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UPSC Eligibility Criteria

The complete UPSC eligibility criteria for the IAS exam are explained in detail in this article.

The IAS preparation procedure starts with obtaining accurate knowledge of the eligibility criteria for the exam. The IAS Eligibility and UPSC Age Limit for the Civil Services Exam 2024 are discussed here.

UPSC Notification
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The UPSC notification for 2024 was on 14th February 2024 by the commission. The Prelims 2024 was originally scheduled to take place on May 26, 2024. However, on account of the general elections, the IAS Prelims has been rescheduled to be held on 16 June 2024 (Sunday).

The candidates can check and download the official notification PDF from the linked article once it is available officially.

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UPSC Eligibility – Latest Update

The UPSC 2024 Notification was out on 14th February 2024. Interested candidates who want to apply for the UPSC 2024 exam, can check the eligibility criteria in this article.

In this article below, you can learn all about UPSC eligibility and whether you are eligible to take the UPSC exam or not.

IAS Eligibility Overview

IAS Exam Age Limit 21 to 32 years
Age Relaxation As per category (mentioned below)
Educational Qualification for IAS Graduation
Nationality Indian citizens only

UPSC Age Limit – Minimum and Maximum Age for IAS

UPSC Age Limit for Civil Services Exam 2024

The candidates must have attained 21 years of age and be less than 32 years of age as of 1st August 2024 i.e., the candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd August 1991 and not later than 1st August 2002. The official notification will carry UPSC Age Limit 2024 details. The official notification will carry the details about the age for the UPSC Exam 2024.

Category Minimum Age Limit for UPSC Maximum Age Limit for UPSC
IAS exam Age Limit for General Category 21 32
EWS 21 32
SC/ST 21 37
IAS OBC Age Limit 21 35

Candidates should check the EWS Reservation Eligibility in the linked article for in-depth understanding.

Civil Services Age Limit is an essential factor in the eligibility criteria. Therefore, candidates applying for the UPSC Exam should check what is the age for IAS exam before filling the online application form.

IAS Eligibility – Age Relaxation & Number of Attempts

(Civil Services Age limit relaxations, as discussed below, will apply).

UPSC Exam Age Limit for General, SC/ST, OBC & Other categories
Category UPSC Age Limit- Upper Relaxation Number of Attempts
General 32 6
OBC 35 9
SC/ST 37 Unlimited (Up to age limit)
Disabled Defence Services Personnel 35 9
Ex-Servicemen 37 9
Persons with

Benchmark Disability – EWS (Economically Weaker Section)

42 9

For details on the physically handicapped category, check the images below:

UPSC Eligibility 2022 - Physically handicapped


As per the IAS Eligibility for Defence Servicemen, the persons Disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof have special Civil Services age limit relaxation.

The IAS Eligibility states that ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of 5 years of Military Service as on 1st August 2024 get five years of age relaxation, provided whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defense issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months’ notice on the selection from the date of receipt of an offer of appointment.

IAS Eligibility- Educational Qualification

The various academic requirements as per the IAS Eligibility Criteria are given below:

  • Minimum qualification for UPSC exam: The candidate must hold a degree from a government-recognised University or possess an equivalent qualification.
  • Candidates who are in their final year or awaiting results are also eligible to appear for the UPSC preliminary Examination. All such candidates who are likely to appear for IAS exams must produce proof of having passed the said examination along with the application for the main IAS examination.
  • Candidates having professional and technical qualifications recognised by the Government as equivalent to professional and technical degrees.
  • Medical students who have passed the final year of MBBS, but are yet to complete their internship also have eligibility for IAS. Along with the Main Examination application, a certificate of course completion (including internship) from the concerned authority of the University/Institution has to be submitted.

