Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Choose the correct answer :
1. A commercially sold conc. HCl is 35% HCl by mass. If the density of this commercial acid is 1.46 g/mL, the molarity of this solution is :
(Atomic mass : Cl = 35.5 amu, H = 1 amu)
(A) 10.2 M
(B) 12.5 M
(C) 14.0 M
(D) 18.2 M
Answer (C)
Sol. Molarity
2. An evacuated glass vessel weighs 40.0 g when empty, 135.0 g when filled with a liquid of density 0.95 g mLβ1 and 40.5 g when filled with an ideal gas at 0.82 atm at 250 K. The molar mass of the gas in g molβ1 is:
(Given : R = 0.082 L atm Kβ1 molβ1)
(A) 35
(B) .50
(C) 75
(D) 175
Answer (Bonus)
Sol. Weight of liquid = 135.0 β 40.0 = 95.0 g
Volume of liquid
Weight of gas = 0.5 g
Moles of gas
PV = nRT
3. If the radius of the 3rd Bohrβs orbit of hydrogen atom is r3 and the radius of 4th Bohrβs orbit is r4. Then :
Answer (B)
4. Consider the ions/molecules
For increasing bond order the correct option is:
Answer (A)
Species |
Bond order |
\(\begin{array}{l}O_2^+\end{array} \)
2.5 |
O2 |
2 |
\(\begin{array}{l}O_2^-\end{array} \)
1.5 |
\(\begin{array}{l}O_2^{-2}\end{array} \)
1 |
5. The [
A |
B |
C |
D |
1 Γ 10-4 |
2 Γ 10-4 |
0.1 Γ 10-4 |
0.2 Γ 10-4 |
(Where E is the electromotive force)
Which of the above half cells would be preferred to be used as reference electrode?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Answer (C)
Sol. We know that
Higher the value of slope
6. Choose the correct stability order of group 13 elements in their +1 oxidation state.
(A) Al < Ga < In < Tl
(B) Tl < In < Ga < Al
(C) Al < Ga < Tl < In
(D) Al < Tl < Ga < In
Answer (A)
Sol. Due to inert pair effect, stability of +3 oxidation state decreases and that of +1 oxidation state increases for (down the group) group 13 elements.
So, the correct order of stability of group 13 elements in their +1 oxidation state is Al < Ga < In < Tl.
7. Given below are two statements:
Statement I : According to the Ellingham diagram, any metal oxide with higher ΞGΒ° is more stable than the one with lower ΞGΒ°.
Statement II :The metal involved in the formation of oxide placed lower in the Ellingham diagram can reduce the oxide of a metal placed higher in the diagram.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
(C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
(D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
Answer (D)
Sol. Ellingham diagram is plot of ΞG vs T.
The criterion for the feasibility of a thermal reduction is that at a given temperature Gibbs energy change of a reaction must be negative. The change in Gibbs energy,ΞG for any process at any specified temperature, is given by the equation
where ΞH = enthalpy change and
ΞS = entropy change
According to the ellingham diagram, any metal oxide with higher ΞGΒ° has a tendency of getting reduced by the metal whose metal oxide has lower value of ΞGΒ°.
Therefore, Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
8. Consider the following reaction:
The dihedral angle in product A in its solid phase at 110 K is :
(A) 104Β°
(B) 111.5Β°
(C) 90.2Β°
(D) 111.0Β°
Answer (C)
Sol. A should be H2O2
Structure of H2O2 is solid phase
Dihedral angle = 90.2Β°
9. The correct order of melting point is :
(A) Be > Mg > Ca > Sr
(B) Sr > Ca > Mg > Be
(C) Be > Ca > Mg > Sr
(D) Be > Ca > Sr > Mg
Answer (D)
Element |
M.P. |
Be |
1560 K |
Mg |
924 K |
Ca |
1124 K |
Sr |
1062 K |
10. The correct order of melting points of hydrides of group 16 elements is:
(A) H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2O
(B) H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te
(C) H2S < H2Te < H2Se < H2O
(D) H2Se < H2S < H2Te < H2O
Answer (A)
Hydride |
M.P. |
H2O |
273 K |
H2S |
188 K |
H2Se |
208 K |
H2Te |
222 K |
11. Consider the following reaction:
A + alkali β B (Major Product)
If B is an oxoacid of phosphorus with no P-H bond, then A is:
(A) White P4
(B) Red P4
(C) P2O3
(D) H3PO3
Answer (B)
Sol. White P4 + alkali β H3PO2
Red P4 + alkali β H4P2O6
No P-H bond
12. Polar stratospheric clouds facilitate the formation of:
(A) ClONO2
(B) HOCl
(C) ClO
(D) CH4
Answer (B)
Sol. In summer season nitrogen dioxide and methane react with chlorine monoxide and chlorine atoms forming, Chlorine sinks, preventing much ozone depletion, whereas in winter,special types of clouds called polar stratospheric clouds are formed over Antarctica. These polar stratospheric clouds provide surface on which chlorine nitrate formed gets hydrolysed to form hypochlorous acid.
ClONO2(g) + H2O(g) βHOCl(g) + HNO3(g)
13. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: In βLassaigneβs Testβ, when both nitrogen and sulphur are present in an organic compound, sodium thiocyanate is formed.
