NEET Syllabus 2023

NTA NEET Syllabus 2023 PDF Topic wise

NEET Syllabus 2023 includes topics covered in Class 11 and 12 Physics, Biology, and Chemistry syllabus. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is a medical entrance examination conducted nationwide by the NTA (National Testing Agency) for students aspiring to pursue medical courses across medical colleges in the country. NEET 2023 question paper is formed on the basis of the syllabus of NEET 2023 specified by the  MCI (Medical Council of India). Find the latest NEET syllabus – best study material here.

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The NEET syllabus for 2023 is designed by MCI after analysing the syllabus specified by different State boards in addition to the syllabus prescribed by NCERT, CBSE, and COBSE in classes 11 and 12 in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This is to ensure uniformity in medical education across India to pursue medical courses such as MBBS, BDS and more. Procuring familiarity with the syllabus can assure a thorough NEET preparation of each and every topic covered in the NEET syllabus 2023.

Helpful links: Prepare with NEET Online Test series 2023

Check out the latest syllabus of NEET 2023 – Download NEET 2023 Syllabus PDF – Complete syllabus for NEET 2023 Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Table of Contents for NEET Syllabus 2023 Topic wise:

NEET 2023 syllabus

Owing to the vast syllabus and fierce competitive levels, NEET exam is deemed one of the toughest competitive exams. Before you start your NEET exam preparations, students are recommended to know and understand each topic the syllabus has to offer. The intent of NEET Syllabus is to assist NEET aspirants in comprehending the content that is to be covered. A foolproof strategy must be planned and its execution is important for cracking NEET. NEET exam syllabus for 2023 renders a fair knowledge of allotment of marks, along with important topics to be prioritised.

Also Check: NEET 2023 Preparation Tips

NTA NEET Syllabus Subject-wise – Detailed Syllabus

The NTA (National Testing Agency) provides the syllabus for NEET 2023 exam under each section – Physics, Chemistry and Biology which predominantly covers the NCERT syllabus for classes 11 and 12. The table below provides links to the detailed syllabus for each subject. Click on the links to view the NEET new syllabus.

Also see: Answer Key NEET Exam

Download NEET Syllabus 2023 (Class 11 and Class 12)

NEET Syllabus 2023

Full NEET Latest Syllabus 2023 Topic wise

Detailed NEET Syllabus – Subjects  Corresponding Links
Complete NEET 2023 Physics Syllabus Click here
Complete NEET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus Click here
Complete NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus Click here

NEET Full Syllabus 2023 PDF Download (Revised)

Physics Syllabus for NEET 2023

Usually, students find the Physics section of NEET to be challenging of all, given the questions involve computations and the application of theoretical knowledge to answer questions. The table below provides a brief of all the chapters from class 11 and class 12 included in the NEET exam syllabus as per the NTA.

NEET Physics Syllabus 2023

Class 11th Syllabus

Class 12th Syllabus

Physical world and measurement Electro statistics
Kinematics Current Electricity
Laws of Motion Magnetic effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy, and Power Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Motion of systems of particles and rigid body Electromagnetic waves
Gravitation Optics
Properties of Bulk Matter Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Thermodynamics Atoms and Nuclei
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theory Electronic Devices
Oscillations and wave

Chemistry Syllabus for NEET 2023

The Chemistry section of NEET is considered to be the scoring section, most questions are NCERT-based and direct in nature. Usually, the questions in NEET from chemistry are easy to understand and answer. Tabulated below is the NEET syllabus for Chemistry from class 11 and class 12.

NEET Chemistry Syllabus 2023

Class 11th Syllabus Class 12th Syllabus
Some basic concepts of Chemistry Solid state
Structure of atom Solutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure Chemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and liquids Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics General principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Equilibrium P Block elements
Redox reactions D and F block elements
Hydrogen Coordination compounds
s-Block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block elements Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Organic Chemistry – Some basic principles and techniques Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Hydrocarbons Organic compounds containing Nitrogen
Environmental chemistry Biomolecules, Polymers, and Chemistry in everyday life

NEET Syllabus 2023 Biology

The Biology section of NEET comprises the most number of questions, 90 questions out of a total of 180 questions, given the vast syllabus it covers from Botany and Zoology. Since there are many chapters to cover in Biology syllabus for NEET 2023, it is highly recommended to follow the syllabus provided in the following table while NEET preparation as prescribed by the NTA.

