ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper Solution 2017

ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper Solution 2017 is available here for students practice. Solving the question paper will give an idea to students on types of questions asked in the year 2017 and the difficulty of the exam. Practicing the questions from the 2017 ICSE Class 10 Geography Question paper will also give students an understanding of the exam trend over the years. They can analyse how the way of asking the questions in the exam has been changed. Thus, knowing it, they can prepare in a better way for the upcoming ICSE Exam.

The ICSE Class 10 Geography 2017 exam was conducted on 20th March 2017. The exam started at 11 am and students were allotted 2 hours of time duration to finish the paper. Students can download the ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper Solution 2017 PDF from the link below.


ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2017



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ICSE Class 10 Geography (H.G.C – Paper 2) Question Paper 2017 With Solution

Question 1: Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/10 and answer the following questions:

(a) Give the six-figure grid reference for:

(i) The highest point in this map extract.

(ii) Surveyed tree north of Rampura Khera.

(b) On which bank of Sukli Nadi lies:

(i) Butri

(ii) Padrugarh

(c) Differentiate between the drainage pattern shown in grid square:

(i) 0704

(ii) 0705

(d) The region in this map extract receives seasonal rainfall. Give two reasons for

your answer.

(e) Calculate the distance in km between settlement Bhatana and Makawal along the

cart track.

(f) State the Compass direction of the following:

(i) Dattani from Marol.

(ii) Dhavli from Makawal.

(g) (i) Mention a social activity of people living in Marol.

(ii) What is the main occupation of the people living in this region?

(h) What do you understand by:

(i) The black broken line in 0807

(ii) The vertical black line close to Easting 10

(i) What is the main source of water supply to Bhatana? Give a reason for your answer.

(j) (i) Name one natural feature in the grid square 0905.

(ii) Identify one man made feature in the grid square 1003


(a) (i) Highest point (spot height 365) 078065

(ii) Surveyed tree – 072074

(b) (i) Butri – Left Bank

(ii) Padrugarh – Right

(c) (i) 0704 – Trellised

(ii) 0705 – Radial

(d) Cart Track motorable in the dry season/ dry tanks / dry river beds / seasonal streams. (Any two)

(e) 4.9 km – 5 km.

(f) (i) South west

(ii) North east

(g) (i) Monthly fair at Marol

(ii) Cultivation / farming / agriculture

(h) (i) Undefined drainage pattern / disappearing drainage pattern.

(ii) Longitude line – 72o 35′ east

(i) Perennial lined wells – are marked all over the settlement and the seasonal tank is dry in the dry season.

(j) (i) 0905 – broken ground / isolated hillocks / seasonal streams. (Any one)

(ii) 1003 – PO / Temple / permanent settlement / cart track / seasonal tank / seasonal tank with

embankment / perennial lined well. (Any one)

Question 2: On the outline map of India provided:

(a) Draw and name the Tropic of Cancer.

(b) Label the river Godavari.

(c) Mark and name the Garo Hills.

(d) Mark C on the coal fields in Jharia.

(e) Mark with an arrow and name the NE monsoon over the Bay of Bengal.

(f) Shade and name the Gulf of Kutch.

(g) Shade and name the coastal plain that receives rainfall in October-November.

(h) Mark with a dot and name Delhi.

(i) Shade a region with Black Cotton Soil.

(j) Use an arrow to point at a densely populated state in South India.


ICSE Class 10 Geography Qs Paper 2017 Solution-1

Question 3:

(a) Mention the four seasons that prevail in India stating the months for each.

(b) State the agricultural benefits derived from:

(i) The Westerly Depressions in Punjab.

(ii) The Kalbaisakhi in Assam.

(c) Give a reason for each of the following:

(i) Kolkata receives heavier rain than Lucknow.

(ii) The Summer Monsoon winds blows over the Arabian Sea from the South-west.

(iii) Thar is a desert.

(d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp 0C 12.0 25.5 26.3 27.1 30.0 36.2 36.0 35.9 30.3 28.4 21.0 16.6
Rainfall cm 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.4 1.1 21.0 25.3 27.2 24.0 9.4 1.5 0.4

(i) What is the annual range temperature of the station?

(ii) What is the total annual rainfall experienced by the station?

(iii) Why would it be correct to presume that the station lies in the interior and not on the coast?


