Difference between Advancing and Retreating Monsoon is explained here in detail. This topic is important from the perspective of Geography Syllabus. The difference between Advancing vs Retreating Monsoon given here can help the UPSC Civil Service exam aspirants to understand the basics better and know their comparisons thoroughly.
Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.
Difference between Advancing and Retreating Monsoon:- Download PDF Here
The major differences between Advancing and Retreating Monsoon are:
Advancing Monsoon | Retreating Monsoon |
Wind Movement is from Sea to Land. The wind blows from South West to North East. | Wind Movement is from Land to Sea |
Advancing Monsoon brings the maximum rains in India | Retreating Monsoon brings rains in India but not as much as Advancing Monsoon |
Advancing Monsoon carries moist winds | Retreating Monsoon carries dry winds |
The period of Advancing Monsoon starts in June and ends in September | The period of Retreating Monsoon starts in October and ends by November. |
In the case of Advancing Monsoon, winds enter India from the South (in the month of June), and move Northwards and cover the entire country in a month. | The Winds start retreating from the Northern Plains when the temperature falls in the Northern Plains in October and November. |
Most of India receives rainfall from Advancing monsoon | The Eastern Coast of South India receives rainfall from Retreating Monsoon. |
After learning about the Advancing vs Retreating Monsoon difference, it is better to know the details of Rainfall Distribution in India and Retreating Monsoon thoroughly. Visit the below-given links to learn about Rainfall Distribution in India and Retreating Monsoon in detail along with other information.These are the main differences between Advancing Monsoon and Retreating Monsoon. The differences given in the above table can help the UPSC Civil Service Exam aspirants to answer any related questions easily in the exams.
- Rainfall Distribution in India
- Retreating Monsoon
- Difference between Eastern and Western Coastal Plains of India
- Difference between Western and Eastern Ghats of India
- Complete List of Difference between Articles – History, Polity, Economics, Geography and more
Apart from these Advancing Monsoon and Retreating Monsoon differences, UPSC civil service exam aspirants can also check the articles given below in the related links to know more about the related topics. These linked articles can help the students to learn topics like El-Nino and La-Nina, Heating and Cooling of Atmosphere, General Circulation of the Atmosphere, etc. in a detailed way.
Difference between Advancing and Retreating Monsoon:- Download PDF Here
UPSC Civil Service Exam aspirants should diligently study the NCERT Geography Notes, as it is an extremely important component of UPSC Civil Service Exam Syllabus.
Frequently Asked Questions about Advancing and Retreating Monsoon
What is advancing monsoon season?
What are retreating monsoons?
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