13 Nov 2020 CNA:- Download PDF Here


A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. China begins work on rail line up to Arunachal border
2. China chairs meet with S. Asian partners amid COVID-19
3. Trump is not conceding defeat; what’s next?
4. India, ASEAN to expand trade despite RCEP walkout
1. ‘India makes progress in vaccination coverage’
C. GS 3 Related
1. Govt. rolls out ₹1.19 lakh crore stimulus
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Can the right to work be made real in India?
2. Media regulation that is quite over the top
F. Prelims Facts
1. Vagir, fifth Scorpene submarine, launched
G. Tidbits
1. ‘26/11 masterminds not in Pak. list’
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

2. China chairs meet with S. Asian partners amid COVID-19


China held a virtual conference with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan.


  • According to the statement released, the five parties had in-depth exchanges on cementing the political consensus on jointly fighting COVID-19, enhancing cooperation on containing the coronavirus and restoring economic development and movement of people.
  • They agreed to advance Belt and Road cooperation to boost post-COVID-19 economic recovery and development.
  • They also agreed that countries linked by land ports should establish joint response mechanisms in border areas, apart from committing to greater information sharing and international cooperation.


  • This is China’s second multilateral discussion with South Asian partners in the last four months.
  • The two virtual meets signify China’s growing engagement in the region.
  • Earlier, Beijing extended a $500-million loan to Colombo as urgent financial assistance.
  • The Rajapaksa administration (Sri Lanka) has sought a further $700-million loan from China, in addition to a nearly $1.5-billion currency swap facility.

3. Trump is not conceding defeat; what’s next?


  • The U.S. President Donald Trump has not conceded defeat to his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, in the presidential election.
  • Trump has alleged voter fraud and mounted legal challenges in several swing states, however, he has not produced any evidence for the same.
  • Most elected Republican party officials are yet to acknowledge that Mr. Biden has won the election.


  • According to the results announced so far, Mr. Biden has won 279 electoral votes against Mr. Trump’s 214. But these are not official results.
    • A candidate needs 270 votes in the 538-vote Electoral College to win the presidency.
  • There is a lengthy electoral process and the official results will be announced on January 6th.

What is Trump’s plan?

  • It appears that the Trump campaign’s plan is to block certification of results from key battleground States.
    • The campaign has filed lawsuits to prevent State officials from certifying the vote.
  • All election disputes in States are required to be resolved six days before the Electoral College date (the ‘safe harbour’ deadline).
  • If the disputes in the States remain unresolved, in such a scenario, the State legislatures can step in.
  • The conflicting lists from the States would go to Congress.
  • According to the Electoral Count Act in 1887, if conflicting lists are sent, each chamber of Congress can separately decide which list should be counted.
  • If Congress cannot agree on the lists of electors, the U.S. Supreme Court could be asked to step in. Or, some legal scholars say, Vice-President, as the President of the Senate, could take a call. In such uncertainty, there are three possibilities:
    • If the Democrats’ list is picked, it would lead to a Biden victory;
    • If the Republican list is counted, Mr. Trump could retain power;
    • If votes from the disputed States are excluded from counting, no candidate will have the majority (270 votes) to win the presidency.

Contingent Elections:

  • If no candidate gets a majority in the Electoral College, Congress will hold a contingent election.
    • The House will choose the President and the Senate the Vice-President.
  • The U.S. had held contingent elections thrice in the past — in 1801, 1825, and 1837.
  • In the vote for Vice-President, each Senator has a vote.
  • In the election for President, not all Representatives could vote.
  • Each State delegation in the House will get a single vote (the District of Columbia does not have a vote).
  • Even if the electoral process drags on to this stage, the whole process has to be completed before the constitutionally mandated Inauguration Day for the new President (Jan 20).
  • If a new President is not elected by then, the House Speaker would become the acting President.

4. India, ASEAN to expand trade despite RCEP walkout


The 17thASEAN-India Summit was held in a virtual format.


  • India and ASEAN countries said they would explore ways to increase trade between them despite India’s exit from the 15-nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement.
    • The RCEP is expected to be signed between China, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and 10 Association of South East Asian (ASEAN) nations.
    • It is expected that they would leave in a clause allowing India to rejoin at a later date.
  • The discussions covered regional and international issues of common interest and concern, including the South China Sea and terrorism.
  • All the countries stressed the importance of a rules-based order in the region including through upholding adherence to international law, especially the UNCLOS.
  • The leaders affirmed the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, stability, safety and security in the South China Sea and ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight.


