Protista vs. Fungi

Fungi and Protists are lower-level entities that are categorised into the Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Protista, respectively. Mostly, Protista is a unicellular entity, and fungi are multicellular. Protists have plant-like, animal-like and fungus-like species. They evolved into other kinds of eukaryotes, which include Fungi. Fungi are eukaryotic entities that cannot synthesise their own food usually. They must absorb nutrients from decaying matter.


  • These are unicellular entities having protective cell walls
  • Usually, these are autotrophs preparing their own food, and some use parasitic, saprophytic or heterotrophic modes of nutrition
  • They are minute and microscopic
  • There are three kingdoms of Protista – algae, molds and protozoans
  • Protozoans are animal-like unicellular entities of the protists (Types of protozoans – Ciliophora, Amoebozoa, Flagellata, and Sporozoa), while algae are plant-like. There are two types of molds – water molds and slime molds
  • Sexual reproduction is by the production of gametes


  • These are multicellular entities
  • They exhibit cell walls but in the absence of cellulose
  • They depend on others for their nutritional requirements and cannot prepare their own food – heterotrophs
  • They are visible to the naked eye
  • They possess a chitin cell wall and dwell as symbionts with animals and plants. Most of them can be seen on dead matter and in soil
  • Sexual reproduction in them is by the process of mating

Key Differences Between Protista and Fungi

The table below depicts the differences between Protista and Fungi.



Unicellular Multicellular
Invisible to the naked eye Visible to the naked eye
Modes of nutrition
Exhibits almost all kinds of nutrition Exhibits either saprophytic or heterotrophic mode only
Cell wall
Seen in some of them Seen in all (without cellulose)
Asexual mode of reproduction
Binary fission Spore formation
Absent Present. It separates fungal hyphae into compartments
Algae, molds, Protozoans Seven phyla of fungi
Amoeba, slime moulds, Green algae, dinoflagellates Yeast, Mushroom, Penicillium

You read some differences between Protista and Fungi. For more such articles, visit us at BYJU’S NEET.

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