IAS Eligibility- Nationality

For IAS and IPS:

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India

All other Services:

  • Candidate must be either:-
    1. A citizen of India, or
    2. A subject of Nepal, or
    3. A subject of Bhutan, or
    4. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 intending to settle in India permanently, or
    5. A person of Indian origin (PIO) who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zaire and Vietnam intending to settle in India permanently.
  • The candidates belonging to categories (2), (3), (4) and (5) should furnish a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. Such candidates may take the exam before getting the said certificate of eligibility, but he/she would get the offer of appointment only after the Government of India has issued the certificate.
  • Point to Note: A person belonging to categories (2), (3) and (4) are not eligible for appointment to the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).

Summary of UPSC Eligibility Criteria for IAS Exam

Given below is a summary of IAS eligibility criteria mentioning the UPSC maximum age limit, count of attempts, relaxations, and more. Candidates must satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for the UPSC IAS Exam:

Nationality for IAS exam: Must be a citizen of India, a person of Indian origin or a subject of Nepal, Bhutan or Tibet settled in India before 1st January 1962.

Education Qualification for IAS exam: Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree from a recognised University.

UPSC Civil Services Exam Age Limit: Candidate must be a minimum of 21 years of age and must not be more than 32 years of age. 

Category-wise UPSC CSE age limit, relaxation and maximum attempts-

  1. General Category & EWS: 32 years; 6 attempts.
  2. OBC (with certificate): 32 years + 3 years; 9 attempts.
  3. SC/ST: 32 years + 5 years; unlimited attempts.
  4. Physically Disabled: 32 years + 10 years; Gen/OBC/Person with Benchmark Disability(EWS category)- 9 attempts & SC/ST unlimited attempts.
  5. Jammu & Kashmir Domicile: 32 years + 5 years + (3 years, if OBC OR 5 Years, if SC/ST); Number of attempts depends on the reserved category.
  6. Disabled and discharged Defence service personnel: 32 years + 3 years + (3 years, if Gen/OBC OR 5 years, if SC/ST)
  7. Ex-Servicemen Commission Officer: 32 years + 5 years + (3 years, if OBC OR 5 Years, if SC/ST)

Related Links:

How to become IAS Officer? UPSC Syllabus UPSC Current Affairs
UPSC Notes UPSC Prelims UPSC Mains
IAS Salary IAS Toppers IAS Interview Questions


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  1. What are the subjects that I can obtain to take part in UPSC exam after MBBS

  2. Sir I want to know syllabus for a IAS

  3. Can I appear in upsc after finishing just BA (English) alone

  4. I was born on march 2000 so can I appear for CSE on 2021

  5. is it possible apply for married people (like woman)

  6. Hello sir,
    I have done Master in Fisheries Science, so i want to know, what are the subjects that I can obtain to take part in UPSC exm?

    • For Optional subject in UPSC Mains, the subjects which may have some overlap with Fisheries Science are Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Vet Science. For the complete list of 48 UPSC optional along with syllabus and tips to select one can be found in this article.

  7. Sir what are the subjects that I can obtain to attend the upsc exam after I complete my masters in forensic science?

  8. Sir what are the subjects that i can obtain to attend the UPSC exam after I complete my MBA

  9. Maine Bsc physics math se ki h
    To ye jaruri h ki optional me mai
    Graduation ka subject lu

  10. sir can i apply for cse i was born march 1999

  11. Sir/madam, iam working as JE in electricity board ,appointed at the time of 7th sem examination,thats why i didnt completes ma degree from 2 years ,can i apply

    • Hi Shobhab
      To sit for the UPSC exam, the minimum educational qualification is a Bachelor’s Degree. So, if you are graduated from a deemed Indian University, you can sit for the exam. You can check UPSC 2020 notification for the upcoming exam.

  12. Sir. Someone who graduate from ignu University is able to upsc exam.

  13. Hii, sir could you please tell me the syllabus of upsc prilimes examination

  14. Sir i born in 2002 can i give cse in 2022 ???

    • Hi Rony,
      The minimum age limit to sit for UPSC CSE is 21. Once you complete your Bachelor’s Degree and are 21, you can sit for the exam. Till then you can keep on preparing for IAS Exam and you can get the help from Free IAS Prep page.

