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Tamil Nadu 2020-21 NTSE Stage 1 – Question Paper With Solutions

Paper: MAT

Direction: From question 1 to 7 – In each series, the alpha numericals are following certain rule or pattern. Choose the answer from the given four alternatives.

Question 1. 5, 12, 26, 47, 75, __?___

a. 99
b. 110
c. 105
d. 93

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 1 solution

Question 2. 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, __?___

a. 24
b. 28
c. 26
d. 30

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 2 solution

Question 3. 5, 10, __?___, 50, 122, 170

a. 26
b. 37
c. 49
d. 27

Answer: (a)

The pattern shows that first we are taking the series of prime numbers.

After that, squaring the prime number and adding 1 to it.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 3 solution

Question 4. 2, 2, 5, 4, 10, 8, 17, 14, __?___, 22

a. 24
b. 25
c. 26
d. 30

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 4 solution

Question 5. 256, 10, 128, 40, __?___, 160, 32

a. 65
b. 50
c. 58
d. 54

Answer: Bonus

Solving the pattern we are getting 64 which is not present in the option.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 5 solution

Question 6. –5A, 0F, –3C, 20Z, _____, 19Y

a. 2G
b. 1G
c. 2H
d. 2I

Answer: (b) and (c)

First, we need to find the numerical order of the alphabet given in the right.

After that, we need to subtract 6 from it.

The resultant number that came after that has to be placed on the left.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 6

So, the remaining cases (from options) are –

a. 2G → 7 – 6 = 1 ≠ 2 [Rejected]

b. 1G → 7 – 6 = 1 [Accepted]

c. 2H → 8 – 6 = 2 [Accepted]

d. 2I → 9 – 6 = 3 ≠ 2 [Rejected]

Question 7. PRT, QTW, _____, SXC, TZF

a. RWZ
b. RVY
c. RUY
d. RVZ

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 7 solution

Direction: (Question Numbers 8 to 12): In each of the following series, one term is wrong. Identify the wrong term.

Question 8. 0, 6, 24, 64, 120, 210

a. 120
b. 64
c. 210
d. 24

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 8 solution

Question 9. 73, 58, 94, 69, 116, 80, 126, 91, 157

a. 58
b. 69
c. 116
d. 80

Answer: Bonus

If in question series instead of 136 is given instead of 126, then the question can be solved as given below.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 9 solution

The wrong term in the series is 116

Question 10.1, 3, 5, 9, 18, 33, 65, 129

a. 18
b. 9
c. 65
d. 33

Answer: BONUS

If 2 is there instead of 1 in question, then it can be solved

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 10 solution

The wrong term in the series is 18

Question 11. AB, EG, IL, MP, QV, UA

a. IL
b. QV
c. MP
d. UA

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 11 solution

Question 12.Z, X, S, T, R, P, N, L

a. R
b. X
c. T
d. S

Answer: (d)

The wrong term in the series is S

Direction: (Question Numbers 13 and 14) Read the questions and choose the proper answer.

Question 13. ‘Angle’ is related to ‘Radian’ in the same way as ‘Force’ is related to

a. Newton
b. Pascal
c. Joule
d. Watt

Answer: (a)

S.I. unit of ‘angle’ of ‘radian’.

Similarly, the S.I. unit of ‘Force’ is ‘Newton’.

So, option (A) is correct.

Question 14.’Book’ is related to ‘Page’ then ‘Flower’ is related to:

a. Essence
b. Fragrance
c. Petal
d. Garland

Answer: (c)

‘Book’ is made of ‘pages’. Similarly, ‘Flower’ is made of ‘petals’.

Direction: (Question Numbers 15 and 16) – First two terms are connected by some relationship. The same relationship is applicable to the next pair. Identify a suitable pair.

Question 15. Paddy : Field : : ___?___ : ___?___

a. Steel, Mine
b. Steel, Ore
c. Steel, Factory
d. Steel, Iron

Answer: (c)

‘Paddy’ is grown in the field. Similarly, ‘Steel’ is produced in the ‘Factory’.

