Homo sapiens vs. Homo erectus

Homo sapiens

“Homo sapien” means “the wise human”.

Homo sapiens are species of all the primates on the earth, evolved and highly developed. Humans fall into this particular category under the domain Eukarya. Here, the primates are monkeys, lemurs, apes, lorises, etc. DNA is the genetic material in them, which is held as chromosomes in the nucleus in the cells of eukaryotic living entities.

Homo erectus

“Homo erectus” means “upright man”. These are extinct species of the archaic humans from the Pleistocene, and their earliest occurrence is close to 2 million years ago. Their last known population is around 117,000–108,000 years ago, H. e. soloensis from Java. Their body proportions and gait were human-like and were the first species of humans to have displayed an evident nose, flat face, potentially rare body hair coverage.

Despite their size of brain exceeding ancestor species, the capacity widely differed based on the population. They are linked with the Acheulean stone tool industry and are presumed to have been the earliest ancestors of humans to be capable of fire usage, hunting, gathering in organised groups, showing affection towards sick or injured members etc.

Key Differences between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus

The table below depicts the differences between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus.

Homo sapiens

Homo erectus

What are they?
Species of primates that are well-developed These are extinct species of archaic humans that existed through most of the Pleistocene geological era
When were they distinguished?
Said to have evolved from early European modern humans approximately 300,000 years ago Said to have evolved from the Australopithecus approximately 2 million years ago
What it Refers to
Wise man Upright man
Current Status
Thriving species at the moment Extinct species
Where are they found?
Widely distributed species at the moment Thrived in Eurasia and Africa by 1.8 million years ago
Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens idaltu Yuanmou man, Java man, Peking man, Lantian man, Nanjing man, Meganthropus, Tautavel man, Solo man
Size of Brain
1300 cc 850 cc-1100cc
Intelligent Less intelligent comparatively
Smaller teeth Exhibited larger teeth
Prognathism and Eye Ridges
Less prognathism and less heavy eye ridge More prognathism and heavy eye ridges
Less heavily built jaws Heavily built jaws
More prominent Less prominent
Taller Shorter
Facial Features
Similar to modern man Similar to apes
Arms and Legs
Arms are less slender, legs are shorter Slender arms, longer legs
Modern speech Primitive speech

You read some differences between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. For more such articles, visit us at BYJU’S NEET.

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