ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2016

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics is a theoretical subject in which the answers writing and expressing skill plays an important role in getting high marks. So, to help students in preparing well for the History and Civics subject we are providing the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2016. Going through the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper 2016 answers provided in the solution pdf, students will get a better idea of expressing the answers. The step marking provided for each answer will give a deeper understanding of structuring and representing the answer during the exam. Referring to the solution pdf will also help students to know the important topic from where questions are expected to be asked in the ICSE Class 10 exam.

The ICSE Class 10 History and Civics 2016 exam was conducted for 2 hours of time duration. Students can download the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2016 PDF from the link below.

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper 2016

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ICSE Class 10 History and Civics (H.C.G – Paper 1) Question Paper 2016 With Solution

Question 1:

(a) What is meant by ‘Residuary Powers’ of the Parliament?

(b) What is the normal term of office of the Lok Sabha?

(c) State any one subject wherein the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha enjoy co-equal powers in legislation of laws.

(d) Who presides over the meeting of the Rajya Sabha in the absence of the Vice- President of India?

(e) By whom and on whose advice are the Council of Ministers appointed?

(f) Name the official procedure by which the President can be removed?

(g) Mention any one important occasion when the President addresses a Joint Session of Parliament.

(h) Name the highest Civil Court in a District.

(i) What is meant by the term ‘Judicial Review’ of the High Court?

(j) What is meant by ‘Lok Adalat’?


(a) Residuary powers means that Parliament can make laws with respect to all those matters which are not mentioned in any of the three lists – the Union list, the State list and the Concurrent list.

(b) Five years

(c) The Constitution puts Rajya Sabha on an equal footing with Lok Sabha in matters such as

(i) The election of the President,

(ii) Impeachment of the President,

(iii) Removal of the Judges,

(iv) Proclamation of Emergency,

(v) Promulgation of Ordinances

(vi) Constitutional Amendments and Ordinary Bills. (Any one point)

(d) Deputy Chairperson

(e) President and Prime Minister

(f) Impeachment


  1. The President addresses the Joint Sitting of the two Houses at the beginning of the first session after each General Election.
  2. The President also address both Houses of Parliament at the commencement of the first session of each year, the Budget Session.
  3. If there is a disagreement over a Non-money Bill then the President may call for a Joint Sitting of the two Houses. (Any one point)

(h) Court of the District Judge.

(i) The High Court judges the validity of the laws. If a High Court finds that a particular law goes beyond the provisions of the Constitution, it can declare the law null and void.

(j) LokAdalat means “People’s Court”. Lok Adalats encourage the settlement of disputes

through compromise or settlements between the parties.

Question 2:

(a) What impact did the uprising of 1857 have on the Mughal Rule?

(b) Name the Presidents who presided over the first two Sessions of the Indian National Congress.

(c) State two reasons given by Lord Curzon to justify the Partition of Bengal.

(d) Name the famous Pact that demonstrated the unity between the Congress and the Muslim League. When was it signed?

(e) Why was the Congress session held at Lahore in 1929 significant to the National Movement?

(f) Mention any two contributions of the INA to the National Movement.

(g) Why was Mountbatten’s Plan finally accepted by the Congress?

(h) What made Japan surrender to the Allies in August 1945?

(i) State the full forms of the following agencies of the United Nations:


(j) Give any two examples of Human Rights violations.


(a) Ended the rule of Mughals and the end of their titles viz Emperor.

(b) Bombay (Mumbai) in 1885 presided over by W.C. Bonnerjee and the second session in Kokalta in 1886 presided over by Dadabhai Naroji

(c) Lord Curzon


(i) That the province of Bengal was too big to be efficiently administered by a single provincial government. It was a mere readjustment of administrative boundaries to protect pockets of minorities both in West Bengal as well as East Bengal.

(ii) To fetch more revenue through trade outlets.

(iii) To protect pockets of minorities in East and West Bengal. (Any two points)

(d) Lucknow Pact, 1916

(e) It declared Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence) as its goal and took steps to launch a programme of Civil Disobedience.

(f) (i) INA inspired uprising in the armed forces in the country.

(ii) Indian Naval ratings in Mumbai rose in revolt in February 1946.

(iii) INA undermined the very security of the British in India.

(Any two points)

(g) (i) The large scale communal riots that could rise to a civil war.

(ii) Deadlock between the League and the Congress.

(iii) A smaller India would be more viable with a strong central authority than with a weak centre. (Any two points)

(h) The US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that made Japan surrender on September 2, 1945.

(i) UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Fund

UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

(j) Examples of Violation of Human Rights:

(i) Genocide.