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus

Class 11th Syllabus Class 12th Syllabus
Diversity in the Living World Reproduction
Structural organisation – Plants and Animals Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and its applications
Human physiology Ecology and environment

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern – NEET Syllabus

NEET 2023

The exam pattern for NEET 2023 has two sections. Each of the subjects has 2 sections –

  • Section A – 35 Questions
  • Section B – 15 Questions

All 35 questions of section A must be answered in each subject. Out of these 15 questions appearing in section B, candidates can attempt any 10 of these questions. Hence, the total number of questions remains the same.

NEET 2021 Latest Exam Pattern

Important Topics For NEET – NEET Syllabus Analysis Chapter-wise Weightage

NEET Physics Syllabus Analysis – NEET Chapter-wise Weightage

NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis – Physics

Chapters Questions Breakup
Modern Physics & Electronics 8
Magnetism 7
SHM & Wave 3
Optics 4
Electrostatics and Electricity 11
Heat & Thermodynamics 4
Mechanics 13

NEET 2020 Question Paper Analysis – Physics

The table below depicts the weightage of topics in the NEET Syllabus Physics Section, provided unit-wise after analysis of NEET 2020 question paper. Take a look:

Unit Weightage (approximate)
Physical World and Measurement 2%
Kinematics 7%
Laws of Motion 7%
Work, Energy and Power 4%
System of Particles and Rotational Motion 4.50%
Gravitation 4.50%
Properties of Bulk Matter 9%
Oscillations and Waves 7%
Thermodynamics 4.50%
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory 2%
Electrostatics 4%
Current Electricity 9%
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 7%
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents 4%
Electromagnetic Waves 2%
Optics 4.50%
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 4%
Atoms and Nuclei 7%
Electronic Devices 7%

physics syllabus analysis

Also Read: NEET Physics MCQs

NEET Chemistry Syllabus Analysis – NEET Syllabus 2023 Topic-wise

NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis – Chemistry: NEET Chapter-wise Weightage

Chemistry Sections Questions Breakup
Inorganic Chemistry 19
Organic Chemistry 15
Physical Chemistry 16

A detailed breakup of the number of questions for each chapter of NEET Chemistry 2021 is as follows – 

Physical Chemistry
Chapter No. of Questions
Solid state 2
States of matter 2
Thermodynamics 1
Electrochemistry 2
Surface chemistry 1
Solutions 2
Chemical Kinetics 2
Nuclear Chemistry 1
Mole concept 1
Atomic structure 1
Ionic equilibrium 1

Also see: All NEET Previous years’ Question Papers

Inorganic Chemistry
Chapter No. of Questions
Chemical Bonding 5
s-block 2
p-block 3
d and f block 2
Metallurgy 2
Environmental chemistry 1
Coordination chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry
Chapter No. of Questions
Some basic principles and techniques 1
Hydrocarbons 4
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 2
Alcohol, Phenol and Ether 1
Carbonyl compound 3
Amine 2
Biomolecules 1
Polymers 1
Chemistry in Everyday Life 1

NEET 2020 Question Paper Analysis – Chemistry

The table below depicts the weightage of topics covered in the NEET Chemistry Section (Physical, Inorganic and Organic chemistry), provided unit-wise after analysis of NEET 2020 question paper. Take a look:

Class Chemistry Section Name of unit
Weightage (approximate)
Class 11
Inorganic Chemistry
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
Some p-Block Elements
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Organic Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Redox Reactions
Class 12
Inorganic Chemistry
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
p- Block Elements
d and f Block Elements
Coordination Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Physical Chemistry
Solid State
Chemical Kinetics
Surface Chemistry

