Selina Solutions Concise Biology Class 10 Chapter 15 Population - The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems

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Review questions Page: 205


(Select the most appropriate option in each case)

1. What was directly responsible for the rapid rise of world population in the twentieth century?
(a) Increased food production
(b) Better transport facilities
(c) Better education and job prospects
(d) Use of antibiotics and prophylactic vaccinations


(d) Use of antibiotics and prophylactic vaccinations

2. Birth rate is the number of live births
(a) Per 1000 people per year
(b) Per 100 people per decade
(c) Per 1000 people per decade
(d) Per 100 people per year


(a) Per 1000 people per year


1. Give the technical term for statistical study of human population of a region.


Demography is the technical term for the statistical study of the human population of a region.

2. Name two surgical techniques (one for the human male and another for the human female) that can be used to prevent pregnancy.


For male Vasectomy

For female Tubectomy


1. Write true (T) and false (F) for the following:
(a) Vasectomy is the surgical method of sterilisation in human males …………………………………


(b) Tubectomy is the placing of a diaphragm on the cervix…………………………………..



2. What is the total world population at present?


The total world population is approximately 7.7 billion.

3. Define the following terms:
(a) Birth rate

Birth rate or natality is the number of live births per 1000 people of population per year.

(b) Death rate

Death rate or Mortality is the number of deaths per 1000 population per year.

(c) Population density


Population density is the number of individuals per square kilometre at any given time.

(d) Exhaustible resource


Exhaustible resources are those resources which are present in limited quantity and can be completely used up by human activities are called exhaustible resources.

(e) Rate of growth of population


Growth rate of population is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate. As long as the birth rate exceeds the death rate, the population grows. If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population declines.

4. Mention whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Give reason in support of your answer.
(a) Cow was the first domesticated animal.



The dog was the first domesticated animal.

(b) Rapidly growing industries favoured population rise.



A major phase in the growth of the human population started with the scientific and industrial revolution. Rapidly growing industries made human life more and more comfortable, with greater opportunities for jobs and with more production of food.

(c) Present human population growth is following arithmetic progression.



Present human population growth is following geometrical progression.

(d) Birthrate (natality) to the number of live births per hundred people of population per decade.


Birth rate or natality is the number of live births per 1000 people of population per year.

(e) Tubectomy is a popular surgical method of contraception in human males.



Vasectomy is a popular surgical method of contraception in human males.

5. What is the present rate of growth of population of the world and of our own country?


The present rate of growth of the population of the world is around 1.05% and of India is 1.13%.

6. What are the age restrictions for marriage by law for boys and girls in India?


The age restrictions for marriage by law for boys is 21 years and for girls is 18 years.

7. Give two advantages of a small family?


(i) The financial costs of maintaining a household are lower.

(ii) Each child receives more parental attention and educational advantages, which generally raise her self-esteem.

8. Mention two reasons for the rapid increase of population in India.


(i) Illiteracy:- Most of the rural population which forms the bulk of our society are still illiterate, ignorant and superstitions. They also do not know the functioning of the human reproductive system.

(ii) Economic reasons:- Children are considered to be helping hands to increase family income.

(iii)Desire to male child:- Most Indians families still hold the view that a male child is essential for keeping up the name of the family.

9. Some great author has said that a population explosion is far more dangerous than an atomic explosion. Justify his statement?


Population explosion is far more dangerous than an atomic explosion because it leads to many significant problems that leave a question mark on the survival of human being. The highest growth in the human population is mortally taxing the Earth and its resources. The fast increase in population results in the increased number of consumers, but very less amount of products that lead to the malnutrition. Each person needs essential resources, and almost all people aspire to utilize significantly more resources than are required by their basic needs. As a result, the Earth is attempting to impose its checks on the human population. 95% of the human population growth is occurring in countries already struggling with poverty, illiteracy and civil unrest.

10. Explain briefly the relationship between poverty and population and how one affects the other.


Most of the rural population which forms the bulk of our society are still illiterate, ignorant and superstitions. They also do not know the functioning of the human reproductive system. Among the people from lower strata of society, children are regarded as a gift of God and a sign of prosperity. Therefore they make no effort to avoid pregnancy. Due to the high infant mortality rate in our country, people from the economically weaker section think it safer to produce more children so that at least some may survive. Poor standard of living and poverty provide no recreation other than sex. Hence, the population keeps on rising and so does poverty. As the population increases the quality of life goes down.

11. List three major landmarks in human history which contributed to the sudden rise in population of the world.


(a) Tool making revolution.

(b) Agricultural revolution.

(c) Scientific industrial revolution.

12. What was the approximate Indian population according to the 1981 census? What was it in 1991?


The approximate Indian population according to the 1981 census is 683 million and it was 846 in 1991.

