After successfully conducting JEE Main September exams, NTA has now released the provisional answer key of the entrance examination. Candidates can visit the JEE Main’s website — and check the JEE Main answer key from the portal. NTA has also released the JEE Main 2020 question papers along with the answer keys.
In order to access both the question papers and answer key, candidates will have to first click on the “View Question Paper and Challenge Answer Key” tab. Then they will have to enter their application number and password. On successful entry, candidates can view the question paper and answer key for JEE Main September session. Candidates can also download a copy of the answer key for future reference.
Candidates can go through the answer key and compare their answers. They can analyze their performance and also develop a tentative score that they will achieve in the final result.
Alternatively, candidates can also raise objections if they find any discrepancies in the JEE Main answer key. They can submit their queries with valid proof on the official website. They will be charged Rs. 1000 per question and this fee can be paid either by credit/debit card/Net banking/UPI/PAYTM service. The fee is non-refundable.
A panel of subject experts will carefully cross-check and verify the challenges submitted by the candidates. Once this process is complete the final answer key will be released. NTA’s decision will be final and no new challenges or communication will be entertained.