Female External Features and Anatomy

The external features support sexual experience, conception, and breastfeeding. With the help of urination, the urinary system assists the body in eliminating toxins.

The vulva, or external genitalia, and the ovaries and uterus, or internal reproductive organs, are both parts of the female anatomy. The pubis and vulva are part of the female external anatomical features.

Females often develop pubic hair in the mons pubis, also known as the public mound, a fleshy region on the pelvic bone.

The external female anatomy is referred to as the vulva. The labia majora, labia minora, and glans clitoris are some of its constituent parts.

On either side of the vaginal opening are two fleshy, protecting skin folds called the labia majora. The other, more sensitive exterior genital organs are covered and protected by them.

The skin folds known as labia minora are located within the labia majora. The labia minora can stretch past the labia majora in some females.

The inner lips meet at the top of the vulva, where the glans clitoris is situated. Although its size differs from person to person, it is typically pea-sized. Two shafts extend as far into the body as 5 inches, and only the clitoris tip is visible. Numerous nerve endings of the clitoris are extremely sensitive.

The clitoral hood is the skin fold that covers the clitoris’s head. It prevents the clitoris from friction.

The urethra is the tube that transfers urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body. Under the clitoris and just above the vaginal opening is where the urethral opening is situated.

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