(a) Cold/winter – December to February

Hot /summer – March to May

Monsoon – June to September

Retreating monsoon – October, November

(b) (i) Westerly Depression – wheat and barley in Punjab

(ii) Kalbaisakhi – tea in Assam

(c) (i) Kolkata is situated in the Ganga delta region whereas Lucknow is located inland in the middle course of the Ganga. The Bay of Bengal branch of the SW monsoon is exhausted as it blows up the Ganga Plain. Therefore, Kolkata receives more rainfall than Lucknow.

(ii) As the SE trade winds cross the Equator they are deflected to their right (according to Ferrel’s law) and blow towards the West coast from the South West when they cross the Arabian Sea.


– The Arabian Sea branch of SW monsoon blows parallel to the Aravalli that do not intercept the winds. Therefore, no rain.

– Less than 25 cm rainfall occurs in winter due to the westerly depressions.

– The Bay of Bengal branch of SW monsoon is exhausted by the time it reaches the windward slopes of the Aravallis. These winds shed no rain on the leeward side where the Thar Desert lies.

– Humidity is very low in summer. The moisture evaporates before it could rain.

– The moisture laden winds blowing over Rajasthan do not saturate as the

(d) (i) 24.2oC

(ii) 112.9 cm

(iii) It is in the interior because the annual range temperature is high as 24.2°C/ the rain is only 112.9 cm, while a place on the coast would have a much heavier rainfall.

Question 4:

(a) Mention two differences between Alluvial Soil and Black Cotton Soil.

(b) Name an area in India in which each of the following processes take place:

(i) Sheet erosion

(ii) Gully erosion

(c) What is soil conservation? State a method of soil conservation in the:

(i) Arid and Semi-Arid region.

(ii) river valleys prone to flood.

(d) Name the soil which:

(i) is good for cultivation of sugarcane.

(ii) is acidic in nature.

(iii) occurs exsitu.



Alluvial Soil Black Soil
Transported Soil Residual soil
Exsitu Insitu
Less moisture retention More moisture retention
Lighter in colour Dark in colour
Sandy / coarse in texture Clayey / fine grain
Rich in humus Deficient in humus

(b) (i) Sheet erosion – flood plains of Brahmaputra, Ganga, Kosi, Damodar, Nilgiris.

(ii) Gully erosion – Chambal valley

(c) Soil conservation is an effort made by man to prevent soil erosion and to retain its fertility.

A method of soil conservation:

(i) Planting of shelter belts / afforestation / re-afforestation

(ii) Construction of dams and barrages

(d) (i) Good for sugarcane – alluvial / black cotton soil.

(ii) Acidic soil – laterite soil

(iii) Alluvial soil

Question 5:

(a) How do trees in the Tropical desert forests adapt themselves to the dry climate?

(b) Name the tree as per its characteristics given below:

(i) The wood is hard and suitable for ship building.

(ii) The stilt roots are underwater during high tide.

(c) Explain why the forest cover in India is shrinking?

(d) Name the natural vegetation found in the following regions:

(i) The western slopes of the Western Ghats.

(ii) The Nilgiris.

(iii) Western Rajasthan.


(a) Trees in the tropical desert forests adapt themselves as they have long roots, small leaves, hard thorns or sharp spines / xerophytic in nature. (Any two)

(b) (i) Teak

(ii) Sundari / Hintal / Gorjan

(c) − Increased demand for forest products

− Deforestation

− Urban sprawl/industrialization

− Overgrazing by the cattle

− Faulty agricultural practices eg. Jhuming

(Any three)

(d) (i) Western slopes of Western Ghats – tropical evergreen forests / rain forests.

(ii) Nilgiris – mountain forests.

(iii) W Rajasthan – desert and semi desert / thorn and scrub.

Question 6:

(a) Give a reason for the significance of irrigation in:

(i) Punjab.

(ii) Rajasthan.

(b) Name a state where:

(i) Tube wells are common.

(ii) Tank irrigation is popular.

(c) Give one Geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Sprinkler irrigation is practised in arid and semi-arid regions.

(ii) A tube well should be installed in a fertile and productive region.

(iii) Canal irrigation is more suitable in the Northern Plains.

(d) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

ICSE Class 10 Geography Qs Paper 2017 Solution-2

(i) Name the activity shown in the diagram.

(ii) Give two objectives of the activity named in (d) (i).


(a) (i) Punjab – Rainfall is uncertain and varies from year to year and place to place / seasonal / water needed for Rabi crops (winter). The region is rich in agriculture.

(ii) Rajasthan – West Rajasthan receives less than 25 cm rainfall.

