Flashcards for NEET Biology are designed to boost your NEET preparation. Find below flashcards for Anatomy of Flowering Plants. These flashcards on Anatomy of Flowering Plants are prepared as per the NEET syllabus. This is helpful for aspirants of NEET and other exams during last-minute revision. Flashcards For NEET Biology – Anatomy of Flowering Plants, covers all the important points that are frequently asked in the exam. Check BYJU’S for the full set of Flashcards and Study material for NEET Biology. Solve NEET Biology MCQs to check your understanding and outperform in the exam.
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Anatomy of Flowering Plants |
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Anatomy of Flowering Plants |
Axillary bud | Shoot apical meristem |
Intrafascicular cambium | Primary lateral meristem |
Interfascicular cambium, cork cambium | Secondary lateral meristem |
Bark | Includes secondary phloem and periderm |
Periderm | Phellem (cork)
Phellogen (cork cambium) Phelloderm (secondary cortex) |
Bulliform cells | Modified adaxial epidermal cells in grasses |
Parenchyma | Isodiametric, thin cellulosic cell wall.
Photosynthesis, storage and secretion |
Collenchyma | Present below epidermis in dicotyledonous plants.
No intercellular spaces, thickened corner due to cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin deposition. |
Sclerids | Present in fruit walls of nuts, pulp of fruits (guava, pear, sapota), seed coat of legumes and tea leaves |
Xylem vessels | Multicellular, absent in gymnosperms |
Xylem tracheids | Unicellular, elongated with tapering ends and lignified wall |
Endarch primary xylem | Stem |
Exarch primary xylem | Root |
Ray parenchymatous cells | Radial conduction of water |
Phloem of gymnosperms | Lack sieve tubes and companion cells.
Contain albuminous and sieve cells. |
Companion cells | Specialised parenchymatous cells and help in maintaining pressure gradient in sieve tubes |
Phloem parenchyma | Plasmodesmatal connections between the cells.
Absent in most of the monocots |
Root hairs | Unicellular elongations of epidermal cell |
Trichomes | Epidermal hairs on the stem |
Dicot root | Vascular bundles- Radial, diarch to tetrarch, small pith |
Monocot root | Vascular bundles- Radial, polyarch large pith.
No secondary growth. |
Dicot stem | Hypodermis- Collenchymatous
Endodermis- Starch sheath Pericycle- Semi-lunar patches of sclerenchyma Vascular bundles- Conjoint, collateral, open and arranged in a ring |
Monocot stem | Hypodermis- Sclerenchymatous
Bundle sheath- Surrounds each vascular bundle Vascular bundles- Conjoint, collateral, closed (no cambium) and scattered |
Dicot leaf | Dorsiventral, more stomata on abaxial surface.
Mesophyll- palisade parenchyma (towards adaxial) and spongy parenchyma (towards abaxial). Presence of air cavity. |
Monocot leaf | Isobilateral, stomata equally distributed on both the surfaces.
Mesophyll- not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Presence of bulliform cells. |
Casparian strips | Made up of suberin and present on the radial and tangential walls of endodermal cells of roots. |
Pericycle | Parenchymatous.
Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during secondary growth. |
Spring wood | Early wood, lighter, lower density and have vessels with wider cavities |
Autumn wood | Late wood, darker, denser and have vessels with narrow cavities |
Lenticels | Lens shaped openings in the stem of woody trees.
Help in gaseous exchange. |
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