(ii) Torture.

(iii) Slavery.

(iv) Rape.

(v) Medical experimentation.

(vi) Sexual abuse.

(vii) Deliberate starvation.

(viii) Forced labour.

(ix) Mass expulsions.

(x) Forcible relocations.

(xi) Discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, race, gender, ethnicity etc.

(xii) Massacres.

(xiii) Taking hostages.

(xiv) Firing or bombing civilians during war.

(xv) Inhuman treatment to prisoners of war.

(xvi) Child labour, trafficking of children and prostitution. (Any two)

Question 3: With reference to the Union Legislature, answer the following questions:

(a) How is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? State two Disciplinary Functions of the Speaker.

(b) Explain two conditions under which a member of Parliament can be disqualified under

the Anti-Defection Law.

(c) Give reasons to justify why the Lok Sabha is considered to be more powerful than the Rajya Sabha.


(a) The Speaker is elected from the members of the House i.e. Lok Sabha. He should be one amongst them.


(i) Receives all petitions and documents in the House.

(ii) He communicates the decisions of the House to the concerned authorities.

(iii) He regulates the admission of visitors and Press Correspondents to the galleries of the House. (Any two points)

(b) (i) If he voluntarily gives up his membership of such political party or votes or abstains from voting in the House contrary to any direction of such party.

(ii) If he voluntarily gives up his membership of the party or votes or abstains from voting in the House contrary to the directions of the party.

(iii) If he joins any political party after the expiry of the said period of six months.

(iv) If he joins any political party after his elections.

(v) However where a member claims that he belongs to a group representing a faction arising from a split and the group consists of not less than one-third of the members of the legislative party. (Any three points)

(c) (i) Members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people

(ii) Money bills originate in the Lok Sabha.

(iii) Non- Money Bills originate in either House on a disagreement; a joint session is held where numerical strength of the Lok Sabha is more.

(iv) Lok Sabha can pass the No–Confidence Motion.

(v) Lok Sabha has a greater say in the election of the President and the Vice – President of

India, impeachment of the President, judges of the high court & Supreme Court because

of its numerical strength.

(Any four points)

Question 4: The President of India is the Constitutional Head of the Indian Republic. In this context, answer the following questions:

(a) How is the President elected?

(b) Mention three types of Emergencies that the President is empowered to proclaim.

(c) Explain briefly any four ‘Executive Powers’ of the President.


(a) (i) He is elected indirectly by the elected members of an Electoral College consisting of:

(ii) the elected members of both Houses of Parliament.

(iii) the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the states. (Any two points)

(b) The President may declare emergency in the following cases:

(i) National or General Emergency: There is a danger of foreign aggression or danger to the peace & security of the country.

(ii) Breakdown of Constitutional Machinery in the State.

(iii) Financial Emergency: In case of a set – back to the financial stability in the country.

(c) Executive Powers:

(i) He is the Executive head of the state.

(ii) Makes all important appointments like Prime Minister, Cabinet and Council of Ministers, Chief Justice and the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, the Attorney General, Comptroller and Auditor General, Chairman of various communities.

(iii) Administers Union Territories.

(iv) Function of the Government of the State when the state is put under President’s Rule.

Question 5: The Supreme Court has an extensive jurisdiction. In the light of this statement, answer the following questions:

(a) What are the qualifications of the Judges of the Supreme Court?

(b) (i) Explain the composition of the Supreme Court.

(ii) How are the Judges of the Supreme Court appointed?

(c) Explain the cases in which the Supreme Court enjoys Original Jurisdiction.


(a) Qualifications of the Judges of Supreme Court:

(i) Must be a citizen of India

(ii) A distinguished jurist or a High Court Judge for at least five years.

(iii) An advocate of the High Court for at least 10 years in succession.

(b) (i) The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and 25 Judges (may vary) as decided by the Union Legislature from time to time.

(ii) They are appointed by the President in consultation with the Judges of Supreme Court and of the High Court besides the cabinet.

(c) Original jurisdiction

(i) A dispute between the Government of India and one or more States.

(ii) Disputes between two or more States.

(iii) Disputes between the Union and any State on one side and other States on the other.

(iv) The Supreme Court entertains cases for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

(v) Final Interpreter of the Constitution

(vi) All civil and criminal cases at the first instance.

(Any four points)

Question 6: Explain the Causes of the Great Revolt of 1857, with reference to the following:

(a) Any three Political Causes.

(b) Any three Military Causes.

(c) Any four Economic Causes.


(a) Political Causes

(i) Policy of Expansion:

  1. By outright wars
  2. By subsidiary alliance
  3. By using the Doctrine of Lapse
  4. On the Pretext of Alleged Misrule

(ii) Disrespect shown to Bahadur shah.