  15. What is minimum graduation percentage for UPSC ?

    • Hi Nilesh
      UPSC has not prescribed a minimum percentage required in graduation. However, as the minimum educational qualification is a Bachelor’s Degree, you are required to pass your graduation degree with a minimum percentage of 33. Access the complete IAS guide in the linked article.

  16. I was born in September 2000 can i apply CSE2021?

    • Hi
      As of August 1 of 2021, you should be a minimum of 21 years old with a bachelor’s degree. If you meet all the criteria, you can sit for UPSC 2021. You can keep preparing using Free IAS Prep material.

  17. Can a BDS graduate apply for UPSC ?

  18. Suppose someone in final. Year.. Have cleared prelims but due to late session his examination is postponed and he didn’t Given final yeae exam till main.. So is he or she able to sit in upsc mains or not????!!!!

    • Hi Swati
      No, such a candidate will not be allowed to sit for Mains even if he/she has cleared Prelims. A final year student has to provide a proof of passing certificate along with the Mains application form, failing to do so, he/she is not allowed to take UPSC Mains.

  19. Btech student can apply or not in IAS

    • Hi Bhisma
      Yes, any graduate can sit for UPSC civil services examination, given he meets other eligibility criteria too. If you are an aspirant, keep up your preparation with our free ias prep page.

  20. if having a criminal case against someone in court can UPSE exam be given

    • Hi Satyam
      A fellow aspirant can sit for UPSC examination, given he is acquitted by the court from a criminal charge. Proven guilty, he cannot be considered fit to be appointed as bureaucrat, IPS officers etc.


    • Hi Rajat
      You need to pass your graduation degree as UPSC has not mentioned a passing percentage but only qualifying percentage. So all you need is a graduation degree. Keep up your preparation with our Free IAS Prep initiative.

  22. Hello Mentor, Myself Himanshu Singh and my date of birth is 17-06-2001. I will complete my graduation in the year 2021. In which year can I apply for UPSC?

    • Hi Himanshu,

      As per the Civil Services Age Limit, the candidate should have completed 21 years as on 1st August 2020 (for the UPSC CSE 2020) and not completed 32 years as on 1st August 2020 i.e., s/he must have been born not earlier than 2nd August 1988 and not later than 1st August 1999.

      Himanshu, you can start your preparation for UPSC 2022 by reading NCERT books, getting updated with the latest current affairs, and understanding the UPSC Syllabus (including the choice of optional subject).

      Here are a few links for your reference:
      1. Download UPSC Syllabus PDF
      2. UPSC Books
      3. Download Free UPSC Notes
      4. Latest Current Affairs

      Hope this helped.

  23. Hello Team,

    I’m born on Aug 7 – 1989 , Will I be eligible for 2021 UPSC as per Age ?

    • Hi Ranjith
      To be eligible for the UPSC Exam 2021, an aspirants needs to be a minimum of 21 years old on or before 1 August 2021. The maximum age limit is 32 years for general category for the same year. You can sit for 2021 examination as per your age as you will be 32 years old, given you meet other criteria.
      To keep up your preparation, follow our Free IAS Prep page.

      • HI I’m born on 3rd Jan 1989, Am I eligible for UPSC 2021?

      • Hi, if you belong to general category, you will not be able to sit for UPSC 2021 as the maximum age is 32 (which a candidate must not have attained as of 1st August 2021.)

  24. Hlo , sir I am doing my bachelor in optometry course which is Paramedical course I want know if I am eligible for upsc exam.

    • Hi Priyanka
      The candidate is required to have a bachelor’s degree from a government-recognised university to take the UPSC exam. So, a Bachelor in Optometry too can apply for the examination. To know more about the examination check the below links:
      1. UPSC 2020
      2. UPSC Syllabus
      3. Free IAS Prep

  25. Sir , I completed my Bcom and what is physical eligibility for IPS

  26. hi sir,i was born 2002 may 20 and can i write upsc in 2022 ?