Question 16.7 : 77 : : ___?___ : ___?___

a. 3, 12
b. 5, 30
c. 2, 5
d. 5, 35

Answer: (d)

Here the number is multiplied by the next prime number

7 x 11 = 77

Checking with all options we get

3 x 5 = 15 ≠ 12

5 x 7 = 35 ≠ 30

2 x 3 = 6 ≠ 5

5 x 7 = 35 = 35

Direction: (Question Numbers 17 to 19) – The first pair is connected by some relationship. The same relationship is applicable to the next pair. Identify the missing term in the second pair.

Question 17. throw : collect : : push : __?___

a. pull
b. door
c. window
d. knock

Answer: (a)

‘throw’ and ‘collect’ are antonyms of each other.

Similarly, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ are antonyms of each other.

Question 18. apparel : shirt : : __?__ : necklace

a. gold
b. jewellery
c. silver
d. ring

Answer: (b)

‘shirt‘ belongs to ‘apparel’.

Similarly, ‘necklace‘ belongs to ‘jewellery’.

Question 19. AB : ZY : : EF : __?___

a. UV
b. VW
c. WV
d. VU

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 19 solution

A ↔ Z (1st from starting and from ending)

B ↔ Y (2nd from starting and 2nd from ending)

So, E ↔ V (5th from starting and 5th from ending)

R ↔ U (6th from starting and 6th from ending)

Direction: (Question Number 20) – Choose the set of numbers from the four alternatives which is similar to the given set.

Question 20. (7, 14, 23)

a. (18, 25, 32)
b. (27, 36, 45)
c. 5, 11, 19)
d. (18, 25, 34)

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 20 solution

Direction: (Question Numbers 21 to 27) – Read the information given in the questions and answer the following.

Question 21. In the following letter series, some of the letters are missing which are given in the alternatives in order.

Choose the correct alternative.


a. cccc
b. baab
c. abab
d. abba

Answer: (d)

abba baab abba baab

∴ abba is answer.

Question 22. Choose the group of letters which is different from others.

a. BCE
b. KJM
c. PQS
d. ZAC

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 22 solution

Question 23. If, in a certain code language ‘FRUIT’ is coded as ‘ZLOCN’ then ‘FLOWER’ is coded as:


Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 23 solution

Question 24. If C = 6, BE = 14, L = 24 and BAG = 20 then ‘LUGGAGE’ is :

a. 120
b. 60
c. 240
d. 44

Answer: (a)

First, we will write the alphabetical order of the given alphabet















Now multiplying it with 2 we get

C = 3 × 2 = 6 ⇒ 6

BE = (2 + 5) × 2 = 14 ⇒ 14

L = 12 × 2 = 24 ⇒ 24

BAG = (2 + 1 + 7) x 2 = 10 x 2 ⇒ 20

So, LUGGAGE = x ⇒ (12 + 21 + 7 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 5) × 2

⇒ x = 120

Question 25. In a code language :

(i) ‘im be pee’ means ‘petals are blue’

(ii) ‘sik hee’ means ‘red flowers’

(iii) ‘pee mit hee’ means ‘flowers are fragrant’.

Then, ‘fragrant are red flowers’ is:

a. pee im mit hee
b. im be sik mit
c. be sik pee mit
d. sik hee pee mit

Answer: (d)

From (i) and (iii) Pee – are

From (ii) and (iii) hee – flower

sik – red

mit – fragrant

‘fragrant are red flowers’ will be ‘mit pee sik hee’

Question 26. If a + b = 51; x + y = 5, then p – q is :

a. 1
b. -1
c. 3
d. 20

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 26 solution

Question 27. A mountain has always ______.

a. animals
b. trees
c. height
d. birds

Answer: (c)

A mountain always has some height.

Direction: (Question Number 28) – Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and choose the most appropriate sequence.

Question 28. Choose the most appropriate sequence

(a) cow

(b) curd

(c) milk

(d) butter

a. (a), (d), (c), (b)
b. (c), (d), (b), (a)
c. (a), (b), (c), (d)
d. (a), (c), (b), (d)

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 28 solution

So, (a), (c), (b), (d) is the meaningful sequence

Direction: (Question Number 29) – Choose the best reaction from the alternatives for the given situation.