NEET Chemistry syllabus analysis

Related Read: NEET Chemistry MCQs

NEET Biology Syllabus Analysis – NEET Syllabus 2023 Topic-wise

NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis – Biology: NEET Chapter-wise Weightage

Chapter No. of Questions
The Living World 1
Biological Classification 1
Plant Kingdom 5
Animal Kingdom 4
Morphology of Flowering Plants 2
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 3
Structural Organisation in Animals 3
Cell: The Unit of Life 2
Biomolecules 3
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 7
Transport in Plants 1
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 4
Respiration in Plants 1
Plant Growth and Development 3
Digestion and Absorption 2
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 3
Body Fluids and Circulation 3
Locomotion and Movement 4
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants 3
Human Reproduction 3
Reproductive Health 3
Principles of Inheritance and Variation 2
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 10
Evolution 1
Human Health and Disease 3
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 3
Microbes in Human Welfare 1
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 6
Biotechnology and its Applications 5
Organisms and Populations 4
Ecosystem 3
Environmental Issues 1

NEET 2020 Question Paper Analysis – Biology

On the basis of NEET 2020 question paper, analysis of the NEET exam biology section reveals the following details.

NEET Biology – Weightage of various topics is as follows:

Class XI
Unit Chapters Weightage (approximate)
I Diversity of Living Organisms 12%
II Structural Organisation in Plants & Animals 9%
III Cell: Structure and Function 8%
IV Plant Physiology 8%
V Human Physiology 16%
Class XII
Unit Chapters Weightage
VI Reproduction 11%
VII Genetics and Evolution 13%
VIII Biology and Human Welfare 9%
IX Biotechnology and its Applications 4%
X Ecology and Environment 10%

NEET Biology syllabus analysis

Also visit: NEET Biology MCQs

NEET Previous Years’ Question Papers Analysis – NEET 2023 Syllabus

Referring to question paper analysis of NEET papers is a smart decision when it comes to NEET preparation. The analysis covers important metrics such as weightage of different chapters, the difficulty level of sections over the years, recurring questions and hence their expectancy in the upcoming test, questions out of the scope of NCERT and more. Hence, it is highly recommended that students do not miss to include this task.

Find below the topic wise, detailed analysis of previous years’ question papers of NEET (NEET 2021 – AIPMT 2015)

Best Books For NEET Preparation

Best Books for NEET Physics Preparation – NEET Syllabus Physics

Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
NCERT (Textbook) Physics – Class 11 & 12
 D. C. Pandey Objective Physics
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
 Problems in General Physics by I. E. Irodov

Best Books for NEET Chemistry Preparation – NEET Syllabus Chemistry

NCERT (Textbook) Chemistry
Physical Chemistry by O. P. Tandon
 Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd
Modern ABC for Chemistry for Class 11 & 12
 Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee
Chemistry by Dinesh

Best Books for NEET Biology Preparation – NEET Syllabus Biology

NCERT (Textbook) Biology for Class 11 & 12
Trueman’s Biology – Volume 1 & Volume 2
 Objective Biology – Dinesh
Biology by Pradeep’s Publications
 Biology by GRB Bathla’s Publications

Advantages Of Using NEET Syllabus 2023 For NEET Preparation

NEET syllabus is vital in preparation to perform exceedingly well. Students often tend to ignore important topics covered in the syllabus since they give a miss to refer to the syllabus prescribed by the NTA for NEET and hence are unable to answer such questions if they appear in the examination.

With a detailed syllabus in hand, candidates can interlink concepts and study, which is a good tactic for sound preparation in addition to the clarity of concepts. It only helps build concepts that are crucial for NEET. Experts with years of experience and even NEET toppers over the years highlight the importance of syllabus and credit an in-depth understanding of the syllabus to their performance.