  27. i got only 51 % in graduation can i prepare for upsc

  28. my dob is 08 oct 2001 and i m in btech first year, i will graduate in may 2023. When will i be able to give my first attempt

    • Hi Abhishek
      You can sit for the UPSC 2023 examination given you have your graduation passing certificate to produce during the UPSC Mains stage application procedure of that year.

  29. Hi, my DOB is 02 march 1989 and of general category. So plz suggest am i eligible for UPSC 2021 or not ???

    • Hi Jyotsna
      Yes, you can sit for UPSC 2021. Please note that UPSC 2021 will be your last chance as the maximum age limit for the exam is 32.

  30. I Have 1 backlog in graduation and 1 backlog in class 12
    Am I Eligible for upsc, ssc, rrb ntpc, up pcs, delhi police etc?
    Because i have heard that if we are having a backlog then we will be rejected at the time of DOCUMENT VERIFICATION even if we clear all rounds

    • Hi Syed
      Yes, you cannot sit for UPSC Exam if you have any backlog in graduation. A graduation degree is a must for IAS Exam.

  31. I am a 12th grade student and also a civil service aspirant. What degree or course should I take as an added advantage for my UPSC preparation and to reach my goal?
    My DOB is 2nd October 2003

  32. is there any percentage bar of graduation

  33. I had completed my BTech in span of 5 years can I eligible for upsc? Or any other govt jobs

  34. Sir i have completed my graduation from IGNOU , in five years can i appear in the CSE in UPSC.


  36. sir
    my date of birth is 1 august 2000 in which year i can give upsc exm

  37. My DOB is 02 August 2002 and I will complete my graduation in 2021 in which year I can appear for upsc exam

  38. dear sir/madam,
    In which month we should fill the exam form?
    can you please give me the dates of opening and closing of exam forms every year?

  39. Sir, My DOB is 7th Aug 1988. I am an OBC candidate. I will be completing my graduation in June 2022. Can I appear in 2022 and 2023 UPSC exam.

  40. My DOB is 03 July 2002 and I will complete my graduation in 2022 in which year I can appear for upsc exam

  41. sir i was born on 8th may 2001 am i eligible to appear for cse 2022?

  42. Hi , My DOB is 3 Aug 1989. Will I be able to take 2021 exam ?

  43. Hi,I am pursuing integrated MBA from a recognised university in Bangalore,can I also apply for this examination .The course span is of three years for masters
    .It’s a dual degree course.

  44. Sir my date of birth is on 07/05/2000 will i be able to apply for 2021 prelims?

  45. My D. O. B is 2/09/2002 am I eligible to apply for upsc in year 2022 ?

  46. Hii sir
    I am a BDS and my DOB is 1993 can i attempt in 2021 ? how many attempts can i have ?

    • You can sit for UPSC 2021 and till 2025 you can attempt UPSC prelims if you are a general category candidate. Only 6 attempts and a maximum age limit of 32 are allowed.

  47. I was born in 1985 and I am physically challenged. Can I give exam in 2022

    • Hi
      For physically handicapped candidates the age limit is 42, 45 and 47 years for General, OBC and SC/ST category respectively. Considering your category, you can know if you fall within these age brackets.

    MY DOB IS 27-08-1987

    • Hi Swapna. If you belong to the general category (GC), you will not be able to sit for UPSC 2021 as the maximum age limit is 32 for GC candidates.

  49. Sir/ Madam,
    I have completed my Post Graduation in English Literature and currently am pursuing my PhD in Women studies . Can i apply for UPSC now?

  50. I have graduation in computer application that is BCA. Am I eligible to fill the form of UPSC CSE. and I want latest syllabus of 2020

  51. Sir can i written in oriya language in all mains paper

  52. My dob is 20/3/2001
    Can i apply for upsc cse 2022?

  53. Hello sir,
    I was born on 4 December 2000 so can I appear for CSE on 2021?

  54. If the DOB is 10th April 1989 and belongs to General Cat. Can he or she sit in exam 2021

  55. I m born on 07November 1988 ,will I be eligible for 2021UPSC as per age

    • Hi Pratik
      If you belong to general category, UPSC 2021 is the only attempt you can give, as you will be reaching the maximum age limit which is 32.