Question 29.You are cycling on the narrow crowded street and suddenly you see a one rupee coin on the pavement. What action will you take?

a. Take the coin and give it to a beggar.
b. Take the coin and pocket it yourself.
c. Leave it where it is.
d. Take the coin and deposit it in the nearest police station.

Answer: (d)

As per the moral values, he may take it and hand it over to the nearest police station. So, option (d) is correct.

Direction:(Question Number 30) – Arrange the given words in dictionary alphabetical order and choose the word which comes in the middle.

Question 30.

(a) credential (b) creed (c) colour (d) credible (e) create

a. (a)
b. (e)
c. (b)
d. (d)

Answer: (a)

Colour ( O < r)

Create ( a < d)

Credential ( e < i)



Order Will be

Colour, Create, Credential, Credible, Creed

So, Credential will be the middle word.

Direction: (Question Numbers 31 to 40) – Read the instructions and information given in the questions, and choose the best alternative.

Question 31. Choose the word which can’t be made from the letters of the word CHOREOGRAPHY.


Answer: (d)

option (a) : Graph


option (b) GEOGRAPHY

C H O R E O G R A P H Y (Rejected)

Option (c) CORE

C H O R E O G R A P H Y (Rejected)

Option (d) ROUGE

C H O R E O G R A P H Y (Accepted)

U word is not there in ‘CHOREOGRAPHY’

So, ‘ROUGE’ can’t be made from CHOREOGRAPHY

Question 32. Select the combination of numbers so that the letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.


1 2 3 4 5 6

a. 265143
b. 651432
c. 265134
d. 261543

Answer: (a)


2 6 5 1 4 3

Question 33. A meaningful word starting with ‘A’ and the other four letters are from the first, second, fourth and fifth letters of the word ‘CONTRACT’. The last letter of the meaningful word is:

a. O
b. T
c. R
d. A

Answer: (c)


1 2 4 5

New word – ACOTR

Meaningful word: ACTOR

So, last letter = R

Question 34. The number of P’s in the following series which are immediately followed by B as well as immediately preceded by Z is :


a. 5
b. 6
c. 4
d. 3

Answer: (d)



Question 35. If the alphabet series is written in the reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the left of the eighteenth letter from the right?

a. C
b. X
c. B
d. Y

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 35 solution

Question 36. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way. Which one of them does not belong to that category?

Carrot, Sweet potato, Beetroot, Potato

a. Potato
b. Beetroot
c. Carrot
d. Sweet potato

Answer: (a)

Potato is a stem, the other three are roots.

Question 37. After walking 10 km, a person turned right and covered a distance of 5 km. Then, turned left and covered a distance of 20 km. In the end, the person was moving towards the south. In which direction did the person start his journey?

a. West
b. East
c. North
d. South

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 37 solution

The person starts the journey in the south direction.

Question 38. A group of 150000 persons consists of captains and soldiers. There is one captain for every 15 soldiers. The number of captains in the group is :

a. 10000
b. 9375
c. 9275
d. 9475

Answer: (b)

One captain for every 15 soldiers i.e. total 16 in a team.

150000/16 = 9375

Hence, total captains = 9375

Question 39. In an examination, a student scores 3 marks for every correct answer and loses one mark for every wrong answer. If she attempts all the 120 questions and secures 80 marks, the number of questions she attempted wrongly, is :

a. 70
b. 50
c. 60
d. 80

Answer: (a)

Correct → +3 marks (let x correct questions)

incorrect → –1 mark (let y incorrect questions)

x + y = 120 …(1)

3x – y = 80 …(2)

On adding (1) and (2),

4x = 200

⇒ x = 50

Putting value of x in eq. (1),

y = 70

So, the student attempted 70 questions incorrectly.

Question 40. Two statements (I) and (II) are followed by conclusions (1) and (2). Read the statements and conclusions and give the correct answer.


(I) Some fans are sweets.

(II)All sweets are tube lights.


(1) Some fans are tube lights.

(2) Some tube lights are fans.

a. Either conclusion follow
b. Only conclusion (1) follows
c. Only conclusion (2) follows
d. Neither conclusion (1) nor (2) follows

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 40 solution

So, either conclusion follows.

Direction: (Question Numbers 41 to 46) – The given operators convey new meanings. Read the meanings/instructions and find the answer.

