Chlorella: Classification, Morphology and Life Cycle

Table of Contents

  • Classification
  • Morphology
  • Chlorella Life Cycle
  • Uses
  • Chlorella is a single-celled green algae that belongs to the division Chlorophyta. The genus has thirteen known species. The name Chlorella has been taken from the Greek word chlōros/ khlōros, meaning green and the suffix ella from Latin meaning small.

    It is an important genus that has been used by scientists for various studies due to its capability to divide quickly. Otto Heinrich Warburg, a German biochemist, studied the process of photosynthesis in Chlorella. Melvin Calvin, another biochemist studied the pathway of carbon dioxide assimilation in Chlorella.















    • The cells of Chlorella are spherical-shaped and range from 2-10 μm in diameter.
    • They do not have flagella.
    • The chloroplast is cup-shaped and they contain chlorophyll a and b as their photosynthetic pigments.
    • They can multiply rapidly in the presence of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight by producing small amounts of minerals.
    • The genus is rich in B-complex vitamins and proteins and are used as food supplements.

    Chlorella Life Cycle

    The species of Chlorella divide by asexual reproduction. The cell content divides into 2,4 or 8 daughter protoplasts that round off to form non-motile spores. They are also known as autospores because they have the same shape as their parent cell.

    The cell wall of the parent cell ruptures and all the autospores are released in the environment. The released spores grow into separate individual cells.

    The division of Chlorella ellipsoides can be divided into four stages:

    • Growth Phase: In this phase, the cells grow in size by consuming the photosynthetic products.
    • Ripening Phase: This phase is characterised by the maturation of cells and preparation for cell division.
    • Post Ripening Phase: In this phase, the cells divide twice.
    • Division Phase: In this phase, the cell wall of the parent cell ruptures and the cells are released.


    Chlorella is being used as a superfood because of its high protein content. When dried, the cell has about 10% minerals and vitamins, 45% proteins, 20% carbohydrates, 20% fats and 5% fibre. The genus is also being studied for mass cultivation and sewage purification.

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