(iii) Disrespect to Nana Sahib and Rani of Jhansi.

(iv) The Annexation of Awadh

(v) Sovereignty of the British

(vi) Spreading of a Rumor: There was a common belief among the people of India that the

rulers in India change after every hundred years. (Any three points)

(b) Military Causes

(i) The Indian soldiers were ill-treated and

(ii) Were given low salaries

(iii) The Indian soldier could not rise above the rank of a ‘Subedar’. There were no chances of promotion for them.

(iv) The General Service Enlistment Act.

(v) The incident of the Greased Cartridges forced the soldiers to raise their voice against the British.

(vi) Numerical strength of the Indian Soldiers

(vii)Loss of British prestige in Afghan War

(viii)Faulty Distribution of Troops

(ix) They were deprived of ‘Bhatta’ OR allowance. (Any three points)

(c) Economic Causes

(i) Exploitation of Economic Resources: Agricultural India was made an economic colony to serve the interests of industrial England. India forced to export at cheaper rates raw materials like raw cotton and raw silk that the British industries needed urgently; plantation products (like indigo and tea); and food grains which were in short supply in Britain.

(ii) Drain of Wealth: The transfer of wealth from India to England for which India got no proportionate economic return, is called the Drain of Wealth. The drain included the salaries, incomes and savings of Englishmen, the British expenditure in India on the purchase of military goods, office establishment, interest on debts, unnecessary expenditure on the army, etc.

(iii) Decay of Cottage Industries and Handicrafts: Heavy duties on Indian silk and cotton textiles in Britain destroyed Indian industries.

(iv) Economic Decline of Peasantry: The peasants were discontented with the official land revenue policy and the consequent loss of their land.

(v) Growing Unemployment: The traditional rulers had given financial support to scholars, preachers and men of arts.

(vi) Inhuman Treatment of Indigo Cultivators: The peasants were forced to cultivate only indigo in the fields chosen by the British planters.

(vii) Poverty and Famines

(viii) Decline of Landed Aristocracy: 20,000 estates were confiscated when the landlords failed to produce evidence like title-deeds by which they held the land. (Any four points)

Question 7: Through various National Movements, Gandhiji mobilised public support to win freedom for India. In this context, state the following:

(a) Any three causes for Gandhi to launch the Non-Cooperation Movement?

(b) The name given to the uprising of 1942.Two reasons for launching this mass uprising.

(c) The impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement in India’s freedom struggle.


(a) (i) Khilafat Movement – started by Ali brothers in August 1920 for the preservation of the office of Khalifa, the religious head of the Muslims, Gandhiji combined the Khilafat Movement with the No-Cooperation Movement as he saw this as an opportunity to unite the Hindus and Muslims.

(ii) The Rowlatt Act 1919 – gave extraordinary powers to the British to imprison a person with trial.

(iii) Jallianwala Bagh incident

Brief Explanation to be provided for each of the point.

(b) Quit India Movement (two causes):-

(i) Failure of Cripps Mission (1942):-Cripps mission proposed India dominion status. Did not propose any immediate transfer of power. It was rejected as it did not bring with it the promise of Independence in near future.

(ii) Japanese threat: – In 1942, the Japanese Army attacked Myanmar and marched towards India. British presence in India was an invitation to the Japanese army to invade India. Gandhi ji asked the British to quit India i.e., immediate withdrawal of British.

(iii) Disagreement between the Congress and the Muslim League. (Any two points)

(c) Impact of the Non Cooperation movement:

(i) National movement became of mass movement.

(ii) Instilled confidence among the people.

(iii) Congress revolutionary movement.

(iv) Fostered Hindi-Muslim unity.

(v) Promoted social reforms.

(vi) Spread of Nationalism.

(vii) Popularized cult of Swaraj. (Any four points)

Question 8: The Partition of Bengal and the Formation of the Muslim League were two important events that had its impact on the National Struggle for Independence. In this context, explain the following:

(a) Impact of Swadeshi and Boycott movements as part of the Anti-Partition Movement.

(b) Any three factors leading to the formation of the Muslim League.

(c) Objectives of the Muslim League.


(a) Impact:

(i) Brought into politics new classes of people

(ii) Taught the Press to outspoken, youth power demonstrated

(iii) Encouraged native industries.

(iv) Gave impetus to nationalist poetry, prose and journalism.

(v) Gave education a nat. orientation.

(vi) Created confidence of patriotism. (Any three points)

(b) (i) Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental Association (1893) to promote support for the British to prevent Muslims from participating in any political Movement.

