IIT JEE Advanced 2020 answer key has now been released by the exam authority on the official exam website: jeeadv.ac.in. IIT Delhi which conducted the exam has also announced that candidates can submit their feedback or raise their objections on the candidate portal (http://cportal.jeeadv.ac.in/) until Thursday, October 1st, 2020, 12:00 noon.
JEE Advanced answer keys for all the papers are provided. They are currently available in the form of PDFs. JEE Advanced answer key 2020 contains all the correct options to all the questions that were asked in the exam.
Apart from checking their answers candidates can also calculate their tentative score using the answer key and their response sheet which has also been released recently.
How To Download JEE Advanced 2020 Answer Key
Candidates can follow the given steps to download the answer key of JEE Advanced 2020.
- Visit the official website: jeeadv.ac.in
- Click on the link to the answer key.
- A page with subject-wise answer key PDF will open.
- Click on the subject and the answer key PDF will open.
- You can now view and download the PDF.
Candidates are advised to check the options if they find any discrepancies they can raise objections but with valid proof. They can log on to the official website: cportal.jeeadv.ac.in to file in their objections.
How to Raise Objections?
If candidates want to raise objections against the responses given in JEE Advanced 2020 answer key, they can follow the given steps;
- On the JEE Advanced official website find and click on the candidate portal link.
- One the new page login using your registration number and password.
- After that, click on the link to challenge JEE Advanced answer key.
- Choose the answer that you want to challenge.
- Upload supporting documents in a specified format.
- Fee payment has to be made. It is not refundable.
- Finally, click on the submit button.
IIT Delhi will review the answers and if the objection is valid then it will be considered. Otherwise, the decision of the authorities will be final.
The final answer key will be released in a few days time. As per reports, IIT Delhi will likely make the final JEE Advanced answer keys available along with the results on October 5.