How Many Bones are There in the Brain?

There are 22 bones that constitute the skull. They are divided into the 14 bones that make up the face and the eight bones that serve to protect the brain in the cranium. In adults, all bones are joined by fixed joints known as sutures, except one of the skull bones. Newborns’ skull bones are not entirely fused and are connected by fibrous membranes termed fontanels.

Except for the jaw, which is attached to the skull by the movable, synovial temporomandibular joints (TMJ), the skull is composed of various bones joined together at immobile joints called sutures.

The brain is located in the cranial cavity. The upper portion of the skull, known as the calvarium or skull vault, creates the cranial cavity’s side walls and roof. The lower half of the cranium, which composes the cranial cavity’s floor, serves as the supporting structure of the skull.

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