NCERT Social Science Book Class 8

NCERT Social Science Class 8 Books are important like any other major subjects, such as Maths, Science, etc. Scoring well in this subject will help in improving the overall percentage in the Class 8 annual exam. Social Science textbook is subdivided into three parts – History, Geography and Civics. The NCERT book PDF of Social Science deals with human beings, their behaviour, growth and development, relationships, etc. For students to understand the concepts of Social Science, they can refer to the NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science. The textbook comprises all important topics and concepts as mentioned in the CBSE Syllabus of Class 8 Social Science. Subject-matter experts have prepared these textbooks using simple language so that students can easily grasp the concepts.

At the end of each chapter, NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science for History, Geography and Civics provide exercise questions to help students practise different types of questions.

NCERT Book for Class 8 History
NCERT Book for Class 8 Geography
NCERT Book for Class 8 Civics

In the table given below, we have provided PDFs of NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science, both in English and Hindi. Download them and use them for future reference.

Download NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science

NCERT Book for Class 8 Our Past – III in English PDF
NCERT Book for Class 8 Hamare Ateet – III in Hindi PDF
NCERT Book for Class 8 Social and Political Life – III in English PDF
NCERT Book for Class 8 Samajik Aur Rajnitik Jeevan – III in Hindi PDF
NCERT Book for Class 8 Resource and Development in English PDF
NCERT Book for Class 8 Sansadhan Avam Vikas in Hindi PDF

NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science – History Our Past – III in English Chapterwise PDF

Chapter 1: How, When and Where
Chapter 2: From Trade to Territory
Chapter 3: Ruling the Countryside
Chapter 4: Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
Chapter 5: When People Rebel
Chapter 6: Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
Chapter 7: Women, Caste and Reform
Chapter 8: The Making of the National Movement: 1870s – 1947

NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science – Hamare Ateet – III in Hindi Chapterwise PDF

Chapter 1: कैसे, कब और कहाँ
Chapter 2: व्यापार से साम्राज्य तक कंपनी की सत्ता स्थापित होती है
Chapter 3: ग्रामीण क्षेत्र पर शासन चलाना
Chapter 4: आदिवासी, दिकू और एक स्वर्ण युग के कल्पना
Chapter 5: जब जनता बग़ावत करती है 1857 और उसके बाद
Chapter 6: “देशी जनता” को सभ्य बनाना राष्ट्र को शिक्षित करना
Chapter 7: महिलाएँ, जाति एवं सुधार
Chapter 8: राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन का संघटनः

NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science – Resource and Development in English Chapterwise PDF

Chapter 1: Resources
Chapter 2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
Chapter 3: Agriculture
Chapter 4: Industries
Chapter 5: Human Resources

NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science – Sansadhan Avam Vikas in Hindi Chapterwise PDF

Chapter 1: संसाधन
Chapter 2: भूमि, मृदा, जल, प्राकृतिक वनस्पति और वन्य जीवन संसाधन
Chapter 3: कृषि
Chapter 4: उद्योग
Chapter 5: मानव संसाधन

NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science – Social and Political Life -III in English Chapterwise PDF

Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution
Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism
Chapter 3: Parliament and the Making of Laws
Chapter 4: Judiciary
Chapter 5: Understanding Marginalisation
Chapter 6: Confronting Marginalisation
Chapter 7: Public Facilities
Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice

NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science – Samajik Aur Rajnitik Jeevan – III in Hindi PDF

Chapter 1: भारतीय संविधान
Chapter 2: धर्मनिरपेक्षता की समझ
Chapter 3: संसद तथा कानूनो का निर्माण
Chapter 4: न्यायपालिका
Chapter 5: हाशियाकरण की समझ
Chapter 6: हाशियाकरण से निपटना
Chapter 7: जनसुविधाएँ
Chapter 8: कानून और सामाजिक न्याय

Benefits of NCERT Book for Class 8 Social Science

  • Students can get more familiar with the topics covered in Class 8 Social Science
  • Students find these textbooks very handy during revision time
  • They can self-analyse their performance with the help of books and study accordingly
  • Students can enhance their knowledge about the main topics
  • Homework and assignments given are based on the textbooks

Along with textbooks, students of Class 8 can also access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science to make the learning process easier.


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