ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2017

Students can find the answers to all the questions of the 2017 History and Civics paper here in ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2017 pdf. Apart from the pdf, we have provided the solved questions on the page as well. Whenever students get stuck to any question while solving the paper, then they can refer to the solutions presented here. They can also download the solution pdf and refer to it anytime offline as well.

The ICSE Class 10 History and Civics 2017 exam was conducted on 17th March 2017. The exam started at 11 am and students were allotted 2 hours of time duration to finish the paper. Students can download the ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2017 PDF from the link below.

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper 2017

Download ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Question Paper Solution 2017 PDF

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ICSE Class 10 History and Civics (H.C.G – Paper 1) Question Paper 2017 With Solution

Question 1:

(a) State any one federal feature of the Indian Constitution.

(b) How are the Rajya Sabha members elected?

(c) Who presides over the Joint Session of the two Houses of Parliament?

(d) Under what condition can a non-member of Parliament be made a Minister?

(e) When can the Speaker of the Lok Sabha cast his vote?

(f) When can the President use his Discretionary power to appoint the Prime Minister?

(g) What is meant by ‘Collective Responsibility’ of the Cabinet?

(h) How long can the Rajya Sabha retain the money bill sent by the Lok Sabha?

(i) State one other qualification required to become a Judge of the High Court, apart from Indian citizenship.

(j) Mention one reason to state that the Lok Adalat has its own advantage.


(a) They are:

(i) A written constitution

(ii) Bicameral legislature

(iii) An independent judiciary/ (Supreme Court is the Final Interpreter of the Constitution)

(iv) Division of powers /(between the Union and the States)

(b) They are elected indirectly by the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies.

(c) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

(d) If the Prime Minister so desires, however he/she must be elected / nominated to either house before six months.

(e) When the votes for and against in the House on a proposal are equal, the speaker gives a casting vote. This vote decides whether or not the proposal will be passed.

(f) When no political party has received an absolute majority, when there is a hung Parliament or a coalition government.

(g) The Cabinet is collectively responsible to the Parliament and has to resign if it loses the confidence of the Lok Sabha. (Team/Joint Work Responsibility/Swim & Sink together)

(h) 14 days

(i) 1. He should have held a judicial office for at least ten years.

2. He must have been an advocate of a High Court for at least ten years.

(j) Speedy justice/ (Reduces Delay/Save Time)

Is affordable /(inexpensive, cheap, economical)

Caters to the weaker sections of society

No compromise/ (settle disputes through compromise, understanding)

Reduces the workload of other courts.

Awards passed by Lok Adalat are final and binding on the parties. / (No appeal)

Question 2:

(a) Mention any two Repressive Colonial policies of Lord Lytton.

(b) Name the two main Associations that were the precursors of the Indian National Congress.

(c) Give the names of two leaders who led the Home Rule Movement in India.

(d) What was the Khilafat Movement?

(e) State any two provisions of the Rowlatt Act passed by the Government in 1919.

(f) Mention any two objectives of the Indian National Army.

(g) Why did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic march to Dandi?

(h) State the significance of the Policy of Appeasement as a cause for the Second World War.

(i) Give the reason as to why Japan invaded China.

(j) Mention any two functions of UNESCO in the field of Education.


(a) Arms Act (1878) and Vernacular Press Act (1878). The Imperial Darbar at Delhi/The age limit for the ICS Exam reduced/Import duties on Indian Textile) (Any two points)

(b) Indian National Association, the East India Association, Indian National Conference. (Any two points)

(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Dr. Annie Besant.

(d) (i) The Caliph of Turkey lost all territories inhabited by peoples other than Turks.

(ii) The Sultan was deprived of real authority over such territories and this angered the Muslims in India.

(iii) A Khilafat Committee was formed to champion the cause of the Caliph of Turkey by the Ali brothers. Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali. (Any two points)

(e) Rowlatt Act:

(i) Arrest of a person without warrant.

(ii) In camera trial (trial in seclusion).

(iii) Restrictions on movements of individuals

(iv) Suspension of the Right of Habeas Corpus. / (No dalil No vakil No appeal)

(f) Objectives of the INA:

(i) To organise an armed revolution and to fight the British army with modern arms.

(ii) Since it was not possible for the Indians to organise an armed revolution from their homeland, this task must be assigned to Indians living abroad, particularly to Indians living in East Asia.

(iii)To organise a provisional government of Free India in order to mobilise all the forces effectively.

(iv) Total mobilisation of Indian man -power and money for a total war.

