ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2015

Students practice the questions from previous years question papers before the board exam to get an idea on types of questions asked and their difficulty level. Doing so, they can access their current level of exam preparation and can work on their weak points to improve their overall performance in the actual board exam. So, to help them, we have provided the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2015 along with step marking for each answer. The solution pdf contains the answers to all questions and gives a deeper understanding of structuring and representing the answer in the board exam.

The ICSE Class 10 History and Civics 2015 exam was conducted for 2 hours of time duration. Students can download the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2015 PDF from the link below.

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper 2015

Download ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2015 PDF

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Topics Found Confusing and Difficult in History and Civics 2015 Question Paper

Here are the topics which students found difficult while attempting the 2015 History and Civics paper 1.

  • Discretionary powers of the President.
  • Administrative changes made by the British.
  • Rival Blocs formed in Europe before the First World War.
  • Legislative Powers of the Rajya Sabha.
  • Constitutional Head of the Union Government.
  • Why the Judiciary is kept independent of the control of the Executive and Legislature.
  • Impact of Swadeshi and Boycott Movement.
  • Cabinet Mission’s proposal regarding the constitution making body.
  • Militant Nationalism as a cause of war.
  • Territorial re-arrangement of Europe after the First World War.

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics (H.C.G – Paper 1) Question Paper 2015 With Solution

Question 1:

(a) Name the two houses of the Union Parliament.

(b) How many members are nominated by the President to the Lok Sabha? Which community do they represent?

(c) What is the required quorum to hold the meetings of the Lok Sabha?

(d) Mention one provision of the Constitution which clearly establishes the supremacy of the Lok Sabha with regard to money-bills.

(e) Who has the power to promulgate an Ordinance at the Centre? When can it be promulgated?

(f) Mention any one discretionary power of the President.

(g) State any one qualification necessary for the election of the President of India.

(h) Who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

(i) What happens if a Vote of No-Confidence is passed against a Minister in the Lok Sabha?

(j) State one advantage of a Lok Adalat.


(a) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha.

(b) Two, Anglo-Indians

(c) One tenth of the total membership of each house.

(d) The power of the Lok Sabha over the National income and expenditure is absolute/ Rajya Sabha has no power over money matters/ money bills cannot originate in Rajya Sabha (Any one point)

(e) President, at a time when both the houses of Parliament are not in session


  1. The President may withhold assent to a bill or send it back for reconsideration (in case it is not a money bill)
  2. If no Party gains majority then President has the freedom to appoint the Prime Minister
  3. If the Prime Minister has lost the confidence of the Lok Sabha and asked for the dissolution of the house, then the President is not bound to act on the PM’s advice. (Any two points)

(g) (i) A citizen of India.

(ii) Not less than 35 years of age.

(iii) qualified for election as a member of Lok Sabha.

(iv) Not holding any office of profit under the government.

(v) Should not be a member of either House of Parliament or State Legislative.

(h) Vice President as the ex-officio Chairman of R.S.

(i) The government falls/ resigns the entire ministry resign in bloc.

(j) They work in the united spirit to pacify and with understanding. It is fast and inexpensive – reduce the work load of courts/ reduce delays in higher courts.

Question 2:

(a) Mention two administrative changes that the British Government brought about regarding the East India Company’s rule in India.

(b) Mention any two contributions of Jyotiba Phule in preparing the ground for the National Movement.

(c) Who founded the Home Rule Leagues in India? What was its objective?

(d) Who is regarded as the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi? Give a reason for him being considered as the Mahatma’s Guru.

(e) Mention any two causes for the rise of Assertive Nationalism.

(f) Why was the Simon Commission rejected by the Congress?

(g) Who founded the Forward Bloc? Mention any one of its objectives

(h) What is the meaning of ‘Fascism’?

(i) Name the two rival blocs formed in Europe before World War I.

(j) What is meant by the term ‘Non-Aligned Movement’?


(a) East India Company’s rule came to an end. British government realized that the administration of India now could not be left in the hands of a private trading company. An Act for the Better government of India was passed in 1858 by which the rule of the company was put to an end and transferred to the Crown.

(b) Up-liftment of lower castes/ advocated education for the dalits to end their misery/founded schools for girls and lower casts/ set up an orphanage in 1854 to provide shelter to poor widows and their children/ founded Satya- Shodhak Samaj to mitigate the distress and sufferings of women, dalits and common people/ conceived of a society based on the principles of justice, equality and fraternity/ got water tank constructed outside his house for the use of dalits/ wrote ‘Ghulam Giri’ which focused on the domination of the upper cast and the plight of peasants.