How To Study From NEET Syllabus? – NEET UG Syllabus 2023 PDF Topic wise

NEET syllabus is vast. The NCERT comprises 97 chapters covered in classes 11 and 12 for all the subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In order for students to understand each and every topic clearly and build upon the concepts, a preparation plan and the right guidance is equally important. Let us learn how to study from the NEET syllabus during NEET preparation in the following steps –

  • Frame a timetable

One cannot simply start studying without knowing the start and finish points or without chalking out a layout. Prepare a timetable to cover all the concepts covered in NEET syllabus to accommodate all the chapters of NEET in your study schedule comfortably. Do not rush in learning. Understand the concepts thoroughly. The importance of a well-structured routine is immense.

  • Prioritize conceptual clarity

Remember, NEET does not gauge your memory skills. It rather gauge your understanding of a concept and how you are able to apply your learnings to solve problems. The questions hence are framed so. In order to be able to answer NEET questions, gaining knowledge and insight into the concepts is an absolute must.

  • Following the best resources for NEET

NCERT for NEET must be mastered. Apart from that, you can also follow relevant sources for NEET in order to be able to answer those few questions which are out of the scope of NCERT. Scroll up this page to find the best books for NEET.

  • Revisions

Once you have learnt a chapter/topic or concept, check if you have retained concepts. Revise concepts on a regular basis to keep a tab on your learnings.

  • Learn how to answer questions efficiently

Answering NEET questions within stipulated time demands a lot of practice. By regular practice, you feel confident about chapters and look to find different ways of answering the same question in the most efficient way.

  • Different approaches

Once you have covered all the chapters and revised them, approach the syllabus topic wise and solve questions on them. This way you are ensured to have covered all important concepts. Scroll up to see the important topics for NEET, for which data has been consolidated from previous years’ trends.

  • Prioritize concepts

After covering the NEET syllabus, while revising, start with the most important topics for NEET. One can get a brief idea of the important topics to be prioritized by reading through the previous years’ trends to find recurring concepts and making a list accordingly.

Referring to NEET Question Papers for 2023

Once students have referred to the syllabus of NEET 2023 and prepared as per the NEET weightage using the best books for NEET, students are advised to solve as many past years’ NEET question papers. This is one of the most effective ways to gauge your preparation and check your learnings so far. Follow these simple steps to make the most of the NEET papers –

  • Download at least 20 previous years’ NEET question papers with answer keys and solutions
  • Additionally, download some OMR response sheets too
  • Sit at a quiet place, set a timer for 3 hours and start answering the paper after reading instructions
  • Answer all the questions to which the answers are known
  • Skip questions to which answers are not known at the moment, revisit them
  • Mark responses on the OMR response sheet
  • Award marks as per the NEET marking scheme
  • Analyse your performance, work on weaker areas

Important articles for NEET Preparation – NEET Syllabus 2023 Topic wise

NEET Syllabus 2021 – Changes

Due to the COVID situation, there were many rumours regarding the reduction in the syllabus for NEET given the delay in the condition of the exam. However, NEET 2021 syllabus saw no reduction. Students were to follow the same syllabus as prescribed by the NTA with no reduction. The syllabus remained unchanged. However, the officials did take into consideration the delay and instead introduced a slight change in the NEET 2021 exam pattern.

This was a brief on the Biology, Physics and Chemistry NEET syllabus.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to know more about NEET 2023 examination pattern, cutoff, eligibility criteria, question papers, sample papers for NEET 2023, study material and more.


Recommended Question Papers for NEET 2023 Exam

Frequently Asked Questions on NEET Syllabus


How many chapters are there in total in NEET 2023 syllabus?

NEET syllabus comprises 97 chapters in total. NEET Physics has 29 chapters combined from class 11 and class 12, NEET Chemistry has 30 chapters combined from class 11 and class 12 and NEET Biology has 38 chapters combined from class 11 and class 12.

Is the NEET syllabus for 2023 changing?

No, there are no revisions or changes to NEET syllabus 2023.

What syllabus is covered in NEET?

