Fimbriae function

The fimbriae tubae or the fimbriae of the uterine tube are small finger-like projections lying at the terminal of the fallopian tubes. It is via these that the eggs move from ovaries to the uterus. The fimbriae are linked to the ovary. These fimbriae are the fringe of tissue near the ostium of the uterine tube directing to the ovary. During the process of ovulation when an egg releases in the peritoneal cavity from the ovary, the fimbriae’s cilia sweep the ova inside the fallopian tube.

The small epithelial cells lining the cavities of the body have small slender cilia pulsating inside the fallopian tubes guiding the ovum to the uterus from the ovary. The egg is passed to the uterus in a peritoneal fluid, as directly there is no connection between the fallopian tubes and ovaries. This fluid is produced by the fimbriae on the edge of the opening of the tube.

This is due to the fact that the ovum fails to move on its own. The expansive movement of the cilia of the fimbriae determines the movement which lasts for three to five days in case the egg exits the ovary and moves to the uterus.

The egg upon reaching the uterus or the fallopian tube could be fertilized by sperms (if any) leading to a possible pregnancy. In case the egg is not fertilized, it sheds in the form of menstrual bleeding in the next cycle.

The reproductive system in females comprises a uterus projecting two uterine tubes or fallopian tubes attached to it. These tubes branch out and up to the ovaries found on either side of the uterus. The origination and production of eggs occurs in the ovaries, where ovulation occurs. Ovulation is the series of events causing the release of eggs which then travels to the uterus by passing through the fallopian tube.

To summarize, the role of fimbriae is significant in this process of ovulation. A small gap exists between the ends of the fallopian tube and the ovaries. The finger-like projections, the fimbriae are situated at the ends of these fallopian tubes near the ovaries. Most fimbriae have no physical contact with the ovary instead hover in proximity to it. They are stimulated by hormones to grasp eggs that are released and push it down to the fallopian tube.

That was an overview on the functions performed by the fimbriae. Learn more about the female reproductive system at BYJU’S for your NEET preparation.

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