Ancient Education System of India Summary & Notes - CBSE Class 8 English It So Happened

Summary of Ancient Education System of India

Chapter 11 of the Class 8 English Supplementary Reader – It So Happened, consists of a prose – Ancient Education System of India, which explains how the education system in India has evolved since ancient times. Students can read the prose summary of CBSE Class 8 English Prose Notes – Ancient Education System of India in CBSE English Notes Class 8 format here. We hope this summary will assist them to get a detailed understanding of the chapter and prep up for their exams properly.

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CBSE Class 8 English Ancient Education System of India Summary

The Ancient Education System of India explains the evolution of the education system in India from time immemorial. It discusses the source of different kinds of information and the evidence that education has been prevalent in the nation since ancient times in the form of stone inscriptions, palm leaf records and metal engravings. This lesson also demonstrates the existence of ancient educational institutions and the rich cultural heritage of India. The ancient education system of India was primarily focused on the holistic development of a student and skills enhancement.

Ancient Education System of India – Part 1 Summary

Several travellers from different parts of the world having diverse cultures and climates visited India. They came here to explore the rich Indian culture, religions, philosophies, art and beauty, etc. along with the educational practices prevalent in the country. The salient features of the ancient education system in India focused on the holistic development of both the inner and outer self of an individual. It emphasised on imparting rich human values such as honesty, self-discipline and reliance, humility among others.

The education system was primarily focused on the overall development of the student in terms of physical, mental, intellectual and moral aspects. The learning was particularly based on the tenets of the Vedas and Upanishads that teach students about performing their duties towards self, family and the society as a whole. The evolution of the ancient education system was derived from the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas and Dharmasutras.

Some other sources of learning were the writings and the medical treatises and teachings of Sushruta and Charaka. There were several branches or disciplines such as Shastras, Kavyas, Itihas, Anviksiki, Mimamsa, Shilpashastra, Arthashatra, Varta and Dhanurvidya among others from which students were imparted learning. Besides, physical education was also considered an important co-curricular activity in the form of Krida or recreational games, Vyayamaprakara, Dhanurvidya and Yoga Sadhana These were some of the other disciplines that were taught with dedication and integrity.

Various kinds of debates among learners were also organised for assessment of their learning. Besides, students were made to live a disciplined life so that they could realise their own potential. Peer learning and teachings in groups were an integral part of education that promoted better learning among students. Different educational institutions imparted education formally or informally.

In India, the school has been considered a temple of knowledge. Gurukuls were the residential schools in and around the surroundings and the pathshalas, temples and schools were the premier institutes of knowledge. Students who wished to pursue higher education could go to universities. In ancient times, there were also women Vedic scholars. In addition to providing education through scripts, the focus was also laid on personality development and skill-based learning.

Ancient Education System of India – Part 2 Summary

From ancient times, several monasteries and viharas were set up for monks and nuns for meditation, debate and discussion purposes. For higher education, universities were set up for students coming from different countries. Kings and people of the society promoted education through Jataka tales given by Xuan Zang and I-Qing (Chinese scholars). Some of the notable universities that developed during that period were situated at Nalanda, Takshashila, Valabhi, Odantapuri, Vikramshila and Jagaddala. These universities catered to the needs of advanced level students who would develop knowledge through mutual discussions and debates with well-known scholars. The kings would also summon scholars of several universities and they would meet, debate and exchange their views.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has declared these universities as heritage sites that are considered the best centres of learning in the world. Takshashila was a noted religious Buddhist centre of learning that attracted students from several countries. This famous place of learning would impart knowledge through the study of ancient scriptures, medicine, law, military science, astronomy, arts, etc. as a part of its curriculum. Legendary academicians such as Panini, Jivaka and Chanakya have studied there.

The teacher also played a crucial role right from selecting students to framing the curriculum. When the teacher was satisfied that the students had developed a good understanding, the course would conclude henceforth. They encouraged oral learning among students. Nalanda was one of the most renowned institutes of higher education. The Chinese scholars such as I-Qing and Xuan Zang visited Nalanda in the seventh century CE and gave realistic accounts of the place of learning. Besides, the syllabus was diverse as it included studying from the Vedas and students were also trained in fine arts, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, the art of warfare and politics.

The role of community was also significant in promoting education as financial support was given to educational institutions by rich merchants, well-to-do parents and society. Free education was imparted in ancient universities such as Valabhi, Vikramshila and Jagaddala. In South India, agraharas served as centres of learning. South Indian kingdoms also had cultural institutions which were known as Ghatika and Brahmapuri.

Therefore, the ancient education system continued in ashrams, temples and indigenous schools. During the medieval period, maktabas and madrassas also served as educational institutions. Thus, the ancient Indian education system focused on the holistic development of the students, comprising both inner and outer self that would prepare them for life. Our present education system has a lot to learn and derive from the ancient education system. Educationists play a key role in recognising the importance of multilingual and multicultural education, thereby bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary methods of learning.

Conclusion of Ancient Education System of India

The chapter – Ancient Education System of India teaches students that the ancient education system played a vital role in developing the holistic development of students and how it has evolved over the years. Here, we present the CBSE Class 8 English It So Happened Prose Summary of Ancient Education System of India that must have helped 8th standard students to have an in-depth understanding of the chapter.

Additionally, they can visit the BYJU’S website to view resources such as CBSE Notes and CBSE study materials. They can also download BYJU’S: The Learning App and check out CBSE sample papers and previous years’ question papers.

Frequently asked Questions on CBSE Class 8 English: Ancient Education System Of India


Name some of the ancient universities in India.

Some of the notable universities of ancient India were Nalanda, Takshashila, Valabhi, Odantapuri, Vikramshila and Jagaddala.


What is UNESCO?

UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.


Who was Chanakya?

Chanakya was also known as Kautilya. He was an Indian statesman and philosopher, chief advisor and Prime Minister of the Indian Emperor Chandragupta Maurya.


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