Difference between Mammal and Marsupial

Belonging to the phylum Chordata, mammals and marsupials are two groups of animals.

The differentiating factor between mammals and marsupials is that mammals are distinguished by possessing mammary glands. On the other hand, marsupials are mammals again, distinguished by possessing a pouch to bear their younger ones.

Another varying factor is that the marsupials reproduce undeveloped younger ones, carrying them in their pouch for complete development. On the other hand, mammals reproduce fully-developed younger ones.


  • These are a group of vertebrates possessing fur or hair and backbones
  • They possess a four-chambered heart and are endothermic (warm-blooded)
  • Mammals have their characteristic mammary glands to feed their younger ones
  • Based on how the babies of the mammals develop, it can be divided into three subgroups – placental mammals, marsupials, monotremes
  • Placental mammals develop in the mother’s body until the systems can function independently. The oxygen and food are carried by the blood as it is transmitted from the mother to the baby via the placenta. Humans are placental mammals
  • Marsupials – These mammals reproduce babies which are not developed completely. The babies crawl up the belly of the mother and then into her pouch, seen on the outside of the abdomen of the mother. Some known marsupials are Kangaroos, Koalas, Opossums
  • Monotremes – these mammals lay eggs. Its body temperature is lower compared to most of the warm-blooded animals
  • The platypus and echidna are monotremes


  • The members belong to the Marsupialia infraclass
  • Amongst most of these species, a distinguishing trait is that the younger ones are carried in their pouch
  • They include Kangaroos, Wombats, Tasmanian devils, Wallabies
  • They show general traits of mammals, such as the presence of mammary glands, true hair, the 3 middle ear bones
  • Compared to placental mammals, the skull has variations
  • Another trait is the hard palate that, in disparity to the foramina of the placental mammals, always possesses more openings

Key Difference between Mammal and Marsupial

The table below depicts the difference between mammals and marsupials.

What is it?
These are warm-blooded vertebrates feeding their younger ones, as they possess mammary glands. Their skin is covered by hair These mammals are distinguished by the presence of a pouch to carry their younger ones
Distinguishing characteristic
Mammary glands to feed their younger ones A pouch to carry their younger ones
Are the reproduced ones well-developed?
Yes, well-developed younger ones No, they are not well-developed
How many sets of teeth are in their lifetime?
Two One
Nature of placenta
Well-developed It is a yolk-like sac, and the baby attaches for a shorter duration
Metabolic rate
High A lower rate in comparison
Cats, Humans, Horses, etc. Koalas, Kangaroo, Possums, etc.

You read about some differences between mammals and marsupials.

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