13. Sterilisation in men means preventing the flow of sperms into the seminal vesicles by cutting or ligating the vas deferens. Can there be a corresponding operation made in women? If yes, where?


Yes, there could be a corresponding operation made in women. The name of the operation in women is ‘tubectomy’. In tubectomy, the abdomen is opened and the fallopian tubes (oviducts) are cut or ligated i.e. tied with nylon thread to close the passage of the egg.

Selina Solutions for Class 10 Biology Chapter 15 Image 1

14. What is meant by family welfare centres? What is the symbol of family welfare in our country?


The inverted red triangle has become a popular sign in India for family welfare. It is prominently displayed at all such offices and hospitals where any help for advice about family planning is available free of cost.

Selina Solutions for Class 10 Biology Chapter 15 Image 2

15. List the advantages of having small families.


(i) Children in small families, especially first and only children, tend to have higher school and personal achievement levels than do children of larger families.

(ii) It is easier for both parents to combine careers with family life.

(iii) The financial costs of maintaining a household are lower.

(iv)The general stress level is lower because there often are fewer conflicts and less rivalry.


1. Our resources cannot keep pace with the rising population. Give three examples in support of this statement.


(i) Food:- One most Important need of humans is food. It is true that humans have been discovering better and better methods to produce more food, but it cannot be in the same proportion as the rise in population. If unchecked the number of people are increasing in geometrical progression.

(ii) Water:- Availability of clean and germ-free water for drinking purpose would be more and more scarce with the increase in population; the reason would be mainly, the pollution of rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.

(iii) Forests:- Forests are in a way, the most important natural resources. They provide us timber, firewood, resins, medicines, wood-pulp (for paper), etc. Forests are the main contributors of life-sustaining oxygen, to the atmosphere.

2. How can the knowledge of processes of reproduction help people in limiting the size of their families? Give two concrete examples.


(i) People should be made aware of the advantages of having small families and, at the same time, the disadvantages of having many children. The orthodox view, to have at least on son especially in Indian society, should be modified by education

(ii) The married couples should be educated to delay the birth of their first child, to space the second with a sufficient interval for the proper upbringing and to stop the third. People should be advised to adopt family planning methods by which they can prevent pregnancy. These include devices for both men and women, for example, condoms, intrauterine devices, oral pills.

3. What is the idea behind the phrase “population explosion”?


Population explosion refers to the rapid and a massive rise in the world population that has occurred over the last few hundred years. It began in the middle of the nineteenth century. Two-thirds of the present world population belongs to the developing nations where more than half the people live below the poverty line. The effects of this population increase are evident in the increasing poverty, unemployment, air and water pollution, and shortage of food, health resources and educational resources. Some of the reasons for this population explosion are poverty, better medical facilities, and immigration from the neighbouring countries. The population in India continues to increase at an alarming rate.


1. Given below are hypothetical figures in regard to population (in crores) of two countries A and B during the last three decades.

Country 1971 1981 1991
     A 6.4 9.6 10.6
     B 15.7 15.7 15.3

Fill in the blanks:

(a) Rate of growth of population of country ……………… has declined between years ……………. and…………….


Rate of growth of population of country B has declined between years 1981 and 1991.

(b) The country ………………. shows negative population growth between years ………………. and……………….


The country B shows negative population growth between years 1981 and 1991

(c) The country……………….. Shows zero population growth between years…………….. and………………..


Country B shows zero population growth between the years 1971 and 1981

Selina Solutions Concise Biology Class 10 Chapter 15 Population – The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems offers an overview of topics pertaining to the rising population, the population in India, factors responsible for the population explosion in India. The other topics are problems that occur due to the increase in population and measures taken for the control of the population.

List of subtopics covered in Selina Solutions Concise Biology Class 10 Chapter 15 Population – The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems

Number Subtopic
15.1 Rising Population – A Global Threat
15.2 World Population Through The Ages
15.3 Rapid Rise In Population
15.4 Population Explosion – A Serious Global Concern
15.5 A Highly Simplified Model of Population Growth
15.6 Population in India
15.7 Factors Responsible For Population Explosion in India
15.8 Rising Population – Pressure On Natural Resources
15.9 Population Growth and Urbanisation Causing Serious Pressure on Resources
15.10 Rate of Population Growth Must Be Reduced
15.11 Need for Adopting Control Measures
15.12 Population Education and Population Control

Contents of Exercise

Name of the exercise Number of questions Question Type Page number
Review questions 2 MCQ 205
2 Very Short 205
15 Short 205
3 Long 205
1 Structured/Skill 205

Key Features of Selina Solutions Concise Biology Class 10 Chapter 15 Population – The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems

  • Solutions contain a brief summary of concepts and diagrams.
  • A large number of graded illustrative examples and more questions.
  • Diagrams are used in this chapter, wherever required.
  • Selina solutions are readily accessible and free to download.


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