(Any two)

(c) Tilak, Annie Beasant, self-governing Institutions from the grassroots to the Central legislature.

(d) Gopal Krishan Gokhale, because he went to South Africa where he helped Gandhi in his fight against racial discrimination.


  1. Famine and plague of 1896 affected crores of people and caused death. The British government provided slow relief
  2. Economic exploitation: prolonged drought and famine increased the misery of the peasants/ Indian traders and manufacturers lost confidence in the British Government/ India’s gold reserves were transferred to London/ India was starved of its own resources
  3. Ill treatment of Indian’s in South Africa/ Indians were subjected to racial discrimination
  4. International events: Boers fight against the mighty British empire, Home rule agitation in Ireland, Italy’s defeat in Ethopia, Japan’s victory over Russia shattered the myth of European superiority
  5. Lord Curzon’s repressive policies: Calcutta Corporation Act, Universities Act, Sedation and official secrets Act, Partition of Bengal (Any Two)

(f) Because there was no Indian representation in the Simon Commission.

(g) Subhash Chandra Bose

Objective: Liberation of India from Foreign rule/ establishment of a socialist society.

(h) Fascism meant autocracy or dictatorship where the power of the state is vested in one man only and it is obligatory for all the others to obey his orders. It has been derived from the Italian word ‘Fascio’. It is symbolized with a bundle of sticks found on an axe that symbolized civic unity and the authority of Roman officials to punish wrongdoers.

(i) Triple alliance and triple entente

(j) Does not support or align with any power block, aimed at keeping away from cold war/ does not mean submission to what we consider evil/ it means to judge every issue on its merit and not to the line with any super power.

Question 3: The Rajya Sabha is the second chamber of the Indian Parliament and represents the interests of the States. In this context explain the following:

(a) Its composition.

(b) Qualifications for membership.

(c) Term of the House and any two of its legislative powers.


(a) It consists of not more than 250 members (at present 245 members). The members fall in two categories – elected and nominated. Twelve members are nominated by the President from among persons having excelled in the fields of art. Literature, science and social service

(b) Must be a citizen of India/ must not be less than 30 years of age/ must possess such qualifications as may be prescribed by law from time to time.

(c) (i) It is a permanent body not subject to dissolution/ one third members retire every second day / members of the Rajya Sabha have a six year term (any two points)

(ii) All bills excepting Money bills can originate in Rajya Sabha / Can approve ordinances / Rajya Sabha passes a resolution that a subject in the State List can assume National importance.

Question 4: The makers of our constitution adopted the Parliamentary and the Cabinet form of Government. With reference to this, answer the following questions:

(a) (i) Who is the Constitutional Head of the Union Government?

(ii) What is meant by the Collective and Individual Responsibility of the members of the Cabinet?

(b) Explain briefly the position and powers of the Prime Minister in relation to the Cabinet.

(c) Distinguish between the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers.


(a) (i) President.

(ii) Cabinet jointly share the responsibility for the government’s policies and performance. Every minister is responsible for matters such as personal lapse, departure from official policy, breach of oath of secrecy. They swim and sink together.

(b) The Prime minister recommends his trusted senior colleagues in the Parliament as members of his Cabinet. The President then appoints them as minister. P.M. has power to allocate portfolios to the Cabinet and dismiss them. He has the power to direct and coordinate policy.

(c) The Cabinet means the Council consisting of the Prime Minister and the other senior Ministers / all Cabinet members are ministers but the other ministers are not Cabinet members. The Cabinet ministers meet frequently. They decide the program and policy of the government. The Ministers of State and deputy Ministers rarely meet. While Cabinet Ministers attend meetings of the Cabinet in their own right, ministers of State can attend only if invited to. A Deputy Minister is a junior minister and can attend cabinet meeting in very extraordinary situation. The President acts on the advice of the Cabinet in all matters. Since the Council of ministers rarely meets it is the cabinet ministers who are consulted by the Prime Minister for information and advice. Cabinet is an inner body within the Council of Ministers. It acts in the name of the Council of Ministers and exercises all powers on its behalf.

Question 5: With reference to our Judiciary, discuss the following:

(a) Why is the Judiciary kept independent of the control of the Executive and the Legislature?

(b) What do we mean when we refer to the Supreme Court and the High Court as a ‘Court of Record’?