  56. I was born in december 2001
    Can I sit in 2021 exam

  57. Sir is post graduated candidate eligible to become an IAS ?

  58. My DOB is 14th July 1985 and belongs to OBC category. Also I served in CRPF for 5 years 9 months, thereafter I taken discharged from my service. I am eligible for CSE exam 2021 or otherwise.

    • As per the eligibility criteria, the maximum age limit for OBC candidates is 35 (As of 1st August 2021). If you fall within the age limit, you can. But, if you are 36 or more, you are ineligible.

  59. can you plz give me clarity on physical ability(mostly on height). my height is 145 cm .but in criteria, they mentioned 147 cm . I am from Uttrakhand but my family migrated to Madhya Pradesh , all documents also of MP. I had graduated. am I eligible to give the UPSC ac exam or any other UPSC exam?

    • There is no height, weight and chest girth minimum requirement as such for candidates for the IAS, unlike the technical services. However, if the candidates’ measurements are disproportionate as regarded by the medical board, the candidates can be hospitalized for investigation and chest X-ray can be taken. Please note the technical services have certain minimum requirements. You may read more on physical eligibility for IAS in the linked article.

  60. Sir, I have done my graduation in vocational degree. I mean my qualification is Bachelor of vocational in nutrition and health care sciences. Does vocational degree students eligible for UPSC?

  61. I have done Mechanical Engineering. Pl. suggest optional subjects.

  62. Can the candidate have tattoo?

    • Tattoos are allowed in the IAS as long as they are inoffensive and inconspicuous. Tribal tattoos are allowed for candidates belonging to scheduled tribes with a tradition of displaying tattoos. Though information on tattoo policy in the DoPT is hard to find online, different departments who absorb successful candidates from the UPSC exam have their own rules. Tattoos are heavily restricted in most government services and aspirants should check their target department’s rules regarding the same.

  63. Hi, I am born 4th march 1989, I wanted to know whether I could be able to sit for upsc prelims 2021 or not?

    • If you belong to general category, the maximum age limit is 32 but a candidate should not have attained 32 years of age on 1st August 2021, for UPSC 2021 exam. If you are 32 before 1st August 2021, you will be ineligible for the exam.

  64. Hello sir/maam, i am born on 21st november 1989. General category. Am i eligible for 2021 and 2022?

  65. I was born in February 2003. Am I eligible for CSE 2023?

  66. Does ex-servicemen category is applicable to only Eco or Ssco ? Or it is applicable for Other Ranks means for sepoy/sailor/airmen also?

    • Hi
      As per the Ex-Servicemen (Re-employment in Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1979, an ex-serviceman is defined as a person who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the regular army, navy and the airforce of the Indian Union.

  67. Hi, my date of birth is 08/08/1990
    kindly suggest me, can i apply for IAS Exam?

    • Hi
      If you are from general category, you will not be able to sit for UPSC 2021 as the Commission mentions that a candidate should not have reached 32 as of 1st August of the exam year. Age relaxation is provided to other categories which you may read in this article above.

  68. if any one have year drop in their degree completion due to failure in any one course or due to backlog, are they eligible for upsc ?

    • A candidate has to have a minimum of a graduation degree to appear for the UPSC exam. Once you are deemed passed in your bachelor’s, you can appear for the UPSC exam.

  69. Hi Sir,
    I want to preparation for UPSC and my DOB is 29/01/1988, please confirm that can I do this.

    Yogesh Kumar

  70. Sir
    My dob is 2 Oct 2001
    In which year i can sit in upsc examination

  71. Hi sir,
    I have completed my 2 year of graduation with regular and after 4 years of gap I completed graduation with distance with science subject am I eligible for CSE

    • A candidate having a minimum of graduation certificate is eligible for the UPSC CSE exam (given he/she meets all other eligibility criteria.)