Question 41. If ‘×’ means ‘+’, ‘÷’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’ and ‘+’ means ‘÷’ then : 8 × 7 – 8 + 40 ÷ 2 =

a. 48
b. 68
c. 7 ⅖
d. 7

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 41 solution

= 8 + 7 × 8 ÷ 40 – 2

= 8 + 56 ÷ 40 – 2

= 8 + 56/40 – 2 = 6 – 56/40 = 6 + 7/5

= 37/5= 7 ⅖

Question 42. If ‘–’ means ‘÷’, ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘÷’ means ‘–’ and ‘×’ means ‘+’ then which of the following is correct?

a. 52 ÷ 4 + 5 × 8 – 2 = 36
b. 43 × 7 ÷ 5 + 4 – 8 = 25
c. 36 × 4 – 12 + 5 ÷ 3 = 420
d. 36 – 12 × 6 ÷ 3 + 4 = 60

Answer: (a)

– → ÷

+ → ×

÷ → –

× → +

Solving Option (a) we get

52 – 4 × 5 + 8 ÷ 2

= 52 – 20 + 4

= 36 (correct)

Question 43. The following relation became incorrect due to the interchange of two signs. Which of the two signs when interchanged makes the relation correct?

7 ÷ 8 × 2 – 16 + 2 = 15

a. + and –
b. + and ÷
c. + and ×
d. ÷ and ×

Answer: (b)

7 ÷ 8 × 2 – 16 + 2

Interchanging + and ÷ we get

7 + 8 × 2 – 16 ÷ 2

7 + 16 – 8

= 15

Question 44. If the interchanges are made in signs and numbers, which of the following would be correct?

Interchanges in signs : + and ×

Interchanges in numbers : 4 and 5

a. 5 × 4 + 20 = 40
b. 4 × 5 + 20 – 10 = 95
c. 5 × 4 + 20 = 104
d. 5 × 4 + 20 = 75

Answer: (c)

Option (a)

5 × 4 + 20

4 + 5 × 20 = 104 ≠ 40

Option (b)

4 x 5 + 20 – 10

5 + 4 × 20 – 10

5 + 80 – 10 = 75 ≠ 95

Option (c)

5 × 4 + 20

4 + 5 × 20

4 + 100 = 104

Option (d)

5 × 4 + 20

4 + 5 x 20 = 104 ≠ 75

Question 45. If 5*7 = 74 and 2*8 = 68, then 7 *8 is :

a. 56
b. 113
c. 103
d. 123

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 45 solution

Question 46. If 17 + 22 = 12 and 26 + 19 = 18, then (10 + 20) + (12 + 2) is:

a. 44
b. 16
c. 24
d. 8

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 46 solution

Direction: (Question Numbers 47 to 54) – Read the questions and choose the appropriate answer.

Question 47. A mirror is placed in front of a clock. The clock shows the time 5 hours 50 minutes. The reflection in the mirror is:

a. 6 hours 10 min
b. 5 hours 10 min
c. 6 hours 50 min
d. 5 hours 50 min

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 47 solution

Mirror image of clock = 6:10

Question 48. The angle between the hour hand and minute hand when the time is 6 hours 45 minutes, is:

a. 60°
b. 62.5°
c. 65°
d. 67.5°

Answer: (d)

Angle moved by hour hand in every minutes = 360/12 × 60 = 0.5°

Angle moved by hour hand in every minutes = 360/60 = 6°

Starting from 6 o’clock, in 45 minute hour hand will travel 45 x 0.5° = 22.5°

Starting from 6 o’clock, in 45 minute hand will travel 45 x 6° = 270°

Angle between them 270° – 22.5° = 247.5°

But they already had angle of 180° between them at 6 o’clock

So, the angle between them now is 247.5° – 180° = 67.5°

Question 49. Raj introduced a girl as the daughter of the daughter of his Aunt’s mother. The girl is Raj’s:

a. daughter
b. sister
c. grand daughter
d. mother

Answer: (b)

Raj’s Aunt’s mother

Raj’s Aunt (Daughter 1)

Raj → (Daughter 2) girl

So, sister is the correct option.