(v) The motto of the INA was unity, faith, sacrifice.

(vi)To lead the Indian people to regain their lost freedom.

(vii) To liberate India from the British Rule (Any two points)

(g) (i) The government did not reply to Gandhiji’s eleven-point ultimatum.

(ii) He selected to attack the salt laws because the salt-tax affected all sections of society, especially the poor.

(iii) By breaking the salt laws it marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement. (Any two points)

(h) (i) Appeasement meant accepting the hostile demands of an aggressive nation to gain peace.

(ii) Britain and France followed the policy of appeasement towards dictatorial countries like Germany and Italy because they felt that the dictators had a real cause of grievance due to the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

(iii) Hitler sees it as a great sign of weakness of the Allied powers and begins his plan to attack that unleashes the Second World War. The compromise was a sign of great weakness. (Any two points)

(i) (i) Japan’s policy of expansion. (Policy of Imperialism)

(ii) Japan was determined to dominate the Far East.

(iii) Japan’s ambitions for more conquests and for more wealth increased after the First World War, Japan was not satisfied with only Manchuria. (Any two points)

(j) (i) Removal of illiteracy by encouragement of adult education.

(ii) Financial assistance for the education of disabled children.

(iii) Provision of grants and fellowships to teachers and scholars, organization of library.

(iv) Organisation of book fairs and festivals at international and national levels.

(v) Encouragement of science education by providing regional training centres.

(vi) Promotion of education as an instrument for international understanding

Question 3: The Powers and Functions of the Indian Parliament are wide ranging. In this context answer the following:

(a) Explain three ways by which the Legislature exercises control over the Executive. [ 3 ]

(b) Mention any three Special powers of the Rajya Sabha that is usually not enjoyed by the other House.

(c) Mention any two Judicial powers and any two Electoral powers of the Indian Parliament.


(a) Three ways are:

(i) Interpellation- Through the Question Hour, Calling Attention notices and Half an Hour discussions, the members obtain information on a matter of public importance or grievance. It keeps the government on its toes.

(ii) Vote of no confidence – If the government (executive) acts in an unconstitutional manner, or against constitutional provisions, then it can be voted out of office through the vote of no-confidence.

(iii) Adjournment motion – Though allowed on occasions of natural/ national tragedies, etc, it is also aimed at censuring acts of omission and commission of the ministers.

(iv) Censure Motion. (Any three points)

(b) They are:

(i) It may by a resolution adopted by 2/3rd majority, empower the Parliament to make laws with respect to subjects in the State List.

(ii) It may declare the creation of a new All India Service in the national interest.

(iii) If Lok Sabha is dissolved before or after the declaration of national emergency, Rajya

Sabha takes over the functions of the Parliament.

(iv) It is a permanent House. (Any three points)

(c) Judicial Powers:

(i) Impeachment of President.

(ii) Removal of Judges of Supreme Court and High Court.

(iii) The Parliament may punish a person for obstructing the work of Parliament or showing disrespect for the House. (Any two points)

Elective Powers:

(i) Election of the President of India.

(ii) Vice-President of India is elected by both houses of Parliament.

(iii) Electing the Speaker of the Lok Sabha only by its own members and the Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha only by the upper House. (Any two points)

Question 4: The Union Executive which consists of the President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers is a powerful body in a Parliamentary Democracy. In this context answer the following questions:

(a) State the position of the Prime Minister and state any two of his powers in relation to

the President.

(b) Mention the three categories of Ministers in order of their rank and status.

(c) Mention any four Legislative powers of the Cabinet.


(a) The Prime Minister enjoys a unique position in the Indian political set up.

All the powers listed under the President of India are actually exercised by the Prime Minister.

As the Executive head of the Indian State, the following are his powers and functions:

(Any one point)

(i) He is the real leader of the Nation.

(ii) He is the leader of the Council of Ministers.

(iii) He is the presiding officer of the Cabinet meetings.

(iv) He is the link between the Cabinet and the President.

(v) He is the leader of the House (Lok Sabha).

(vi) Ministers are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister.

(vii) President summon & prorogues Parliament on the advice of P.M.

(viii) Issue Ordinance on the advice of P.M. (Any two points)

(b) The categories in order of their rank and status are:

(i) Cabinet Ministers- Most important and senior members of the Council of Ministers and they hold important portfolios.

(ii) Ministers of State- They may or may not hold independent charge of any portfolios. Neither does the Prime Minister consult them on regular basis.

