International Relations This Week: Episode 64

International relations is a very important segment of the UPSC syllabus. In this series, we present an analysis of the most important international issues and developments that occurred over the past week relevant for the IAS exam.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has cast a dark shadow in the entire world of geopolitics, thereby deviating the attention of nations across the globe from their internal issues and issues of major concerns in the context of their own interests. A shift of focus from the ongoing crisis between Ukraine and Russia is going to be a time taking process unless a feasible solution is carved out. It becomes extremely necessary to emphasise the issues of international significance that have been experienced in the recent past and shoulder a considerable influence on India’s interests.


1. India and West Asia
2. International Arms Trade
3. Developments to Iranian Nuclear Deal

1. India and West Asia


Context: India and UAE (United Arab Emirates) signed the futuristic Comprehensive Economic Partnership (CEPA) during a virtual summit. This is considered a historic move to expand India’s trade in the Middle East.

What is CEPA?

  • A Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement can be defined as a bilateral trade agreement between the partner countries and is often referred to as a Free Trade Agreement. 
  • This acts as a potential tool to strengthen the trade relationship between countries expanding the scope of market access and furthering the gamut of geoeconomic strategy. 
  • CEPA includes trade in goods and services, investments, competitions and Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Therefore, it is a balanced, fair, comprehensive and equitable partnership agreement. 

The India-UAE Partnership: 

  • Under CEPA, UAE will eliminate duties on 80% of its tariff lines which account for 90% of India’s exports to the UAE by value. 
  • Key domestic sectors that are going to benefit from the agreement include gems and jewellery, textiles, leather, footwear, sports goods, engineering goods, automobiles and pharmaceuticals. 

Trade for a shining tomorrow:

  • With the onset of CEPA, the bilateral trade between India and UAE is estimated to reach $100 billion in goods in the next five years and $15 billion in services trade.
  • Increased trade will open up several opportunities for employment in diverse sectors. 
  • The agreement is the first in a series of FTAs that India is pursuing to boost exports sharply to 1 trillion dollars each in merchandise and services by 2030.

Read more about the India-UAE CEPA in CNA dated 18th Feb ’22.

Crisis in Yemen:

  • For a long period of time, Yemen has been in the midst of conflict as Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been fighting the Houthis in the region. 
  • This crisis began with the 2011-12 revolution against President Ali Abdullah Saleh. 
  • Due to the ongoing crisis, Yemen is suffering from a massive humanitarian crisis with more than half of the population unable to access food for survival along with a rapid increase in poverty and hunger on a daily basis as per the report of the International Rescue Committee.
  • There lies a scope of diplomatic negotiations wherein Yemen can convince the UAE to protect the interests of the Yemenis and target the Houthi rebels separately. However, there is always a chance that the civilians might get affected and harmed even if the operations are carried out against Houthis. 

Have a comprehensive understanding of the Yemeni civil war in the link.

Walking ahead:

  • A Quads group in West Asia comprising the US, Israel, UAE and India is observed to be present at an early stage of speculation. It is alleged that this group is with the intent to check Iranian expansion or to counter Turkey’s ambition to promote its power in the region. There are some individuals who believe that it’s too early to be called a New QUAD/Western QUAD. 
  • India has withdrawn from its participation in the Chabahar port and has refrained from extensive association with Iran. 
  • However, India cannot afford to treat Iran with indifference and clear ways for its adversaries to ultimately target India’s security. 
  • It is recommended that India must redefine its terms with Iran keeping its adversaries and security concerns in mind. With regards to this, Qatar has played an influential role as a negotiator with the Taliban and keeping a keen eye on the developments in Iran. 
  • The emerging events of West Asia have enormous scope for India to assess its roadmap in the region to work towards several developmental areas that are existing. Therefore, India’s interest can be served at its best by focusing on West Asia as a potential geography to engage, collaborate and deliberate. 

2. International Arms Trade

Context: The impact of the exchange of arms across the borders on several aspects of international relations has been a topic of essence and has been discussed. 

Delving deeper:

  • Ever since the end of the Second World War and the advent of the Cold War, two superpowers, the US and Russia have ushered in new technologies for the development of arms and weapons in order to protect their national security interests. 
  • These superpowers became pioneers of arms supply with the notion of protecting their own national interests and expanding their influence globally. 
  • Sufficient stock of arms and weapons with upgraded technology is indispensable for a country to defend its security interests and stay equipped and resilient against future threats in an unpredictable world of geopolitical sensitivities.
global share of arms exports 2015 19

Image source:

India in the league of arms trade:

  • India is on the top of the list of the world’s biggest arms importers. 
  • This can be explained with an emphasis on the fact that India is surrounded by various security challenges and the prominent one being posed by China’s aggressive expansionism and cross border terrorism operated by Pakistan. 
  • So it was a necessity for India to be militarily prepared with advanced arms and weapons to secure its land and maritime boundaries. 
  • India has set an exemplary mark by promoting the vision of Atmanirbhar in Defence to cut short its dependence on other countries for defence equipment.
worlds biggest arms importers

Image source:

China in the league:

  • China is interestingly having its place both as an importer of arms from Russia and as an exporter to many African countries, Pakistan, North Korea, Cambodia, Myanmar and so on. 

Way ahead:

  • The data and information related to international arms trade not only determine the intensity of threats amidst which a country sustains but also reveal the level of preparedness that a country develops to secure its territorial integrity and sovereignty. 
  • Arms and weapons with upgraded technology and other defence equipment are imperative for retaining India’s Maritime Security. 
  • In the Indian context, in the upcoming days, the government needs to be attentive in deciding the budget for the defence sector by taking inspiration from other countries and the manner in which they arm themselves with highly advanced defence equipment. 
  • Australia’s exemplary efforts to expand its influence in the Indo-Pacific can be a source of inspiration for India’s will to invest more in the defence sector for more sophisticated weaponry. 
  • There are umpteen avenues of arms exploration for India to provide momentum to its preparedness for future wars and adverse events. This can be done by examining the type of weapons and military resources possessed by smaller countries like Brunei, Malaysia that too are thriving in the midst of terrorism.

The conclusive thought:

  • It is necessary that the international communities acknowledge the destructive outcomes of war which is encouraged further by the supply of arms and weapons to wrong hands leading to their massive misuse and resulting in humanitarian crises.
  • There is a need to advocate peace and tranquillity across the nations accompanied by a sound and responsive hard power preparedness. 

Read about the Indo-Pacific in Perspective, Sansad TV.

3. Developments to Iranian Nuclear Deal

Context: Iran has come close to a revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that was pioneered by the then US administration under Barack Obama. This was witnessed right before the ongoing discontent that ignited in Ukraine and disturbed the entire European Union.

An Overview:

  • Iran is all set to redefine its nuclear policy with the revival of the JCPOA and it also sought for the withdrawal of the economic sanctions imposed by the US. 
  • Israel’s allegations that the agreement was not strong enough to be binding on Iran and its call for a more rigid norm to restrict Iran from nuclear enrichment activities, have prevented Iran, so far, from reviving the agreement.
  • Numerous harsh sanctions by the Trump administration on Iran have also added to the scepticism of Iran to revive the nuclear deal and there was a lack of an iron-clad guarantee that Iran looked for.
  • Despite the developments in the Iran nuclear deal, there exists a major question on the effectiveness of the talk that was held in Vienna to enliven the trust of Iran, ensuring nothing adverse will step against its interest. 

To read more about the Iran Nuclear Deal: Attempt to revive in Perspective, Sansad TV.

Read more International Relations This Week articles in the link.

International Relations This Week: Episode 64:- Download PDF Here

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