The binomial theorem describes the coefficients of each term when we expand (a + b)n. When n is equal to a prime number p, p will divide all those coefficients, except the end one’s. Binomial theorem is one of the important concepts in JEE Mathematics. This theorem also plays a prominent role to proof other results or theorems. About 1-2 question/s asked from this topic in JEE Examination. The subject experts at BYJU’S bring chapter-wise previous year solved questions of Binomial Theorem including important concepts and formulae to help JEE aspirants. The study material given in this article can be used for a quick revision before the examination. Students can freely download the solutions and start practising offline.
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Important concepts to Remember:
1. Definition: Let a and b be numbers and n be a natural number, then
2. Formula to find the coefficient from Pascal’s Triangle: 3. The binomial theorem fails arithmetically when it expands a finite power of a binomial in an infinite divergent series. |
Results for Specific Types of Binomial Expansions
JEE Main Past Year Questions With Solutions on Binomial Theorem
Question 1: If the sum of the coefficients of all even powers of x in the product (1 + x + x2 + … + x2n) (1 – x + x2 – x3 + … + x2n) is 61, then find the value of n.
Let (1 + x + x2 + … + x2n) (1 – x + x2 – x3 + … + x2n) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3+ ……
Put x = 1 => 2n + 1 = a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + …… …(i)
Put x = -1 => 2n + 1 = a0 – a1 + a2 – a3 + …… …..(ii)
Add (i) and (ii), we get
2n + 1 = 61
Or n = 30
Question 2: If α and β be the coefficients of x4 and x2 respectively in the expansion of (x + √(x2 − 1))6 + (x − √(x2 − 1)6, then:
(a) α + β = −30
(b) α− β = −132
(c) α− β = 60
(d) α+ β = 60
Answer: (b)
Solution: (x + √(x2 − 1))6 + (x − √(x2 − 1)6
= 2[6C0 x6 + 6C2x4(x2 – 1) + 6C4x2(x2 – 1)2 + 6C6(x2 – 1)3]
= 2[32x6 – 48x4 + 18x2 – 1]
=> α = -96 and β = 36
=> α – β = -132
Question 3: Find the coefficient of x4 in the expansion of (1 + x + x2)10 .
General term of the given expression is,
Here, q + 2r = 4
For p = 6, q = 4, r = 0, coefficient = 10!/[6! x 4!] = 210
For p = 7, q = 2, r = 1, coefficient = 10! /[7! x 2! x 1!] = 360
For p = 8, q = 0, r = 2, coefficient = 10!/[ 8! x 2!] = 45
Therefore, sum = 615
Question 4: If x is positive, the first negative term in the expansion of
(1 + x)27/5 is
(a) 5th term (b) 6th term (c) 7th term (d) 8th term
Answer: (d)
We know,
Therefore, n – r + 1 < 0
=> 27/5 + 1 < r
or r > 6
Here r = 7
So, Tr+1 < 0
Hence Tr+1 = T7+1 = T8 = 8th term is negative.
Question 5: The positive integer just greater than (1 + 0.0001)10000 is
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 3
Answer: (d)
(1 + 0.0001)10000 which is similar to the form (1 + 1/n)n where n = 10000.
Using binomial expansion, we have
(1 + 0.0001)10000 = (1 + 1/n)n
= 1 + n × (1/n) + n(n-1)/2! × (1/n2 ) + ([n(n-1)(n-2)]/3! )× (1/n3)+ ……..
= 2 + n(n – 1)/2n2 + ….
= 2 + a positive quantity
> 2
So just greater positive integer is 3.
Question 6: The coefficients of xp and xq in the expression of (1 + x)p+q are
(a) Equal
(b) Equal with opposite signs
(c) Reciprocals of each other
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)
The coefficients of xp and xq in the expression of (1 + x)p+q
We know, yp+1 = p+qCp xp and yq+1 = p+qCq xq
Coefficient of xp = p+qCp = [p+q]!/p!q!
Coefficient of xq = p+qCq = [p+q]!/p!q!
Therefore, coefficients of xp and xq in the expression of (1 + x)p+q are equal.
Question 7: If
(a) an < 7 for all n ≥ 1
(b) an > 7 for all n ≥ 1
(c) an > 3 for all n ≥ 1
(d) an < 4 for all n ≥ 1
Answer: (c)
=>an = √(7+an)
=> an2 – an – 7 = 0
Solving above quadratic equation, we get
an = [1±√29]/2
But an > 0, therefore, an = [1+√29]/2 > 3
=> an > 3
Question 8: If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (a + b)n is 4096, then the greatest coefficient in the expansion is
(a) 1594 (b) 924 (c) 792 (d) 2924
Answer: (b)
Binomial expansion: (x + y)n = C0 xn + C1 xn-1 y + C2 xn-2y2 + ….+ Cnyn
Putting x = y = 1, we get
2n = C0 + C1 + C2 + ….+ Cn = 4096 = 212
=> n = 12
Since n is even here, so the coefficient of greatest term is
nCn/2 = 12C12/2 = 12C6
= (12/6) × (11/5) × (10/4) × (9/3) × (8/2) × (7/1)
= 924
Question 9: The sum of the co-efficient of all odd degree terms in the expansion of
(x + √(x3-1)5 + (x – √(x3-1)5 , (x > 1) is
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) -1
Answer: (b)
Let y = √(x3-1)
So, given expression reduced as (x + y)5 + (x – y)5
Using binomial expansion, we have
(x + y)5 + (x – y)5 = x5 + 5C1 x4y + 5C2 x3y2 + 5C3 x2y3 + 5C4 xy4 + 5C5 y5 + x5 – 5C1 x4y + 5C2 x3y2 – 5C3 x2y3 + 5C4 xy4 – 5C5 y5
= 2(x5 + 10 x3y2 + 5xy4)
= 2(x5 + 10 x3(x3 – 1 ) + 5x (x3 – 1)2)
= 2{10x6 + 5x7 + x5 – 10x3 – 10x4 + 5x}
Sum of coefficient of odd powers of x: 2{5 + 1 – 10 + 5} = 2
Video Lessons
Binomial theorem – Solved Questions

Binomial Theorem – Important Topics

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