer of ownership.

CCTNS Hackathon and Cyber Challenge 2020:

  • The NCRB and Cyber Peace foundation together have designed CCTNS Hackathon and Cyber Challenge 2020 with the aim to enhance skills and knowledge of law enforcement personnel at ground level.
  • This Hackathon has been organized to offer a unique experience to the participants, to advance their skills and knowledge and to promote coordination with industry and academia.

National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), USA:

  • NCMEC is a non-profit organization established by the United States Congress.
  • It has a centralized reporting system by which internet service providers across the world or intermediaries like Facebook, YouTube, etc. can report about persons who circulate images of child pornography.
  • The Director of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) inaugurated the Cyber Tipline monitoring facility in the NCRB.
  • NCMEC’s Cyber Tipline is the USA’s centralised reporting system for online exploitation of children. The public and electronic service providers can make reports of suspected online enticement of children for sexual acts, extra-familial child sexual molestation, child pornography, child sex tourism, child sex trafficking, unsolicited obscene materials sent to a child, misleading domain names and misleading words or digital images on the internet.
  • The NCRB and the NCMEC, USA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to receive information on such material originating from India.

January 29th, 2020 PIB:- Download PDF Here

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