(c) Name the Writs that the High Courts are empowered to issue. What is meant by the Advisory Jurisdiction of the High Court?


(a) Judiciary’s independence is essential for the functioning of a democratic constitution. An independent judiciary is said to be the first condition of liberty. The Supreme Court and the High Courts are the guardians of peoples’ fundamental rights. The supreme court and the high courts administer justice not only between citizen and citizen but also between state and a citizen.

(b) A court of record is one whose judgments are recorded for evidence and testimony. They are not to be questioned by subordinate courts. The judgements are in the nature of precedents. The Supreme courts and the high courts have the power to punish contempt of itself.

(c) Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo Warrento and Certiorari. High Courts can advise any government department, legislative or the Governor, if they seek it, on constitutional as well as on other matters of law.

Question 6: With reference to the growth of National consciousness in India explain each of the following:

(a) The immediate objectives of the Indian National Congress.

(b) Two contributions of Dadabhai Naoroji.

(c) The impact of the Swadeshi and the Boycott Movement.


(a) Immediate objectives of the Congress;

  1. To enable national workers from all parts of India to become personally known to each other
  2. To end all racial, religious and provincial prejudices and to promote feeling of National unity among all countrymen
  3. The formulation of popular demands on vital Indian problems and their presentation before the government.
  4. To train and organize public opinion in the country.
  5. To decide upon the political task to be undertaken during the ensuing year.

(Any three)

(b) Dada bhai founded the East India Foundation in London to inform the British of the true state of affairs in India/ as the member of the British Parliament , he rendered admirable service to the cause of India and to the people of Indian origin in South Africa./ it was due to his efforts that a resolution recommending the ICS examinations be held simultaneously in England and India was passed/ he was one of the founder members of the Congress/ he passed the resolutions on Swaraj Swadeshi Boycott and national education./ he condemned the partition of Bengal/ he edited Rast-goftar/ started a magazine Dharam marg Darshak/ wrote poverty and un-British rule in India/ through his drain theory he explained how India’s wealth was being taken away to England/ he advocated a just political system. (Any two points)

(c) All people took the vow of Swadeshi. Rabindra Nath Tagore wrote his famous patriotic song Amaar Sonaar Bangla. Vande Mataram was adopted as the war cry of the agitation. Amrit Bazaar Patrika vehemently criticized the partition. Bengali papers like Sanjeevni and Hitaishi took lead in spreading anti- British feelings. Brought into politics, new classes of people – Encouraged indigenous industries provided employment to craftsmen. Gave education a national orientation in vernacular needs. Taught Press to be outspoken.

Question 7: In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi’s demands were rejected by the British, as a result of which he launched the Civil Disobedience Movement. In this context explain the following:

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Qs Paper 2015 Solution-1

(a) Name the famous march undertaken by Gandhiji. Where did he begin this march? State two of its features.

(b) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact as a consequence of this Movement.

(c) Significance of the Second Round Table Conference.


(a) Dandi March. On twelfth March Mahatma Gandhi began this historic march from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi. 78 persons followed him but as he advanced others followed the party. He reached Dandi on 5th April. On the 6th April after his morning prayers Gandhiji violated the salt laws by picking up salt at the coast. Gandhiji’s campaign against the salt laws was a signal to disobey the government laws.

(b) On 5th march 1931, a pact was signed between Gandhiji and the governor general Lord Irwin.

1) To release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence

2) To give back to the Congressmen their confiscated properties

3) To permit peaceful picketing of liquor and foreign cloth shops

4) To permit people living near the sea coast to manufacture salt.

Mahatma Gandhi agreed to suspend the Civil disobedience movement and agreed to attend the second round table conference

(c) Gandhiji was chosen as the sole representative of the Congress for the second round table conference. The conference devoted most of its time to communal question and the representation of minorities in the legislatures both at the center and the provinces. Gandhiji was disgusted to find that most leaders seemed concerned only about their vested interests. The question of independence or of setting up of a responsible government receded into background. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India empty handed.

Question 8: With reference to the transfer of power to India, answer the following:

(a) Explain the Cabinet Mission’s proposals regarding the setting up of a Constitution making body.

(b) Mention any two clauses of the India Independence Act 1947.

(c) Why did the Congress accept the Mountbatten Plan?


(a) The Cabinet Mission proposed that a constituent assembly would frame the Union Constitution. It was to consist of 385 members. The provinces were to elect 292 members whereas princely states were allotted 93 seats. After a preliminary meeting the constituent assembly was to split into three sections. Members of all three groups would frame provincial constitutions for the provinces included in each group. They would also decide whether any regional constitution should be set up for those provinces. Finally, the constituent assembly would meet jointly and frame the union constitution.