(b) (i) Uttar Pradesh / Bihar / Punjab / Haryana / Rajasthan / West Bengal (Any one)

(iii) Tamil Nadu / Andhra Pradesh / Karnataka (Any one)

(c) (i) Sprinkler irrigation – water is supplied through pipes – there is no loss of water by evaporation. Therefore, minimum wastage.

(ii) A tube well must be installed in a productive region so that the cost of construction and operation of the tube well may be recovered from increased farm production / it is less expensive / can be installed in the farming area / occupies less space / free from pollution.

(iii) Perennial rivers in the Northern plains supply water / plain surface for easy drainage / soft

earth-easy to construct canals.

(d) (i) Rainwater harvesting / ground water recharge

(ii) Objectives of rainwater harvesting:

− To meet the increasing demand for water

− To reduce surface runoff

− To avoid flooding of roads

− To raise the groundwater level

− To improve the quality of ground water/reduce ground water pollution

− To reduce soil erosion

− To supplement household requirements of water during the hot summers

(Any two)

Question 7:

(a) Give the names of four important types of iron ore found in India. [2]

(b) Name the following:

(i) An offshore oil field in the Gulf of Cambay.

(ii) An oil refinery in Bihar.

(c) (i) Name the state that produces the largest amount of limestone.

(ii) State two uses of limestone.

(d) State an important industrial use of:

(i) Manganese

(ii) Coal

(iii) Aluminium


(a) Four types of Iron ore mined in India:

(i) Magnetite

(ii) Hematite

(iii) Limonite

(iv) Siderite

(b) (i) Aliabet island close to Bhavnagar in the Gulf of Cambay.

(ii) Barauni

(c) (i) Madhya Pradesh / Rajasthan / Gujarat / Andhra Pradesh / Tamil Nadu

(ii) Limestone is used as raw material in fertilizer plants / chemicals / iron and steel / cement /glass industry.

(d) Industrial use of

(i) Manganese – raw material for making steel / paints / glass. (Any one)

(ii) Coal – main source of power generation / generate thermal electricity / fuel / used in iron and steel industries, chemical industries, cement industry, railway industry. (Any one)

(iii) Aluminum – raw material for manufacture of aircrafts / automobile / electronic goods / utensils.

Question 8:

(a) What is Mixed farming? Mention any one benefit of Mixed farming.

(b) Give the Geographical requirements for the cultivation of Sugarcane.

(c) Explain the following terms and name the crop with which each is associated:

(i) Retting

(ii) Ratooning

(iii) Ginning

(d) Give geographical reasons for the following:

(i) Regular pruning is essential for tea bushes.

(ii) Coffee beans are roasted.

(iii) Millets are known as dry crops.


(a) Mixed farming – cultivation of crops and livestock rearing on the same farm.

One benefit – cattle and poultry do not need extra expenditure; they thrive on farm waste / Livestock provides substitute income when crops are not ready.

(Any one)

(b) Geographical requirement for Sugarcane cultivation:

− 20 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius temperature

− 100 to 200 cm rainfall

− Alluvial or Black soil (well drained)

(c) (i) Retting – It is a microbiological process in which the jute bundles are submerged in soft, clean water for 2 – 3 weeks, this helps to loosen the outer bark and helps in removal of the fibre from the stalk.

(ii) Ratooning – It is a shoot from the root-stock of sugarcane which has been cut leaving the root intact in the soil.

(iii) Ginning – It is the process in which cotton fibre is separated from the seed / raw material.

(d) (i) It helps in growing new shoots bearing soft leaves in plenty / facilitates plucking.

(ii) Roasting gives coffee its taste, colour and flavor.

(iii) Millets can withstand high temperatures and drought / it is a hardy crop / can grow in areas of scanty rainfall / in adverse climatic conditions.

Question 9:

(a) Differentiate between Mineral-based Industry and Agro-based industry giving one example for each.

(b) ‘Though Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of sugar mills yet Maharashtra is the largest producer of sugar.’ Give any two reasons to justify the statement.

(c) Give the geographic term for each of the following:

(i) Non-mulberry silk produced in Madhya Pradesh.

(ii) Rejected cane after crushing.

(iii) The rearing of silk worms to obtain silk.

(d) With reference to the cotton textile industry answer the following questions:

(i) Give two reasons why Mumbai is an important cotton textile industry.

(ii) Mention two more important centres of cotton textile industry in India.


(a) Mineral based industries use raw materials obtained from mines / e.g. iron and steel / cement / shipbuilding.

Agro based industries use raw materials obtained from agriculture / e.g. sugar / cotton / jute.