(iii) Deputy Ministers- They normally assist the first two categories of Ministers. (Any three points)

(c) Legislative Powers:

(i) Introduction of Bills.

(ii) Source of Information

(iii) Amendment to the Constitution

(iv) Summoning the Houses of Parliament.

(v) President’s Special Address

(vi) Issuing Ordinances

Question 5: With reference to the powers and functions of the High Court. Explain briefly the meaning and scope of the following:

(a) Its Appellate Jurisdiction.

(b) The High Court as a Court of Record.

(c) Judicial Review.


(a) Appellate Jurisdiction:

The High Court has the powers to accept appeals against the decisions of District Courts, in

Civil as well as Criminal matters.:

Civil Cases:

(i) In matter concerning land revenue

(ii) In cases where blatant injunctions have been committed by any Tribunal.

Criminal Cases:

(i) Against the judgement of a session judge or an additional judge where the sentence of imprisonment exceeds 7 years.

(ii) Against the judgement of an Assistant Session Judge, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, where the sentence of imprisonment exceeds 4 years.

(b) Court of Record

(i) Its judgement and orders are preserved as a record to be referred to by its courts in future cases. They can be produced as precedents.

(ii) The High Court can punish anyone who commits a contempt of its orders.

(c) If any law, executive order or any ordinance passed by the State Legislature or any other authority infringes the Fundamental Rights or on any provision of the Constitution, the High Court can declare it ‘null and void’. (Any two points)

Question 6: With reference to the rise of ‘National Consciousness’ in India, explain the following:

(a) The influence of Western Education.

(b) Any three contributions of Raja Rammohan Roy.

(c) The development of Modern means of Transport and Communication.


(a) The influence of Western Education.

− It provided opportunities for assimilating ideas of democracy and nationalism.

− Educated Indians had access to ideals of liberty, equality, nationality, rule of law and self- Government.

− The English language too served as a link language, uniting people and developing a sense of National consciousness.

− People in India drew inspiration from the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. (any three points)

(b) Contributions of Raja Rammohan Roy

(i) Advocated Monotheism

(ii) Liberty Rights and a free press

(iii) Started his anti-Sati crusade

(iv) Woman’s emancipation

(v) Uplifted the cause of the poor peasants who were exploited by the Zamindars.

(vi) Impressed upon the Government to make the English language the medium of Education.

(vii) Literature – he started ‘Samvad Kaumudi’/Mirat-ul-Akbar’

(viii) Wanted the Military Budget to be reduced.

(ix) Founded Brahmo Samaj.

(x) He was against caste system/child marriage. (any three points)

(c) Development of modern means of transport and communication. The development of the

postal system, telegraph, railways and roads helped to unify the country. There was speedy transmission of messages and communication. This enabled the Indians to come in contact

with one another and discuss the problems facing one another. (any four points)

Question 7: The conflict between the two sections of the Congress came to surface in its Session in 1906 at Calcutta. In this context explain the following:

(a) The Split in the Congress in 1907.

(b) With reference to the picture given below, answer the following:

 ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Qs Paper 2017 Solution-1

(i) What were the three personalities popularly known as?

(ii) Which section of the Congress did they represent?

(iii) Mention two of their popular Beliefs.

(c) State any four methods that they advocated for the achievement of their aims.


(a) The Assertive Nationalists wanted to extend Swadeshi and boycott to the rest of India. The

Early Nationalists however wanted to confine it to Bengal only. They also were opposed to openly supporting boycott. There were differences regarding the election of the INC President too.

(b) (i) The trio – Bal – Lal – Pal

(ii) Assertive Nationalists

(iii) Supremacy of Indian Culture. No faith in the goodness of the British.

(c) The methods advocated by the Assertive nationalists to achieve their aims were:

(i) They propagated boycott of foreign goods and the use of Swadeshi.

(ii) These leaders inculcated national pride by extolling India’s past.

(iii) They introduced new methods of waging political struggle like non-cooperation, passive resistance, mass agitation and self-reliance.

(iv) Many new educational institutions were set up during the Swadeshi movement.

(v) Revived Shivaji festival and presented Rana Pratap and Shivaji as National Heroes. (Any four points)

Question 8: The period between 1920 to 1947 was marked with major events and reforms that finally led us to our Independence. In this context, answer the following questions:

(a) State three provisions of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact as a result of the Civil Disobedience Movement.

(b) How did the Congress and the Muslim League respond to the Cabinet Mission Plan?

(c) Mention any four clauses of the Cabinet Mission Plan.


(a) The movement was suspended after Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in 1931.

