What is the Meaning of Appendicular Skeleton?

Two major bone groups comprise the human body: the axial and appendicular skeletons. The pelvis and shoulder girdle are parts of the upper and lower appendages that constitute the appendicular skeleton. Mechanical loads are transferred between the axial and appendicular skeleton at the shoulder girdle and pelvis.

Movement and giving shape to the limbs, or arms and legs, are the primary purposes of the appendicular skeleton. The appendicular skeleton bones serve various other roles. For instance, white blood cells or leukocytes, part of our immune system, and red blood cell formation occur in the bone marrow.

The appendicular skeleton bones are also associated with mineral homeostasis. The bones contain a lot of minerals, which they can release when other body parts need them for their systems of organs. Comparably, the bones can take up additional minerals when the body has an overflow of them.

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