Question 50. The number of combinations of two-digit numbers having 4, can be made from the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 is

a. 16
b. 11
c. 17
d. 18

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 50 solution

But 44 is repeated twice, hence total combination is 9 + 9 – 1 = 17

Question 51. The number of numbers from 1 to 200 which are divisible by 10 but not divisible by 30, is :

a. 13
b. 15
c. 14
d. 20

Answer: (c)

Total number divisible by 10 from 1 to 200 are

10, 20, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, 110, 130, 140, 160, 170, 190, 200 – 20

Here, 30 ,60,90,120,150,180 are divisible by 30 – 6

= 20 – 6

= 14

Total which are divisible by 10 but not divisible by 30, is 14

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Question 52. A class of students strength 44 took an ability test. Five of them can not qualify for the test. Out of the remaining qualified students Sam ranked 18th from the last. His rank from the top is :

a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 21

Answer: (a)

Total number of students = 40

Number of failed students = 05

Number of passed students = 39

Sam ranked 18th from the last = Sam’s rank from the top = 39 – 18 + 1 = 22

Question 53. Which of the following statements are true?

(a) Zero is neither positive nor negative.

(b) 1 is neither prime nor composite.

(c) The set of non-negative numbers is different from the set of positive numbers.

(d) 2 is a prime but not composite.

a. (a) and (b) only
b. (a), (b) and (c) only
c. (a), (c) and (d) only
d. All of the above

Answer: (d)

(a) Zero is neither positive nor negative is a true statement.

(b)The only factor of 1 is 1. A prime number has exactly two factors so 1 isn’t prime. A composite number has more than 2 factors, so 1 isn’t composite. So, the given statement is true.

(c)A non-negative is greater than or equal to zero, but a positive number is always greater than zero, hence the statement is true.

(d)A prime number has exactly two factors, and a composite number has more than 2 factors, hence the given statement is true.

Hence, all statements are true.

Question 54. Which of the following are not true?

(a) All the integers are rational numbers.

(b) 𝜋 is an irrational number.

(c) A rational number need not be a proper fraction.

(d) 0 is a rational number.

a. None of the above
b. (a) and (d) only
c. (a) and (b) only
d. All of the above

Answer: (a)

By the concept of the number system, all are true, and none of the above is wrong.

Direction: (Question Numbers 55 to 58)Find the missing character.

Question 55. Find the missing character.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 55

a. 23
b. 22
c. 27
d. 3

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 55 solution

52 + 3 = 28 (a)

52 + 4 = 29 (b)

So, 52 – 2 = 23.

Question 56. Find the missing character.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 56

a. 348
b. -348
c. -8
d. 7

Answer: (b)

13–5 = – 4

23 – 5 = 3

43 – 5 = 59


(–7)3– 5 = –348

Question 57. Find the missing character.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 57

a. 86
b. 73
c. 33
d. 104

Answer: (b)

(10 x 11) + (7 x 9) + (5 x 2) = 183

(6 x 5) + (12 x 8) + (5 x 2) = 154


(9 x 3) + (7 x 5) + (11 x 1) = 73

Question 58. Find the missing character.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 58

a. 65D
b. 65G
c. 35H
d. 65B

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 23

Therefore Option (a) is correct

Direction: (Question Numbers 59 to 61)Select from the given diagrams (a), (b), (c) or (d), the one that illustrates the relationship among the three classes.

Question 59. Engineers, Agricultural Officers, Professionals

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 59

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 59 solution

So option (a) is correct

Question 60. Diagrams, triangles, polygons

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 60 solution

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 60 solution

So option (c) is correct.

Question 61. Boys, girls women

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 61 solution

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 61 solution

So option (d) is correct.

Direction: (Question Numbers 62 and 63) – Select from the given diagrams (a), (b), (c) or (d) that one which illustrates the relationship among given classes.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 61

Question 62.Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh

a. (b)
b. (c)
c. (a)
d. (d)

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 62 solution

Question 63. Pets, Cats, Dogs

a. (a)
b. (b)
c. (d)
d. (c)

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 63 solution

Direction: (Question Numbers 64 to 68) – In the following figure, the trapezium stands for employed, the square stands for high salaried, the triangle stands for IT sector, the rectangle stands for people and the circle stands for managerial cadre. Study and go through the figure carefully and answer the questions.