  72. Can I appear for prelims at the final year of my graduation BE?

  73. hello sir i m graduated and as well as post graduated also . i have done graduation in forensic science with good percentage. may i eligible for apply this and what is the procedure and how may i know to apply for exam .please guide me.

    • Yes, you can sit for UPSC if you meet all the eligibility conditions.
      The UPSC notification 2021 will be out on 10th February 2021 following which you can apply for the exam.

  74. Hello Sir/Madam,
    My DOB 7/10/84 belong to SC category and have relaxation of 5 yrs. can i sit for 2022 UPSC exam.

    • You can sit for UPSC 2021 given the maximum age limit for SC candidates is 37 (They should not have attained 37 as of 1st August of the exam year.)

  75. Please let me know the required height in upsc for OBC category for ias

    • There is no height, weight and chest girth minimum requirement as such for candidates for the IAS, unlike the technical services. However, if the candidates’ measurements are disproportionate as regarded by the medical board, the candidates can be hospitalized for investigation and chest X-ray can be taken. Please note the technical services have certain minimum requirements. Read more on Physical Eligibility for IAS here.

  76. Hello sir / mam
    My dob is 20 the November 1985 under obc category can I apply for IAS 2021 exam.

  77. Hello, I have completed my B. Tech in Computer Science Engineering. Which subject should i choose as main and optional ?

    • You can choose any of your interest. Since there is no Computer Science Engineering optional subject, you may go with some non-technical subjects like Sociology, Geography, Public Administration, History.

  78. Hi team
    1) I have skipped intermediate after 10th and pursuing my bachelors by Choice based credit system,
    am I eligible to take the UPSC CSE after my graduation, if I meet all the other eligibility conditions?


    2) Am I eligible to write UPSC CSE mains (if cleared PRILIMS) after my final year examinations while I still did not received any certificate from the UNIVERSITY? (passed the exam but certificate is delayed)


    • 1. The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
      2. All such candidates who are declared as eligible for the UPSC mains by the board (i.e., those who clear the UPSC prelims) should produce the proof of their passing the required university examination along with their mains application. Only then will they be permitted to take the IAS mains exam.

  79. My date of birth is 24oct 2001. I would be graduate in 2022. So can I give upsc cse 2022 attempt?

  80. Sir my DOB is 6 feb. 2000 can I apply for 2021 prelims??

  81. Sir i did bsc in radiology can i appear for upsc and if yes then which subject to choose in optional paper?

    • Any graduation degree from a government recognized college/institute/university is qualified. You have to figure an optional from the list of subjects offered by UPSC. You can go for non-technical subjects like – Geography, History, Sociology, Political Science or Public Administration.

  82. My age is 31. Am i eligible for 2021 upsc. My dob 23 07 1989

    • Hi
      A general category candidate should not have attained 32 years of age on/before 1st August of the exam year. If you belong to GC; you are ineligible for UPSC 2021.

  83. i was born on 1 march 2003 . In which year i can give my upsc exam ???

  84. Hi my DOB IS MARCH 17 -1990 now, can I apply for 2021 upsc exams

  85. I was born on 10 December 2002, which year is eligible for me to attend the upsc exam.

  86. I have completed my MBA from Pune university and my degree from a private university so may I know which degree will be considered?

  87. I was born on 15 july 2001, which year is eligible for me to attend the upsc exam.

  88. can i write 2022 upsc civil service exam i was born on 23 june 2001

  89. sir i have completed my graduation degree in 4year ,will there any problem

    pls tell me sir

  90. Sir I was born in 17 December 2000 so can I appear for cse 2021

  91. I am born on May 9, 1991
    Can i appear for UPSC CSE in 2023 ?

  92. sir i was born on 11 sep 2001 when can i appear for prelims and what is ranking for upsc exam

  93. I was born on 14 july 1990. Can I sit for the exam in 2022?

    • Hi
      If you are a general category candidate, you will be ineligible for the CSE 2022. The candidate must not have attained the age of 32 as of 1st August 2021. You can sit for 2021.