(i) The Governor –General agreed to release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence.

(ii) To give back to the Congressmen their confiscated properties.

(iii) To permit peaceful picketing of liquor and foreign cloth shops.

(iv) To allow people living near the seashore to manufacture salt.

(v) Gandhiji agreed to suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement. (Any three points)

(b) The Congress reacted in the following ways, it felt that:

(i) Provinces should be free to opt out of a group to which they did not belong.

(ii) It accepted with reservations. It accepted only that part of the scheme which dealt with the

constitution making.

(iii) e.g. Assam in Group C had a Congress government and hence wanted optional grouping.

(iv) The Congress rejected Viceroys offer to form an Interim Govt. (Any two points)

Muslim League:

(i) The League criticized the proposals because the demand for Pakistan had not been accepted in clear-cut terms at first.

(ii) Later it accepted the plan as it saw in the plan the seeds of Pakistan. The President of the

Muslim League Mohammed Ali Jinnah wanted compulsory grouping.

(iii) Jinnah interpreted the regional group of Provinces as recognition of his Pakistan demand.

(Any two points)

(c) Clauses of the Cabinet Mission Plan:

(i) Federal Union

(ii) Powers of the Union

(iii) Provincial Autonomy

(iv) Grouping of Provinces

(v) Formation of a Constituent Assembly

(vi) Representation of Minorities

(vii) Formation of an Interim Government

(viii) Freedom to join the Commonwealth

(ix) Transfer of Power

Question 9: The 1914 and 1939 Wars that engulfed almost the entire world, were known as World Wars due to its unprecedented impact and damage. In this context, answer the following:

(a) Explain the immediate cause of the First World War. [3]

(b) Explain the consequences of the Second World War with reference to the Cold War. [3]

(c) Mention any four terms of the Treaty of Versailles which affected Germany after

World War I.


(a) Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria was assassinated at Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. This assassination was carried out by a secret society called “Union of Death” formed by extremist Serbian nationalists whose aim was to unite all Serbians into a single state. Austria served an ultimatum to Serbia making 11 demands. Serbia accepted most of them except those that would have led to the loss of sovereignty. On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia. This was the beginning of the First World War. (Brief narration of the event with three major points)

(b) The United States and Russia emerged as great powers in the world. The entire world seemed to be divided into two Power Blocs and this led to the emergence of Cold War between the Western powers led by USA and the Communist Bloc led by Russia.

Cold War is a state of extreme political unfriendliness between two or more countries, although they do not fight each other. It was’’ a condition of uneasy peace’’.

Cold War set in motion a mad race for armaments.

It also led to the formation of various military alliances such as NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organisation under US leadership and the Warsaw Pact signed by the representatives of Russia and other Communist countries. (Any three points)

(c) Treaty of Versailles concerning Germany

It was declared guilty of aggression and had to pay war reparation of 33 billion dollars. / The

area of the Rhine valley was demilitarized and the German territory, west of Rhine was to be

occupied by the Allied troops for 15 years. / Danzig became a free port in Polish territory / Lost

Alsace Lorraine to France. / The Saar coal mines were given to France. / Lost all her colonies to

the allies. The German force was restricted to 1 lakh, the Navy to 15,000 men and 24 ships / The Air force and submarines were banned. (Any four points)

Question 10: The horrors of the two World Wars, led to the formation of the United Nations Organisation, while the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement followed later. In this context, answer the following:

(a) Mention any three aims and objectives of the United Nations Organisation.

(b) Explain any three functions of the Security Council.

(c) Explain any four factors that led to the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement.


(a) To maintain international peace and security / to develop friendly relations among nations / to achieve international cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural or humanitarian problems / to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations / disarm, decolonise, develop to save succeeding generations from the Scourge of war/to create faith in Human Rights. (Any three points)

(b) Functions and Powers:

(i) To maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations

(ii) To investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction and to take

military action against an aggressor.

(iii) To recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement.

(iv) To formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments.

(v) To determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken.

(vi) To call on members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression.

(vii)To take military action against an aggressor

(viii)To recommend the admission of new members.

(ix) To appoint the Secretary General (Any three points)

(c) Factors responsible for Non-Alignment:

(i) Global tension caused by Cold War

(ii) Struggle against imperialism and new colonization

(iii) Right of independent judgement

(iv) Use of moderation in relations to all big powers

(v) Restructuring international economic order

(vi) Formation of a collective force.

(vii) Reaction against the system of Military Alliances.

(viii) Need for Peace.

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