Statement II: If both nitrogen and sulphur are present in an organic compound, then the excess of sodium used in sodium fusion will decompose the sodium thiocyanate formed to give NaCN and Na2S.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
(C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
(D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
Answer (A)
Sol. NaSCN + 2Na βNaCN + Na2S
Consider the above reaction and identify the intermediate βXβ
Answer (D)
Consider the above reaction sequence and identify the product B.
Answer (A)
16. Which will have the highest enol content?
Answer (C)
17. Among the following structures, which will show the most stable enamine formation?
(Where Me is βCH3)
Answer (C)
Sol. The most appropriate option is (C) as one group is far enough from βCOOH group.
18. Which of the following sets are correct regarding polymer?
(A) Copolymer : Buna-S
(B) Condensation polymer : Nylon-6,6
(C) Fibres : Nylon-6,6
(D) Thermosetting polymer : Terylene
(E) Homopolymer : Buna-N
Choose the correct answer from given options below:
(A) (A), (B) and (C) are correct
(B) (B), (C) and (D) are correct
(C) (A), (C) and (E) are correct
(D) (A), (B) and (D) are correct
Answer (A)
Sol. (A) Buna-S β Copolymer
(B) Nylon-6,6 β Condensation polymer
(C) Nylon-6,6 β Fibre
(D) Terylene β Thermoplastic
(E) Buna-N β Copolymer
(A) A, B and C are correct.
19. A chemical which stimulates the secretion of pepsin is:
(A) Anti-histamine
(B) Cimetidine
(C) Histamine
(D) Zantac
Answer (C)
Sol. Histamine stimulates the secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
20. Which statement is not true with respect to nitrate ion test?
(A) A dark brown ring is formed at the junction of two solutions.
(B) Ring is formed due to nitroferrous sulphate complex.
(C) The brown complex is [Fe(H2O)5 (NO)]SO4.
(D) Heating the nitrate salt with conc. H2SO4, light brown fumes are evolved.
Answer (B)
Sol. Brown ring test
Brown ring
Numerical Value Type Questions: This section contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five questions out of 10. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 06.25, 07.00, β00.33, β00.30, 30.27, β27.30) using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
1. For complete combustion of methanol
the amount of heat produced as measured by bomb calorimeter is 726 kJ molβ1 at 27Β°C. Theenthalpy of combustion for the reaction is βx kJ molβ1, where xis ____. (Nearestinteger)
(Given : R= 8.3 JKβ1 molβ1)
Answer (727)
β β727 kJ molβ1
2. A 0.5 percent solution of potassium chloride was found to freeze at β0.24Β°C. The percentagedissociation of potassium chloride is ______. (Nearest integer)
(Molal depression constant for water is 1.80 K kg molβ1 and molar mass of KCl is74.6 g molβ1)
Answer (98)
= 1.98
3. 50 mL of 0.1 M CH3COOH is being titrated against 0.1 M NaOH. When 25 mL of NaOH hasbeen added, the pH of the solution will be ____ Γ 10β2. (Nearest integer)
(Given : pKa (CH3COOH) = 4.76)
log 2 = 0.30
log 3 = 0.48
log 5 = 0.69
log 7 = 0.84
log 11 = 1.04
Answer (476)
Sol. CH3COOH + NaOH β CH3COONa + H2O
at initially
at time t 2.5 m moles 0 2.5 m mol
pH = 4.76
4. A flask is filled with equal moles of A and B. The half lives of A and B are 100 s and 50 srespectively and are independent of the initial concentration. The time required for theconcentration of A to be four times that of B is ________s.
(Given : In 2 = 0.693)
Answer (200)
Sol. A + B
at initially 1 1
mole mole
after 100 s
after 200 s
Ans. 200 seconds
5. 2.0 g of H2 gas is adsorbed on 2.5 g of platinum powder at 300 K and 1 bar pressure. Thevolume of the gas adsorbed per gram of the adsorbent is _____ mL.
(Given : R= 0.083 L bar Kβ1 molβ1)
Answer (9960)
Sol. PV = nRT
β΄ Volume of the gas adsorbed per gram of the adsorbent
= 9960 ml
6. The spin-only magnetic moment value of the most basic oxide of vanadium among V2O3, V2O4 and V2O5 is ______ B.M. (Nearest integer)
Answer (3)
Sol. The most basic oxide among V2O3, V2O4 and V2O5 is V2O3
V2O3 = V+3(d2)
Magnetic moment
= 2.83 β 3
7. The spin-only magnetic moment value of an octahedral complex among CoCl3β 4NH3, NiCl2β 6H2O and PtCl4β 2HCl, which upon reaction with excess of AgNO3 gives 2 moles of AgCl is _____ B.M. (Nearest Integer)
Answer (3)
Magnetic moment
8. On complete combustion 0.30 g of an organic compound gave 0.20 g of carbon dioxide and
0.10 g of water. The percentage of carbon in the given organic compound is ______.
(Nearest Integer)
Answer (18)
9. Compound βPβ on nitration with dil. HNO3 yields two isomers (A) and (B) show the intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding respectively. Compound (P) on reaction with conc. HNO3 yields a yellow compound βCβ, a strong acid. The number of oxygen atoms is present in compound βCβ _____.
Answer (7)
The number of oxygen atoms = 7
10. The number of oxygens present in a nucleotide formed from a base, that is present only in RNA is ________.
Answer (9)
Sol. Nucleotide formed by Uracil, the base present in RNA, is
The number of oxygen = 9

JEE Main 2022 June 26 β Shift 1 Chemistry Question Paper with Solutions