JEE Advanced 2021 admit card has now been released by IIT Kharagpur for candidates who have registered for the exam. Candidates can download their Advanced admit card from the direct link given – They can also visit the official website, and access their admit cards.
The JEE Advanced 2021 admit card will be available for download till October 3. In order to download, candidates will have to log in using their application details such as their unique registration number, date of birth and phone number.
Steps To Download JEE Advanced 2021 Admit Card
Candidates can follow these simple steps to download JEE Advanced Admit card 2020:
STEP 1: Visit the official website at
STEP 2: Click on the link provided as;
STEP 3: A new screen will appear.
STEP 4: Login using your credentials.
STEP 5: After successful entry, JEE Advanced 2021 admit card will be displayed on the screen with an option to download it.
Once downloaded, candidates should carefully check all the details mentioned on the admit card. In case of any discrepancy, they should immediately report the matter to the exam authority.
The JEE Advanced 2021 admit card will contain details such as exam centre details, registration id, candidate’s name, date of birth, photograph and signature. A self-declaration form will also be attached and other exam day instructions (list of prohibited and allowed items) along with Covid-19 guidelines will be mentioned. Candidates should download all the pages and take their printouts.
JEE Advanced 2021 is being conducted on a national level for those students seeking admission in some of the top Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in the country. This year IIT Kharagpur will administer the entrance exam and declare the results. The entrance exam will be held on October 3.
Important Links
JEE Advanced 2021 Eligibility Criteria |
JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Pattern |
JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Papers |
JEE Advanced Mock Test |
JEE Advanced Information Brochure |