NEET covers Physics, Chemistry and Biology syllabus from class 11 and 12 across different topics and subtopics.

How many chapters are there in total in NEET 2023 Physics syllabus?

In NEET Physics syllabus, there are a total of 29 chapters altogether in class 11 and 12 syllabi.

How many chapters are there in total in NEET Chemistry syllabus 2023?

There are a total of 30 chapters in NEET Chemistry syllabus. Class 11 has 14 chapters while class 12 has 16 chapters.

How many chapters are there in total in NEET Bio syllabus 2023?

There are a total of 38 chapters in NEET Biology syllabus for 2023. Class 11 has 22 chapters covered under 5 units, while class 11 has 16 chapters covered under 5 units.

Where can I find NEET Syllabus 2023 PDF?

Candidates preparing to appear for NEET exam can find NEET syllabus 2023 PDF on this page. A direct link to download detailed syllabus of NEET 2023 for Physics, Chemistry, Biology is provided here. Alternatively, you can also download NEET 2023 syllabus by visiting the official website of NEET – NTA.

How to start preparing for NEET?

NEET is a competitive medical entrance test conducted annually. To excel at the test, you can follow these steps –

  • Prepare a realistic study schedule
  • Carefully analyze and comprehend the NEET syllabus topic wise for each subject
  • Following the best books for NEET, NCERT should be mastered
  • Regular practising sessions with previous years’ NEET question papers
  • Revise and practice from NEET sample papers
  • Take up mock tests for NEET and gauge the performance
  • Gain conceptual clarity and get doubts cleared
  • Prepare your own notes
  • Improve speed, accuracy and time management skills
  • Indulge in stipulated breaks

Where can I download NEET 2023 syllabus?

The officials for NEET, the NTA (National Testing Agency) specify the syllabus for NEET. The syllabus for NEET can be downloaded from the official website, Alternatively, to easily access the NEET syllabus, simply go to this page, and click on the link of the detailed NEET syllabus topic wise for Physics, Chemistry and Biology to download NEET syllabus.

Was there any change in the syllabus of NEET 2022?

The syllabus of NEET 2022 was the same, there were no changes. Officials did not make any revisions or changes in the syllabus.

Who provides the NEET-UG 2023 syllabus?

The regulatory body for NEET, the National Testing Agency (NTA), specifies the syllabus for NEET on its official website. The syllabus covers the NCERT syllabus for classes 11 and 12 predominantly apart from other sources.

What are some important chapters in NEET chemistry?

Some of the important chapters of NEET Chemistry are – Chemical Kinetics, Equilibrium, Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers, Atomic Structure, S, P, D, and F-Block elements, Coordination Compounds, Hydrocarbons, Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids, Electrochemistry, Solutions, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Some basic principles & techniques – organic and inorganic chemistry.


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  1. too good information

  2. Byju’s is perfect to learn NEET

  3. thank u byjus

  4. thank you so much byjus:)

  5. thank you ! : )
    This was helpful !!!

  6. Great information about NEET thanks a lot

  7. Thank you so much Byjus

  8. Thank you Byjus


  10. Gave me clear information, was very useful

  11. Thank you Very much
    This is very helpful for NEET aspirants.

  12. Useful informative and helpful Great job Byju’s

  13. Really useful

  14. Thanks Byjus

  15. Good information

  16. Thanks for the information

  17. Thanks BYJU’S

  18. Is diversity in the living world and the living world same?

    • Yes, the same. Diversity in the living world is the main unit under which these chapters of NEET syllabus are covered – Chapter 1 The Living World, Chapter 2 Biological Classification, Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom, Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom.

  19. Useful information

  20. Thank you for providing valuable information.

  21. Most valuable information.

  22. thank you so much Byjus, its very useful

  23. Thank you so much

  24. Thanks, BYJU’S
    This is very helpful for us.

  25. So valuable and most useful information this is very much thank u to byjus

  26. Good valuable information 👍

  27. I appreciate it, It has given all information regarding neet preparation.