  94. I’ve done my studies till class 12 in Assamese medium .Am I eligible for UPSC?

  95. I was born on JUNE 17, 2002
    Am I eligible to write UPSC exam at 2023?

  96. I was born on 30 jan 2002 . Can i appear in CSE 2022.

  97. Hii I’m Nivetha whether UPSC accept only Government University related colleges? But I’m studied in Autonomous college.Am I eligible to apply for UPSC exam?

    • Hi
      The colleges/institutions should be government-recognized. Any candidate from such colleges/institutions is eligible for UPSC exam.

  98. Hello sir , Mera graduation 26 year me final hua hai ,kya mai upsc ka exam de Sakta hun mera 12th ke baad 5 year ka gap tha isiliye graduation me late ho gaya please sir l mera dob 05 06 1997 hai

  99. Hii Sir, My DOB is 10/7/2001, is it possible for me to appear for UPSC in 2022?

    • Hi
      If the official notification sticks to the same month/date to evaluate the minimum and maximum age which is August 1, 202; then you can sit for UPSC 2022. As of now, the candidate has to be a minimum of 21 by 1st August (of the exam year.) Keep checking UPSC notification post for updates.

  100. but for 2021 UPSC, it’s said that the candidate must have attain age of 21 by 1 july

  101. I am 29 female. planned to start preparing for UPSC prelims now. Am i too late to start?

    • Hi
      The maximum age is 32 for UR category. You aren’t late. If you aspire to become a civil servant, you may start today. Make sure to give serious preparation. For any queries related to the IAS Exam preparation, reach out to us at +919243500460. Happy to help. Happy learning.

  102. I was born in Dec of 1985, im 35 now and of OBC caste. Can i apply for UPSC this year (2021)

    • As per UPSC Eligibility Criteria mentioned in 2020 notification; the candidate must not have attained the maximum age limit by 1st August of the exam year. If the UPSC Notification 2021 doesn’t alter the eligibility conditions, and you are 35 before 1st August 2021, then you are not eligible for the exam. The notification will release on 10th February. You can check it here.

  103. Hello
    My DOB is 01-01-2000 am i eligible for IAS/ IPS exam?

    • Hi
      The minimum age required is 21. A candidate must have attained 21 years as of 1st August (of the exam year). You can sit for the 2021 exam given you meet all the eligibility criteria.

  104. Can a person with Adenoids apply for IAS.

  105. If I write UPSC – CSE in Kannada, the interview round will be in Kannada or English?

  106. When I will Be eligible for Ias My birth Year Is 2000 and i will be graduating in 2022 so when will i be able to write Ias Exam and when should i start preparing for the same

    • The candidate has to be a minimum of 21 by 1st August (of the exam year.) Also, one must have a passing certificate of the graduation degree by the last date of UPSC Mains application process. If you are planning to sit for 2022, you may begin your preparation now. You can check all the details about the IAS 2020 exam here.

  107. My date of birth is 13-06-1986. Am I eligible to appear for Civil Services Examination 2021 under NC(OBC) category? I have taken two attempts so far.

  108. Sir,
    I am Bcom final year stundent can I apply for the exam? If yes then what kind of certificate want to be submitted for the exam?

  109. Is there any criteria for choosing the optional subject for mains?

  110. Sir I am serving soldier, my date of birth is July 1983 am I eligible for UPSC or not.

    • Hi,
      The official notification mentions, “…Ex-servicemen and Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers or Short Service Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least five years military service and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment, shall be allowed maximum relaxation of five years in the upper age limit.”

      Hence, ex-servicemen can sit for an exam till 37 years of age.

  111. Can I use calculator in UPSC prilims CSAT exam?

  112. HI,

    I have completed my BA this year(2021) through distance Learning from Gitam (Deemed to University).
    I’m 1996 born and completed my 10th in 2012, after that I haven’t done 2nd Puc and directly done my graduation. So, My qualification is 10 + 3, am I eligible for UPSC ?
    Please, do let me know at earliest.