  • The Prime Minister of India highlighted India’s “Indo-Pacific policy” as an area of convergence for ASEAN and India.
  • He noted that a cohesive, responsive and prosperous ASEAN is central to India’s Indo-Pacific vision and contributes to Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR).
  • He underscored the importance of strengthening convergence between India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative and the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific, to ensure a free, open, inclusive and rules-based Indo-Pacific region.
  • He also invited the ASEAN countries to cooperate on various pillars of India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI).
  • He announced a $1 million contribution to the ASEAN COVID-19 recovery fund.

Category: HEALTH

1. ‘India makes progress in vaccination coverage’


According to the latest annual Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Progress Report released by the International Vaccine Access Centre (IVAC), India has made significant progress in its vaccination coverage to prevent child pneumonia and diarrhoea deaths.


  • The report suggests that India has achieved the global target of 90% coverage for three of the five vaccines whose coverage is monitored in the report. These vaccines are:
    1. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) vaccine
    2. Measles-containing-vaccine first dose
    3. Haemophilus influenzae type B
    4. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
    5. Rotavirus vaccine
  • While India’s coverage of rotavirus vaccine increased by 18 percentage points (35% rotavirus coverage in 2018 expanded to 53% in 2019), coverage against pneumococcal pneumonia increased by 9 percentage points (6% PCV coverage in 2018 expanded to 15% in 2019).
  • In 2019, India completed the “100-day agenda” (an unprecedented national scale-up of rotavirus vaccine). This landmark vaccine expansion will help protect 26 million children born each year against life-threatening cases of rotavirus diarrhoea.
  • Of the 15 focus countries included in the report, India is one of just four countries that exceeded targets for exclusive breastfeeding.
  • The report tracked progress by analysing 10 indicators from the latest available data on how countries are delivering key interventions — including breastfeeding, immunisation, care-seeking and antibiotics, oral rehydration solution (ORS), and zinc supplementation — shown to prevent pneumonia and diarrhoea deaths.


  • Nearly every country included in the report lagged in access to treatments against pneumonia and diarrhoea.
  • India failed to reach all four targets for treatment and the treatment for diarrhoea has the lowest coverage, with only 51% of children receiving ORS and 20% getting zinc.
  • Although there has been progress in India in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the hard-won gains because of disruptions caused in routine health services like immunisation and access to medical oxygen.

2. Media regulation that is quite over the top


  • Gazette notification placing online news and current affairs portals under the ambit of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

For information on this issue, refer to:

CNA dated Nov 12, 2020: Govt. to govern OTT platforms


Detrimental to press freedom:

  • The government’s move has been criticized in the article as being an indirect attack on the free press as there is the fear that this move could make the media institutionally captive.

Fear of pre-censorship:

  • The argument that the move will help create a level playing field between linear TV and over-the-top (OTT) services and digital news also does not offer much because it tries to club the only sector of the media which has pre-censorship, namely films (through the Central Board of Film Certification), with the news media which has so far, not been subject to pre-censorship.

Circumventing judicial scrutiny:

  • The move seems to neglect the fact that the issue of freedom of the press and freedom of expression are currently under judicial scrutiny in the Sudarshan News channel issue.
  • Similarly, another public interest litigation is pending in the Supreme Court relating to content on “Over The Top” (OTT) platforms not being subject to regulation or official oversight.
  • This move of the central government could be aimed at circumventing any judicial pronouncement on this issue.

Overlooking self-regulation:

  • Any move to regulate the media could be at the cost of press freedom. And regulation — other than self-regulation — could amount to censorship.
  • Self-regulation proposals given by the sector have been ignored by the government.

Self-regulation v/s government regulation:

  • The explanation that the print media have the oversight of the Press Council of India and the TV media of the News Broadcasters Association (NBA), and therefore the digital media needed a regulatory framework is not convincing enough.
  • The Press Council of India and the News Broadcasters Association (NBA) are professional bodies while placing digital media under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting would mean placing it under direct government regulation.

Fate of digital media:

  • The fate of the digital media under the control of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting could leave a detrimental impact on the media practitioner and the media entrepreneur and for the startups that have been the new vibrant face of contemporary journalism.

F. Prelims Facts

1. Vagir, fifth Scorpene submarine, launched

What’s in News?

