MCQs on Ketone Bodies

Ketone bodies are formed as a result of the breakdown of fatty acids and certain ketogenic amino acids. The formation of ketone bodies is called ketogenesis. The three ketone bodies produced are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. At the time of starvation, more ketone bodies are produced. The accumulation of ketone bodies may lead to ketoacidosis.

1. Ketogenesis is preferred under which of the following conditions?

(a) When glucose supply is high

(b) When glucose supply is less

(c) When glucose supply is constant

(d) None

Answer: (b)

2. Which of the following is/are ketone bodies?

(a) Acetone

(b) Beta-hydroxybutyrate

(c) Acetoacetate

(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

3. Ketone bodies are produced from _______.

(a) Acetone

(b) Fatty acids

(c) Acetyl CoA

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer: (d)

4. Ketone bodies are produced primarily in _______.

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Endoplasmic reticulum

(c) Cytoplasm

(d) Golgi bodies

Answer: (a)

5. The condition where an excess amount of ketone bodies are present in the blood, is known as ______.

(a) Anaemia

(b) Diabetes

(c) Ketonemia

(d) None

Answer: (c)

6. Ketone bodies are produced in ______.

(a) Liver cells

(b) Brain cells

(c) Nerve cells

(d) None

Answer: (a)

7. The compound that transports activated fatty acids to mitochondria is ______.

(a) Creatine

(b) Clathrin

(c) Creatinine

(d) Carnitine

Answer: (d)

8. The formation of acetoacetyl-CoA from 2 Acetyl CoA is catalysed by _____.

(a) Thiolase

(b) HMG-CoA lyase

(c) HMG-CoA synthase

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a)

9. Symptoms of ketoacidosis include ______.

(a) Breath smelling like fruits

(b) Frequent urination

(c) Shortness of breath

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

10. Which of the following is volatile?

(a) Acetoacetate

(b) Phenol

(c) Acetone

(d) Hydroxybutyrate

Answer: (c)

These were some MCQs on Ketone Bodies. Learn MCQs on related topics for NEET, at BYJU’S.

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