    • Hi,
      UPSC has not mentioned explicitly about 12th marks. One has to have graduation certificate from a deemed university/govt-recognized).
      It is to be noted that ‘In exceptional cases, the Union Public Service Commission may treat a candidate who has not any of the foregoing qualifications as a qualified candidate provided that he/she has passed examination conducted by the other Institutions, the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission justifies his/her admission to the examination.’

  113. I am working in the private organisation Oracle. I have 9 year of experience in software engineering. I am 32 year old. Am I eligible for UPSC exam. Do I met ex-servicemen criteria. Please help any one

    • Hi,
      Ex-servicemen criteria are for defence personnel. For any candidate belonging to the categories – General, SC/ST, OBC, PwD – the maximum age limits are mentioned as 32, 37,35,42 respectively. Please note, candidates should not have reached this maximum age limit by 1st August of the exam year.

  114. Hello sir/ Mam
    I m Salema Khatun from Assam
    I have completed master in Pharmacy & now I m pursuing PhD in Pharmacy
    Sir I want to Start preparation for UPSC, can you please suggest me what optional subject I can choose

  115. Respected sir/madam

    I am ojesh kumar Singh, basically I belong from Uttar pradesh and I am studying in Gujarat. I am just having the last year of diploma in electrical engineering wo am I eligible for giving the IAS exam after completing my diploma.

    • Hi,
      The graduation should be from a government-recognized institute/college/institution. Diploma-holders are not eligible as the UPSC Notification.

  116. Sir my DOB is 25/12/2001, n i will complete my graduation in 2022, for which year UPSC am i eligible? 2022 or 2023

  117. I did my diploma after 10 now im in BE electrical engineering can i eligible for the upsc ?

    • Dear aspirant,
      The degree equivalent to 12th is recognized by UPSC hence 10+2 or equivalent degree is eligible for UPSC CSE. Diploma holders are not eligible if they don’t have the degree recognized by the Commission. Please go through the official notification here.

  118. Hello,
    I am a student of BSc Physical Science with Computer Science Can i apply for UPSC What will be mine Subjects Can you suggest me books to prepare for the same

    • Dear Aspirant,
      A graduate with a degree from a government-recognized college/institute/university is eligible for UPSC exam given he meets the age criteria. All the subjects asked in the exam are given in the UPSC syllabus. For better clarity on the syllabus and books, click the linked articles.

      Wish you all the best!

  119. sir, I was born on 4 February 2001. Can I sit for UPSC CSE 2022?

    • Dear Aspirant,
      As per the current eligibility criteria of UPSC, an aspirant of a minimum of 21 years of age, can appear for Civil Services Examination. In your case, you will attain the age of 21 as of 1st August 2022; hence, can appear for the exam. Please note that the said eligibility criteria were published by the Commission with its 2021 notification. 2022 notification will be released in February 2022. Click here to get the latest notification.

  120. I was born on 12th august 2001 . Am I eligible for upsc cse 2022?

    • Dear Aspirant,

      As per the current eligibility criteria of the UPSC, a candidate must be 21 years of age to apply for CSE (As of 1st August of the exam year.) For 2022, a candidate must be 21 years old by 1st August 2022. However, in your case, you fall short of the required minimum age limit, hence, you can apply for 2023.

      If you are preparing for IAS Exam, click here to track the latest updates about it.

      All the best!

  121. hello sir/ma’am,

    I’m a dropout student from engineering and after 4 years of discontinuation, I completed bcom from IGNOU (distance education) and now my age is 28 please let me know am I eligible for UPSC exam.

  122. SIR my dob is july 2006 when will i able for upsc attempt

    • Hi Utkarsh, One must be 21 years of age to appear for UPSC Prelims. You will be eligible to write the exam in 2027.

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While we strive to provide you with updated information, please go through the latest official exam notification to check the detailed eligibility criteria for the specific exam year to avoid any confusion.