APPSC Group 1 Syllabus

The APPSC Group 1 Syllabus is set by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission. The AP Public Service Commission conducts various recruitment exams including the Group 1 Services Exam. The latest APPSC Syllabus is given in the recruitment notification for the particular exam.

In this article, we will give the detailed exam syllabus of APPSC Group 1. Candidates can also download the APPSC Syllabus (Group 1 Prelims and Mains) PDF for easy reference.

For more details on the APPSC Group 1 Exam, please visit the linked article.

APPSC Group 1 notification â€“ Aspirants can check the linked article for the latest updates on notification and exam dates.

The APPSC Group 1 Exam is conducted in three stages:

Stage 1: Prelims (Objective Type)

Prelims Syllabus:- Download PDF Here

Two Papers – 120 minutes each;

  1. General Studies – 120 questions, 120 marks
  2. General Aptitude – 120 questions, 120 marks
Stage 2: Mains (Descriptive Type)

Mains Syllabus:- Download PDF Here

Seven Papers – 150 marks and 180 minutes each;

  1. Telugu – Qualifying
  2. English – Qualifying
  3. Paper I – Merit Ranking
  4. Paper II – Merit Ranking
  5. Paper III – Merit Ranking
  6. Paper IV – Merit Ranking
  7. Paper V – Merit Ranking
Stage 3: Interview 75 marks

Candidates should check the detailed APPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern.

The APPSC Exam Syllabus for Group 1 has a significant overlap with the UPSC IAS Syllabus. Candidates who are preparing for both can align the preparation strategy after carefully analyzing the syllabi.

The updated syllabus of Group 1 Prelims and Mains are given below.

APPSC Group 1 Syllabus – Prelims

Similar to the UPSC Prelims Exam, the APPSC Group 1 Prelims comprises two objective type papers.

Aspirants can see the UPSC Prelims Syllabus for reference at the linked article.

The syllabus of APPSC Group 1 Preliminary examination is:

Paper 1 – General Studies (Degree Standard) Paper 2 – General Aptitude (Degree Standard)
  1. History and Culture
  2. Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations
  3. Indian and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning
  4. Geography
  1. General Mental and Psychological Abilities
  2. Science and Technology
  3. Current Events of Regional, National and International importance

The History and Culture part encompasses the Indus Valley Civilization to Modern Indian History. This portion can be further subdivided into Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Indian history.

The candidates are expected to have an understanding of the Indian Constitution and its main parts – Fundamental Rights, DPSP, Federal Structure, Amendments, Devolution of Powers, etc.

The Economy part of the Prelims Syllabus contains both pan-India issues and Andhra Pradesh specific issues including the AP Reorganization Act, 2014.

Under Geography, the APPSC Prelims Syllabus mentions General, Physical, Social and Economic Geography.

To cover broad topics from the subjects mentioned above, candidates can take help of the following links:

National Movement
Indian & World Geography
Indian Polity
Social & Economic Development
Environment, Ecology & Climate Change

In Paper 2, the syllabus comprises questions on aptitude, general mental ability, and Current Affairs. You can check the below links to cover up this section:

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Government Schemes
  3. Quantitative Aptitude

Candidates should go through the detailed Prelims Syllabus.

APPSC Group 1 Syllabus – Prelims:-Download PDF Here

For APPSC study material, notes and current affairs, aspirants can check the linked article.

APPSC Group 1 Syllabus – Mains

The Mains exam comprises two qualifying papers and five merit ranking papers.