Question 64. The region which represents high salaried, managerial cadre in IT employees is

a. 7
b. 4
c. 3
d. 8

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 64

Question 65. The unemployed people represents the region :

a. 2
b. 9
c. 5
d. 1

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 65 solution

Question 66. Low salaried Managerial Cadre, non-IT employees represents the region:

a. 8
b. 9
c. 6
d. 5

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 66

Question 67. The region 8 represents :

a. High salaried, IT professionals
b. Low salaried, men IT professionals
c. Low salaried, women IT professionals
d. Managerial cadre low salaried IT professionals

Answer: (d)

Since region 8 is made from Δ and O. Therefore, it represents managerial cadre low salaried who are IT professionals.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 67 solution

Question 68. The regions 4, 5, 6 and 7 represent :

a. High salaried people
b. High salaried IT sector people
c. High salaried managerial cadre people
d. Unemployed people

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 68 solution

Since, 4, 5, 6 and 7 belong to □. So, this block represents high salaried people.

Direction: (Question Numbers 69 to 72) – Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a row left to right. ‘A’ is standing left to ‘D’ but right to ‘C’. ‘G’ is standing right to ‘E’ and left to ‘C’. ‘B’ is standing right to ‘D’ and left to ‘F’.

Read the above information and answer the following questions.

Question 69. The person who is standing at the right end of the row is:

a. B
b. C
c. D
d. F

Answer: (d)

A is left of D, but right of C = CAD ….(1)

G is Right to E and left to C = EGC ….(2)

‘B’ is Right to D and left to F = DBF …..(3)

From (1), (2) and (3),

The final arrangement is EGCADBF

Right end of the row is ‘F’.

So, option (d) is correct.

Question 70. The person who is standing in the left end of the row is:

a. A
b. F
c. E
d. G

Answer: (c)

The final arrangement is


E is at the left end of the row

So, option (c) is correct.

Question 71. The person who is standing in the middle of the row is:

a. A
b. C
c. E
d. E

Answer: (a)

The final arrangement is


A is in the middle of the row

Question 72. The person standing right of G is

a. B
b. C
c. A
d. F

Answer: (b)

The final arrangement is


The person standing right of G is ‘C’.

So, option (b) is correct.

Direction: (Question Numbers 73 to 75)

(i) There are four-person:

P, Q, R, S

(ii) They wear different colour caps – Red, Green, Blue and White.

(iii) P is neither wearing White nor Green.

(iv) Q is not wearing White.

(v) S wears Red.

Based on the above information answer the questions.

Question 73. R wears:

a. White cap
b. Green cap
c. Red cap
d. Blue cap

Answer: (a)

From the given information we have

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 73 solution

R wears, ‘White Cap’

Question 74. P wears:

a. White cap
b. Green cap
c. Red cap
d. Blue cap

Answer: (d)

Using the table we have

P wears ‘Blue cap’

Question 75. Q wears:

a. White cap
b. Green cap
c. Red cap
d. Blue cap

Answer: (b)

Using the table we have

Q wears ‘Green cap’

Direction: (Question Numbers 76 to 79)Go through the diagrams in each of the questions and choose the answer.

Question 76. The number of triangles in the given diagram is:

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 76

a. 17
b. 11
c. 8
d. 10

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 76 solution


No. of triangle = 17.

Question 77. The number of squares in the given figure is :

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 77

a. 18
b. 27
c. 21
d. 24

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 77 solution

Total square = 13 + 8 + 5 + 1 = 27

Question 78. The number of cubes in the following figure is :

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 78

a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 9

Answer: (c)

No. of square = 1 + 3 + 6 = 10

Question 79. The number of dots lie opposite to the face having three dots, when the given figure is folded to form a cube, is :

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 79 solutin

a. 5
b. 6
c. 4
d. 3

Answer: (a)

When we fold this up, 3 will come on base and 5 will come on top.

So, the opposite of 3 will be 5.

