Matrices JEE Advanced previous year questions with solutions are given on this page. These are prepared by our subject experts. Matrix is a set of numbers arranged in rows and columns so as to form a rectangular array. Students can expect questions from this topic. Aspirants are recommended to revise these solutions so that they can understand the difficulty level and pattern of the JEE Advanced exam.
Question 1:
(a) 52
(b) 103
(c) 201
(d) 205
= I + A
So An = 0 for all n greater than or equal to 3.
Now P50 = (I+A)50 = 50C0 I50 + 50C1 I49 + 50C2 I48 A2 + 0
= I + 50A + 25 × 49 A2
⇒ q21 = 50 × 4 = 200
q31 = 50 × 16 + 25 × 49 × 16
= 20400
q32 = 50 × 4 = 200
So (q31+q32)/q21 = 20600/200 = 103
Hence option b is the answer.
Question 2: If A is a square matrix, then adj AT– (adj A)T is equal to
(a) 2|A|
(b) 2|A| I
(c) null matrix
(d) unit matrix
We know A-1 = adj A/det A
(AT)-1 = adj AT/det AT
⇒ adj AT = det AT.(AT)-1
⇒ adj AT = det A.(A-1)T (since det AT = det A, and (AT)-1 = (A-1)T
⇒ adj AT = det A.(adj A/det A)T
⇒ adj AT = (det A/det A)(adj A)T
⇒ adj AT = (adj A)T
⇒ adj AT – (adj A)T = 0
⇒ null matrix
Hence option c is the answer.
Question 3:
(a) A2 + I = A(A2 – I)
(b) A4 – I = A2 + I
(c) A3 + I = A(A3 – I)
(d) A3 – I = A(A – I)
A2+I = A3-A
-I+I = A3-A
A3 ≠ A
So option a is the wrong statement.
Hence option a is the answer.
Question 4: If A is a 3 × 3 non-singular matrix such that AAT = ATA and B = A-1AT, then BBT equals
(a) I+B
(b) I
(c) B-1
(d) (B-1)T
Given that AAT = ATA and B = A-1AT
BBT = (A-1AT) (A-1AT)T
= A-1AT A(A-1)T (since (AT)T = A)
= A-1A AT(AT)-1
= I.I
= I
Hence option b is the answer.
Question 5:
Question 6: Let ω be a complex cube root of unity with ω ≠ 1 and P = [pij] be an n×n matrix with pij = ωi+j. Then p2 ≠ 0, when n =
(a) 55
(b) 56
(c) 57
(d) 58
For n = 3,
It shows P2 = 0 when n is a multiple of 3.
So for P2 ≠ 0, n should not be a multiple of 3. So n can take the values 55, 56, and 58.
Hence, option a, b and d are correct.
Question 7:
(a) A – 4I
(b) 6I – A
(c) A – 6I
(d) 4I – A
Characteristic equation of matrix A is |A – λI| = 0
⇒ λ2 – 6λ – 10 = 0
So A2 – 6A – 10I = 0
Multiply by A-1
⇒ A-1(A2) – 6A A-1– 10 I A-1 = 0
⇒ A-1A A – 6A A-1– 10 I A-1 = 0
⇒ 10A-1 = A – 6I
Hence, option c is the answer.
Question 8: Let M be a 2 × 2 symmetric matrix with integer entries. Then M is invertible if
(a) The first column of M is the transpose of the second row of M
(b) The second row of M is the transpose of the first column of M
(c) M is a diagonal matrix with non-zero entries in the main diagonal
(d) The product of entries in the main diagonal of M is not the square of an integer
If a matrix is invertible, determinant must not be equal to zero.
⇒ The matrix should be non-singular.
Det M = ac – b2 ≠ 0
⇒ ac ≠ b2
So M is a diagonal matrix with non-zero entries in the main diagonal.
The product of entries in the main diagonal of M is not the square of an integer.
Hence, options c and d are correct.
Question 9: Let X and Y be two arbitrary, 3 × 3, non-zero, skew-symmetric matrices and Z be an arbitrary 3 × 3, non-zero, symmetric matrix. Then which of the following matrices is (are) skew symmetric?
(a) Y3Z4 – Z4Y3
(b) X4Z3 – Z3X4
(c) X23 + Y23
(d) X44 + Y44
We use the properties (A + B)T = AT + BT
XT = -X
YT = -Y
ZT = Z
(Y3Z4 – Z4Y3)T = (Z4)T(Y3)T – (Y3)T(Z4)T
= (ZT)4(YT)3 – (YT)3(ZT)4
= -Z4Y3 + Y3Z4
= Y3Z4 – Z4Y3
So (Y3Z4 – Z4Y3) is a symmetric matrix.
Similarly, X44 + Y44 is a symmetric matrix.
(X4Z3 – Z3X4)T = (X4Z3)T – (Z3X4)T
= (ZT)3(XT)4 – (XT)4(ZT)3
= Z3X4 – X4Z3
= -(X4Z3 – Z3X4)
⇒ skew-symmetric.
(X23 + Y23)T = (XT)23 + (YT)23
= -X23 – Y23
= -(X23 + Y23)
⇒ skew-symmetric.
X4Z3 – Z3X4 and X23 + Y23 are skew-symmetric matrices.
Hence, options b and c are the answer.
Question 10: How many 3×3 matrices M with entries from {0, 1, 2} are there for which the sum of the diagonal entries of MTM is 5?
(a) 198
(b) 126
(c) 162
(d) 135
Given that the sum of the diagonal elements in MTM = 5
⇒ (a12 + a42 + a72) + (a22 + a52 + a82) + (a32 + a62 + a92) = 5, which is possible when
Case 1: 5 ai’s are 1 and 4 ai’s are zero, which can be done in 9C4 ways = 126
Case 2: 1 ai is 1, 1 ai is 2 and the rest 7ais are zero.
It can be done in 9C1 × 8C1 = 9×8 = 72 ways
So total number of ways = 126 + 72
= 198
Hence option a is the answer.
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