(ii) Bengal partitioned in 1905 to create division between Hindus and Muslims.

(iii) Lord Minto received a deputation of Muslims at Simla in October 1906 and assured Muslims that their political rights would be protected.

(iv) Mohammedan Educational Conference was held at Dacca in December 1906 and it accepted the proposal and form a Central Organisation for Muslims. Muslim League was established on December 30, 1906 under the Presidentship of NawabSalimullah.

(Any three points)

(c) Objectives of the League:

(i) To promote among Indian Muslims feelings of loyalty towards the British Government.

(ii) The League would also remove misconception that may arise as to the intentions of Government in relation to Indian Muslims.

(iii) To protect the political and other rights of the Muslims and to place their needs and aspirations before the Government in mild and moderate language.

(iv) To prevent the rise of any feeling of hostility between Muslims and other communities, without adversely affecting the aforesaid objectives of the League.

(Four points)

Question 9:

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Qs Paper 2016 Solution-1

(a) Identify the leader in the picture. Give two examples to state that the leader followed an expansionist policy.

(b) State three factors that led to the rise of Fascism.

(c) State four similarities between the ideologies of Nazism and Fascism.


(a) Benito Mussolini

(i) Mussolini used to say “Italy must expand or perish.”

(ii) He regained the Islands of Rhodes.

(iii) Dodecanese (ceded to Greece) as well as the city of Fiume.

(iv) He turned Albania into a protectorate of Italy.

(v) Entered into commercial and diplomatic treaties with France and Russia.

(vi) Captured Abyssinia in 1936.

(vii) Italy was drawn towards Germany. (Any two examples)

(b) Factors:

(i) Discontentment after the Treaty of Versailles.

(ii) Economic Crisis.

(iii) Political Instability.

(iv) Class conflicts.

(v) Threat of Socialism and Communism.

(vi) Failure of League of Nations.

(vii) Leadership provided by Mussolini. (Any three points)

(c) Four similarities:

(i) Faith in Totalitarian rule (Dictatorship).

(ii) to despise democratic political system.

(iii) State is supreme and could suppress Fundamental rights and freedom of individuals.

(iv) to uphold one party- one leader.

(v) Believed in Aggressive Nationalism and Imperialism.

(vi) Extol war, believed in Aggressive Foreign policy.

(vii)Anti-communist, anti-socialist, anti-democratic. (Any four points)

Question 10: With reference to the United Nations and its related Agencies, answer the following questions:

(a) Explain any three functions of the WHO.

(b) State the composition of the International Court of Justice.

(c) State any four functions of the General Assembly.


(a) WHO (World Health Organization)

FUNCTIONS (any three):

(i) Helps different countries to reinforce their health system by building up infrastructure, particularly health, manpower, health institutions and services for the individual family and community.

(ii) Promotes the research required to appropriate technologies relating to all aspects of environmental safety, mental health, control of specific diseases, medical care, prevention of accidents and rehabilitation.

(iii) Plays a major role in providing safe drinking water and adequate waste disposal for all.

(iv) It makes a worldwide campaign in providing effective immunization.

(v) It organizes conference and seminars. It sends specialists to different countries to

give suggestions for the health of the people, especially women and children.

(vi) It makes efforts on an international scale in combating diseases- Measles, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Polio and Whooping Cough which are known as killers of infants and young children.

(vii) WHO brings out health journals like the ‘Bulletin of the World Health Organization’.

(viii) It has also set standards for many life-saving drugs. (Any three points)

(b) Composition:

(i) 15 judges elected by General Assembly on the recommendation of Security Council

(ii) For a term of 9 years

(iii) Elections held every three years for 1/3 of the seats.

(iv) Retiring judges may be re-elected. (Any three points)

(c) (i) Main deliberative organ of the UN.

(ii) Appoints Secretary General of the UN on the recommendation of the Security Council.

(iii) to discuss questions relating to international peace of security.

(iv) To decide the scope of the UN Charters with those powers and functions of any organ of the UN that may be affected.

(v) To receive and consider reports from the Security Council and other organs of the UN.

(vi) Approve the budget of UN and to allocated finances among members.

(vii) Elect non-permanent members of the Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council and to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice. (Any four points)

We hope ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2016 must have provided an insight into the 2016 Question paper and their solutions. Going through this paper solution will surely help students in their exam preparation. Students can also find the answers of other papers of ICSE Class 10 Previous Years Questions by clicking here. Happy Learning and stay tuned to BYJU’S for the latest update on ICSE/CBSE/State Boards/Competitive exams. Also, don’t forget to download the BYJU’S App.


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