Question 80. Father tells his son “I was your present age when you were born”. If the father’s age is 48 now, how old was the boy 6 years back ?

a. 16
b. 17
c. 18
d. 19

Answer: (c)

Let the age of father be x (when his son was born)

At present, his son’s age = x

If father goes ‘x’ years back then he is at his son’s age

⇒ father x = 48 – x

⇒ x = 24

Boys present age = 24

Boy’s age 6 years before = 24 – 6 = 18 years

Question 81. The water image of Q P N 5 7 6 4 is :

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 81

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 81 solution

Question 82. The water image of the given figure is:

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 82

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 82 solution

So option (c) is correct

Question 83. The mirror image of 2 5 9 R S W Z is:

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 83

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 83 solution

Question 84. The mirror image of the given figure is:

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 84 solution

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 84 solution

Question 85. A cube is coloured green on all six faces. The side of the cube is 3 cm. It is cut into smaller cubes of equal size of length 1 cm. The number of cubes without colour on any faces is/are:

a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 0

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 85 solution

No. of cube = 1

n = √Total small cubes

n = √27 = 3

No. of Required cube = (n – 2)3 (from opposite side outer layer has to be removed)

(3 – 2)3 = 13 = 1

Direction: (Question Numbers 86 to 88) – Out of the four figures (1), (2), (3) and (4) three are similar in some way. One figure is not like the other three. Select the unlike figure.

Question 86. Select the unlike figure.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 86

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 86 solution

So, unlike the figure is (4). All have two shaded parts except (4).

So, option (d) is correct.

Question 87. Select the unlike figure.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 87

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 87 solution

So, option (d) is correct.

Question 88. Select the unlike figure.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 88

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 88 solution

Direction: (Question Number 89) – Select the portion of the picture from the four alternatives (1), (2), (3), (4) to complete the following figure.

Question 89. Select the correct alternative to complete the following figure.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 89

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 89 solution

Since the given figure completes the required diagram.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Direction: (Question Number 90) – A square transparent paper with a pattern is given. Choose amongst the four solution figures which would look like the one when the paper is folded at the dotted line.

Question 90. Choose amongst the four solution figures which would look like the one when the paper is folded at the dotted line.

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 90

Answer: Bonus

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 90 solution

None of the options is correct.

Direction: (Question Numbers 91 to 95) – In each of the following questions, find the answer figure (1), (2), (3) or (4) which would continue the given series of four figures (A), (B), (C) and (D).

Question 91.Find the answer figure

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 91

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 91 solution

Question 92. Find the answer figure

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 92

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 92 solution

Every time one shaded part is increasing in an anticlockwise direction moving its initial shaded part in the next part simultaneously too.

Question 93. Find the answer figure

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 93

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 93 solution

◯ symbol is moving diagonally and then stays constant at its position alternatively.

 □ symbol stays constant at its position and moves one step forward anticlockwise alternatively.

Hence, option (a) is correct.

Question 94. Find the answer figure

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 94

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 94 solution

Question 95. Find the answer figure

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 95

Answer: Bonus

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 95 solution

In none of the options, a mirror image of N is given, hence none is correct.

Question 96. The pair of figures (A) and (B) are related in some manner. In the same manner the other pair of figures (C) and (D) are connected. Choose the figure which replaced (D).

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 96

Answer: (d)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 96 solution

So option (d) is correct

Question 97. Choose the figure which replaced (D).

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 97

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 97 solution

Here, the two semicircles are separated by rotating 90

Hence, option (b) is correct.

Question 98. Choose the figure which replaced (D).

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 98

Answer: (a)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 98 solution

Add a figure in the centre same as the outside figure.

So, option (a) correct.

Direction: (Question Numbers 99 and 100) – Figure (X) is embedded in any one of the four alternatives (1), (2), (3) or (4). Choose the figure which contains the figure (X).

Question 99. Choose the figure which contains the figure (X)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 99

Answer: (c)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 99 solution

Figure (X) is embedded in (c).

Hence, option (c) is correct.

Question 100. Choose the figure which contains the figure (X)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 10

Answer: (b)

Tamil Nadu NTSE 2021 Stage 1 MAT Question 100 solution

Figure (X) is embedded in (b).

Hence, option (b) is correct.

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  1. Over excitement makes me almost half dead.
    Waiting for the answer key by a well-known institute (FOR ME)