The APPSC syllabus for Group 1 Mains is:

  • Syllabus of Qualifying Papers
English (SSC Standard)
  1. Essay
  2. Letter Writing
  3. Press Release
  4. Report Writing
  5. Writing on Visual Information
  6. Formal Speech
  7. Precis Writing
  8. Reading Comprehension
  9. English Grammar
  10. Translation
Telugu (SSC Standard)
  1. Essay
  2. Elaborate thought of Verse/Poetic
  3. Precis Writing
  4. Comprehension
  5. Formal Speech
  6. Statement Preparation
  7. Letter Writing
  8. Debate Writing
  9. Application Writing
  10. Report Writing
  11. Dialogue Skills
  12. Translation
  13. Telugu Grammar
  • Syllabus of Merit Ranking Papers
Paper 1 – General Essay (Degree Standard)
  1. Three Essays of about 800 words each
Paper 2 – History, Culture and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh (Degree Standard)
  1. History and Culture of India
  2. History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh
  3. Geography: India
  4. Geography: Andhra Pradesh
Paper 3 – Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics (Degree Standard)
  1. Indian Polity and Constitution
  2. Public Administration and Governance
  3. Ethics in Public Service and Knowledge of Law (Civil, Criminal, Labour, Cyber, Tax Laws)
Paper 4 – Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh (Degree Standard)
  1. Major Challenges of Indian Economy
  2. Resource Mobilization in Indian Economy
  3. Resource Mobilization in Andhra Pradesh
  4. Government Budgeting
  5. Government Budgeting in Andhra Pradesh
  6. Inclusive Growth
  7. Agricultural Development
  8. Agriculture Development in Andhra Pradesh
  9. Industrial Development and Policy
  10. Industrial Policy of the AP Government
  11. Infrastructure in India
  12. Infrastructure Development in Andhra Pradesh
Paper 5 – Science and Technology (Degree Standard)
  1. ICT
  2. Current Affairs
  3. Environment
  4. Development v/s Nature
  5. Space, energy etc.

APPSC Group 1 Syllabus – Mains:- Download PDF Here

Align APPSC Group 1 Syllabus with UPSC Syllabus

The syllabus of APPSC Group 1 is inclined towards UPSC syllabus with many broad topics being overlapped.

  • The APPSC Group 1 Mains Paper 1 is of general essay. ‘Essay’ is also a dedicated examination in UPSC Mains. It is a scoring examination when a candidate knows how to write an effective essay. Candidates who are preparing for All India Services along with state services examination may know the essay writing is very important for any exam. Hence, BYJU’S brought a post on essay paper writing which APPSC group 1 candidates can refer to for state service examination as well.

Topics in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus of Paper 2

  • History – The ancient, medieval and modern history of India is mentioned along with state-specific history. The similar broad topics are covered in the GS 1 (UPSC Mains) syllabus except that ancient and medieval culture and heritage is focussed under Indian heritage and culture.
  • Geography – Similarly, topics under geography too overlap with those asked in civil services examination mains gs 1.

To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 1 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. APPSC Group aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover the history and geography-related topics mentioned in APPSC syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 1 strategy at the linked article.

Topics in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus of Paper 3

  • Indian Polity – Topics like Indian Constitution, Federalism, Local Governance, Union & State legislatures etc. are very important and are major topics covered in GS 2 of the IAS mains examination.
  • Ethics – UPSC covers ethics, integrity and aptitude in a broad manner in its GS 4 mains examination.

To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for both UPSC Mains GS 2 and GS 4 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. APPSC Group aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover history-related topics mentioned in APPSC syllabus. Check the related strategies pages below:

Topics in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus of Paper 4 & 5

  • Indian Economy & Development – UPSC mains paper of GS 3 covers broadly the topics of Indian economy.
  • Science & Technology – The same GS 3 also covers topics related to science and technology.

To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for both UPSC Mains GS 3 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. APPSC Group aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover economy and science-related topics mentioned in APPSC syllabus. Check the UPSC GS 3 Strategy at the linked article.

The APPSC Mains Syllabus for Group 1 exam is comprehensive but unlike the UPSC Mains, there are no optional subjects. Candidates can check APPSC Result in the linked article.

For more information on IAS exam and other government examinations, candidates can check the linked articles below:

  1. IAS Exam
  2. Latest Notifications of Government Exams

If aspirants are sitting for multiple state service examinations, they can get syllabus information about each of the important public service commission examinations from the links mentioned below:


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  1. Notifications about appsc

  2. Is there any interview for appsc group1

  3. How many attempts for OBC

    • Hi,
      There is no cap on the number of attempts. Till you attain the maximum age set by the Commission, you can sit for APPSC Group 1.