Scorpene submarine Vagir has been launched into Arabian Sea waters.

  • It is the fifth Scorpene conventional submarine of Project 75, i.e, the fifth of the Indian Navy’s six Kalvari-class submarines being built in India.
  • It is built by the Mazagon Docks Ltd. with technology transfer from France.
  • After harbour and sea-acceptance trials, it will be delivered to the Navy.


  • Scorpene submarines can undertake multifarious types of missions i.e Anti-Surface warfare, Anti-Submarine warfare, intelligence gathering, mine laying, area surveillance, etc.
  • The first two submarines of the Project-75 have been commissioned into the Navy, third and fourth submarines are progressing their Sea Trials.

Also read: INS Kalvari

G. Tidbits

1. ‘26/11 masterminds not in Pak. list’

What’s in News?

India has strongly criticised Pakistan for omitting the names of the masterminds of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks from a consolidated list of most wanted/high-profile terrorists.

  • The report, compiled by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), mentions 19 Pakistanis in its most-wanted list of terrorists who were involved in planning and providing financial help in the Mumbai attacks.
  • While the FIA’s list includes a select few members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba including the crew members of the boats used to execute the 26/11 attacks, it has omitted the masterminds of the heinous terror attacks.
    • Lashkar-e-Taiba is a United Nations-designated terror entity based in Pakistan.

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements with respect to the Index of Industrial 
Production (IIP):
  1. It is published by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
  2. It is used for estimating the Gross Value Added of the manufacturing sector quarterly.
  3. The base year for calculating IIP is 2011 – 12.

Which of the given statement/s is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 3 only
  3. 2 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: d


  • The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is an index that indicates the performance of various industrial sectors of the Indian economy.
  • IIP forms a crucial input for the compilation of Gross Value Added of the manufacturing sector in Gross Domestic Product of the country on a quarterly basis.
  • It is published by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
  • The base year for IIP is 2011 – 12.
Q2. Consider the following statements with respect to submarine ‘Vagir’:
  1. It is the last one of the six Kalvari-class submarines being built in India.
  2. It is a part of Indian Navy’s Project 75.
  3. It was built in India with technology transfer from Russia.

Which of the given statement/s is/are INCORRECT?

  1. 2 only
  2. 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: c


  • Vagir is part of the Indian Navy’s Project-75 that includes the building and induction of six Kalvari-class submarines designed by French naval defence outfit.
  • It is the fifth of the six Kalvari-class submarines being built in India.
  • It is built by the Mazagon Docks Ltd. with technology transfer from France.
Q3. “Nyingchi”, recently in news, is located in?
  1. China
  2. Bhutan
  3. Armenia
  4. Indonesia

Answer: a


  • Nyingchi is a city in the southeast of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR).
  • Nyingchi lies near the border with India’s Arunachal Pradesh.
  • China has begun work on a strategically significant railway line (its second major rail link to Tibet) that will link Sichuan province with Nyingchi.
Q4. Consider the following statements with respect to “Swarna Jayanti Fellowships”:
  1. The scheme was instituted by the Govt. of India to commemorate India’s fiftieth year of independence.
  2. It provides special assistance and support to a selected number of young scientists with a proven track record to enable them to pursue basic research in frontier areas of science and technology.
  3. Under the scheme, the awardees are advanced a research grant of 5 lakh rupees for 5 years.

Which of the given statement/s is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1, 2 and 3
  4. None of the above

Answer: c


  • The Swarna Jayanti Fellowships scheme was instituted by the Govt. of India to commemorate India’s fiftieth year of independence.
  • It provides special assistance and support to a selected number of young scientists with a proven track record to enable them to pursue basic research in frontier areas of science and technology.
  • Under the scheme, the awardees are given support by the DST, which will cover all the requirements for performing the research and will include a fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per month for five years.
  • In addition to this, DST supports the awardees by giving them a research grant of 5 lakh Rupees for 5 years. The fellowship is provided in addition to the salary they draw from their parent Institution.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  1. Providing adequate and quality employment to all is a sine qua non for sustainable economic growth and economic development. Comment. (10 marks, 150 words)(GS Paper 3/Economy)
  2. Discuss the significance of the ‘Right to work’ principle in the Indian scenario and analyze the challenges in implementing such a scheme. (15 marks, 250 words)(GS Paper 2/Polity and Governance)

Read the previous CNA here.

13 Nov 2020 CNA:- Download PDF Here


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