(b) Maharashtra is the largest producer of sugar

− the geographical conditions in the south are more suitable (temperature 20-30 degree

Celsius, rain 100-200 cm, no frost, black lava soil).

− Large holdings are well planned.

− Longer crushing season.

− Mills are near the plantation (no loss of sucrose and cost of production is low).

− Mills better managed in the cooperative sector.

− The sugar lobby is responsible for large capital investment; hence farmers are interested in growing sugarcane. (Any two)

(c) (i) Tussar

(ii) Bagasse

(iii) Sericulture

(d) With reference to cotton textile industry:

(i) – Easy availability of raw material from the Black Soil region of Maharashtra.

– Humid climate.

– Cheap hydroelectric power.

– Mumbai has international port – import / export facility.

– Existence of ready market.

– Skilled and unskilled labour from surrounding areas.

– Well connected with hinterland by roads and railways.

– Abundant supply of soft water for dyeing and bleaching.

– Banking facilities available. (Any two)

(ii) Ahmedabad / Surat / Bhavnagar / Kanpur / Coimbatore / Madurai / Salem / Modinagar /Etawah / Moradabad / Saharanpur. (Any two)

Question 10:

(a) ‘The Iron and Steel industry constitutes the backbone of modern industrial economy.’

Give two reasons to justify the statement.

(b) (i) Name an Iron and Steel Industry set up in Orissa with the help of a famous German firm.

(ii) From where does the industry named in b (i) get its iron ore and manganese?

(c) Name a manufacturing centre for each of the following industries:

(i) Aircraft

(ii) HMT

(iii) Railway coaches

(d) Name two products each of the following industries:

(i) petrochemical industry.

(ii) heavy engineering industry.

(iii) electronic industry.


(a) Iron and steel industry:

− Supplies necessary machinery for production of other goods

− Railway tracks, engines, ships and motors are made of iron and steel

− Used in constructing bridges

− Making armaments

− Water pipes and sewage covers

− Infrastructural necessities in airports and seaports

− Other capital goods

− Supports agriculture, fertilizer and cement industry (Any two)

(b) (i) Rourkela Steel Plant

(ii) Iron ore – Bonaigarh, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Noamundi, Sundergarh

Manganese – Noamundi / Keonjhar.

(c) (i) Aircraft – Bengaluru / Nasik / Korapat / Hyderabad / Lucknow / Kanpur.

(ii) H.M.T. – Bengaluru / Hyderabad / Srinagar / Ajmer / Ranchi / Secunderabad.

(iii) Railway coaches – Chennai / Kapurthala in Punjab.

(d) (i) Plastics / insecticides / Synthetic fibre / Synthetic rubber / PVC / Polythene

(ii) Ships / Aircrafts / Automobiles.

(iii) Computers / Television Sets / Audio systems

Question 11:

(a) Mention two reasons why more people use railways rather than airways.

(b) Why is inland waterways declining in its importance? Give two reasons for your answer.

(c) What do you mean by the following:

(i) Sewage.

(ii) Eutrophication.

(iii) Recycling.

(d) What do you mean by the following:

(i) Sewage.

(ii) Eutrophication.

(iii) Recycling.

(d) ‘Methane is an air pollutant that causes Green House effect.’ Name three sources of this gas.


(a) More people travel by railways than by airways because:

– Airways are expensive.

– Airways do not allow passengers to carry much luggage.

– Not all places are connected by airways. (Any two)

(b) Indian waterways is declining its importance because:

– It provides access to limited areas.

– It is much slower than roadways and railways.

(c) (i) Sewage: the waste water discharge from domestic premises like residences, institutions, and commercial establishments is known as sewage.

(ii) Eutrophication: Type of water pollution / it is process of depletion of oxygen from the water bodies either through natural or due to human activities / This process takes place due to introduction of nutrients and chemicals through discharge of domestic sewage, waste from industries and from agricultural fields.

(iii) Recycling or reuse involves the collection of used and discarded materials and processing

these materials and making them into new products.

(d) Methane comes from

– Cattle shed

– Swamps

– Coal mines

– Decomposition of vegetable matter

(Any three)

We hope ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper Solution 2017 must have helped students in their exam preparation. We have also compiled the solutions of other subjects of ICSE Class 10 Previous Years Question Papers at one place. Students can access them by clicking here. Stay tuned to BYJU’S for the latest update on ICSE/CBSE/State Boards/Competitive exams and don’t forget to download the BYJU’S App.


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