Flashcards For NEET Biology - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Flashcards for NEET Biology are designed to boost your NEET preparation. Find below flashcards for Molecular Basis of Inheritance. These flashcards on the Molecular Basis of Inheritance are prepared as per the NEET syllabus. This is helpful for aspirants of NEET and other exams during last-minute revision. Flashcards For NEET Biology – Molecular Basis of Inheritance, covers all the important points that are frequently asked in the exam. Check BYJU’S for the full set of Flashcards and Study material for NEET Biology. Solve NEET Biology MCQs to check your understanding and outperform in the exam.


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Biology Molecular Basis of Inheritance NEET exams


class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 01
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 02
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 03
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 04
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 05
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 06
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 07
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 08
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 09
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 10
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 11
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 12
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 13
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 14
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 15
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 16
class 12 molecular basis of inheritance 17


Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Human DNA 3.3 x 109 bp of nucleotides in the DNA of haploid chromosomes
Nucleotides N-glycosidic linkage- Nitrogenous base is attached to OH of 1’C of deoxyribose or ribose sugar

Phosophoester linkage- Phosphate group attached to OH of 5’C of deoxyribose or ribose sugar

Polynucleotide Two nucleotides are joined by 3’-5’ phosphodiester linkage. OH of 3’C of pentose sugar of one nucleotide is attached to the phosphate group of 5’C of another nucleotide
5’ end of polynucleotides Free Phosphate group at 5’C of the pentose sugar
3’ end of polynucleotides Free OH group at 3’C of the pentose sugar
Friedrich Miescher Identified DNA in 1869

Named it β€˜Nuclein’

Present in the nucleus and acidic

Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin Obtained DNA images from X-ray crystallography
James Watson and Francis Crick Proposed the double-helix model of DNA in 1953
Erwin Chargaff Elucidated that the DNA contains equal amounts of adenine and thymine and in the same way guanine and cytosine
DNA double helix Antiparallel strands, coiled in a right-handed fashion

Backbone- sugar-phosphate

Bases are bonded by hydrogen bonds and projected inside

Adenine bonds to thymine by two hydrogen bonds

Guanine bonds to cytosine by three hydrogen bonds

Pitch- 3.4 nm and 10 bp in each turn

Central Dogma Proposed by Francis Crick in 1958

The flow of genetic information from DNA β†’ RNA β†’ Protein

Nucleoid Found in prokaryotes

The region where DNA is concentrated within a cell associated with positively charged proteins

Histones Positively charged basic proteins, rich in lysine and arginine

Eight molecules of histones associated with DNA to form a nucleosome

Nucleosome DNA associated with histones octamer

200 bp of DNA in each nucleosome

Appear as beads on chromatin threads

Euchromatin Loosely packed and lightly stained part of chromatin

Shows active transcription

Heterochromatin Densely packed and darkly stained part of chromatin

Inactive for transcription

Transforming principle Frederick Griffith in 1928

He concluded that there was some transforming principle in the heat-killed S-strain, which transformed R strain Streptococcus pneumoniae to virulent

Avery, MacLeod and McCarty Demonstrated that the DNA caused the bacterial transformation

They showed that proteases and RNAases did not affect transformation, whereas DNAase inhibit transformation

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase Unequivocal proof of DNA as genetic material in 1952

They worked on bacteriophages

Radioactive 35S labelled- protein capsule

Radioactive 32P labelled- DNA

RNA as a genetic material Present in many viruses, known as a retrovirus

E.g. TMV, QB bacteriophage, etc.

ds RNA- reovirus, etc.

Semiconservative DNA replication Proposed by Watson and Crick

Experimentally proved by Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl in 1958 using 15N isotope in the growing medium for E.coli

Taylor and colleagues worked on Vicia faba using radioactive thymidine

DNA-dependent DNA polymerase Main enzyme for replication

Polymerisation in 5’→3’ direction

DNA ligase Join the DNA strand, which is synthesised discontinuously during replication
DNA helicase Unwind DNA at the origin of replication forming replication fork
Transcription Synthesis of RNA from DNA

Template strand- 3’→5’ DNA

Coding strand- 5’→3’ DNA, has the same sequence as newly synthesised RNA strand

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase Catalyses transcription

Polymerisation in 5’→3’ direction

Transcription unit Reference point with respect to the coding strand (5’→3’, DNA)

Promoter- present at 5’ end of a structural gene, RNA polymerase binds here

Terminator- at 3’ end of the coding strand

Cistron A segment of DNA coding for polypeptide

Monocistronic- eukaryotes

Polycistronic- prokaryotes

Exons Coding sequence of DNA expressed in mature and processed RNA
Introns Interrupted sequence which are spliced in mature RNA
Translation Formation of polypeptide from RNA

mRNA- template for protein synthesis

tRNA- adapter molecule, brings amino acids and reads codon on mRNA

rRNA- structural and catalytic role

Eukaryotic transcription RNA polymerase I – 28S, 18S, 5.8S rRNA

RNA polymerase II – hnRNA (mRNA precursor)

RNA polymerase III – tRNA, 5S rRNA, snRNA

hnRNA processing Splicing – removal of introns and joining together of exons

Capping – addition of methyl guanosine triphosphate at 5’ end

Tailing – addition of adenylate residues (200-300) at 3’ end

Marshall Nirenberg Deciphered first the 64 triplet codons for 20 amino acids present in protein
Start codon AUG

Codes for Methionine

Stop codons UAA, UAG, UGA

They do not code for any amino acids

tRNA Structure- 2Β° structure like clover leaf, 3Β° like inverted L

Anticodon loop- complementary mRNA codon for specific codon

Acceptor arm- binds to amino acid

DHU loop, TψC loop and variable loop

Function- Adapter molecule, brings amino acid for translation and reads codon

Translation Occurs in cytoplasm

The first step is charging of tRNA, aminoacylation or binding of tRNA to amino acid

Peptide bond formation takes place between the amino acid of growing chain and newly brought amino acid in two sites present in the large subunit of ribosomes

Ribozyme Catalytic RNA

28S rRNA in bacteria

Untranslated regions (UTR) Regions on mRNA, which are not translated

Present on both 5’ and 3’ ends

Required for efficient translation

Francois Jacob and Jacque Monod First elucidated transcriptionally regulated system in lac operon
Operon Present in prokaryotes

Contains multiple genes, which are regulated by a promoter and an operator

E.g. lac operon, val operon, his, ara, trp, operon, etc.

lac operon i gene- repressor (negative regulation)

Structural genes-

z – beta-galactosidase (Ξ²-gal)

y – permease

a – transacetylase

Inducer – lactose or allolactose

Human genome project (HGP) Started in 1990, Completed in 2003

3 x 109 base pairs (haploid)

20,000-25,000 genes

Largest gene- Dystrophin gene of the X chromosome (2.4 million bp)

Smallest gene- SRF/TDY gene of the Y chromosome (14 bp)

SNPs Single nucleotide polymorphism

Single base differences exist at

1.4 million places in the human genome

Sequence annotation Assigning different regions of genome according to function
Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) Identifying all the genes, which are expressed as RNAs
DNA Fingerprinting Developed by Sir Alec Jeffreys

Involves identifying of repeated DNA sequences

Satellite DNA forms smaller peaks and shows a high degree of polymorphism

VNTR Variable number of tandem repeats


Number and position differs from person to person

Flanked by restriction sites

Southern blotting Transfer of electrophoresis separated DNA to nitrocellulose or nylon membrane and detection by probe hybridisation

Used to detect DNA sample in blood or tissue

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  1. Very nice mam