  1. The act provided for the creation of two independent dominions from 15th august 1947, to be known as India and Pakistan
  2. each dominion was to have a governor general who would function as a constitutional head.
  3. both would have separate constituent assemblies which would even serve as central legislatures.
  4. princely states would become independent and all powers and authority exercisable by his majesty would be terminated.
  5. the office of the secretary of state would be abolished.
  6. provision was made for the division of the Indian army and sharing of assets and liabilities between the two dominions. (Any two points)


  1. Communal riots had taken a serious turn as a result of the direct action of the muslim. The League had joined the interim government to obstruct and not to cooperate.
  2. It was felt that a smaller India with a strong central authority was better than a bigger state with a weak center.
  3. The leaders felt that the partition would rid the constitution of separate electorates and India could evolve as a truly secular and democratic polity.
  4. The leaders felt that the further delay in the transfer of power would find India the midst of a civil war. (Any three points)

Question 9: The War that broke out in 1914 was different from the previous wars in many ways. In this context discuss the following points briefly:

(a) Militant Nationalism as a cause of the War.

(b) How did the treaty of Versailles seek to cripple Germany’s military strength?

(c) What was the territorial re-arrangement of Europe as a result of this War?


(a) An important cause of the war was competitive patriotism or extreme nationalism/ William Kaiser went about proclaiming that Germany was going to be the leader of the world/ In the Franco- Prussian war, Germany had seized the province of Alsace and parts of Lorraine which were rich in minerals and industrial products./ The French wanted to recover their lost provinces/ Italians looked discontented/ there was unsatisfied national spirit of Balkan states/ the political leaders and rulers succeeded in fanning hatred and passion under the cover of nationalism.

(b) The treaty of Versailles restricted the German force to 1,00,000 soldiers, the navy was limited to 15,000 men and 36 ships and the air-force was totally banned, no submarines were to be allowed/ Germany could make nor purchase tanks and armoured cars.

(c) The political map of Europe was transformed after the peace treaties.

  1. Germany was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to France/ she had to surrender the areas of Eupin and Malmedy to Belgium.
  2. Germany was also forced to hand over to Poland, large parts of industrial area of Silesia.
  3. New states such as Romania, Czechoslovakia, Finland and Yugoslavia were created
  4. The war ended the autocratic monarchies in Germany, Russia, Austria and Hungary/ Hungary was recognized as a separate state/ after the Russian revolution in 1917 Czarist dictatorship came to an end

Question 10: The United Nations was established to be an effective peace keeping international organization.

In this context explain the following:

(a) Its objectives and purposes.

(b) The meaning of Human Rights as incorporated in the Human Charter.

(c) Name the agency that the UN set up to deliver relief to children and mothers after World

War II. State any three of its functions.


(a) Objectives of the UN

  1. To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war
  2. To maintain international peace and security/ to take effective measures for the removal of threats to peace
  3. To develop friendly relations among nations/ to achieve international cooperation in solving problems of economic, social and cultural character.
  4. To establish conditions under which justice and respect for international law and international treatise can be maintained
  5. To create faith in human rights
  6. To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom
  7. To harmonize and coordinate the actions of nations in order to attain the above objectives and purposes (Any three points)

(b) Human rights refer to those freedoms which should be available to all persons irrespective of their religion, race, caste, sex, nationality or any of them

(c) (i) UNICEF


  1. To render assistance in providing protective food like milk, meat and fish to the children
  2. It takes care of interests of women and pregnant mothers
  3. Provides funds for the training of health and sanitation workers, nutritionists and crèche workers
  4. Immunization against preventable diseases
  5. Extends support to programs such as suppression of traffic in women and children and prevention of crimes committed by children
  6. To provide instant help to women and children when some natural disaster occurs or when they are overtaken by an epidemic or a disaster caused by war
  7. To supply paper to publish text books and literature relating to children (Any two)

The ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2015 must have helped students with their exam preparation. The answers in the Solution pdf have provided an in-depth to 2015 questions and the way answers to be written to score high marks in the board exam. Apart from the 2015 paper solution, students can find the answers to other papers of ICSE Class 10 Previous Years Questions by clicking here. Happy Learning and stay tuned to BYJU’S for the latest update on ICSE/CBSE/State Boards/Competitive exams. Also, don’t forget to download the BYJU’S App.


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