NCERT Books Class 5 EVS (Science)

NCERT Class 5 Science Book – Free PDF Available

The NCERT Class 5 EVS Book is one of the most important textbooks that is preferred both by students and teachers. Class 5 is the stage where the students start to learn new and advanced concepts.  It is important to provide them with good textbooks that instil in them a desire to learn. The Class 5 NCERT Science book is one of the best textbooks that can be provided to them. These books are written by notable authors in simple language so that students comprehend and learn the subject effectively. There are a few scenarios where the students find it difficult to understand some concepts. A great source of remedy for that is the NCERT Books PDF which is provided here. They give an extensive scale of questions at the end of each chapter. This helps the students to understand and practise on a regular basis.

Download NCERT Class 5 EVS Book in PDF
NCERT Class 5 Science Book in English
NCERT Class 5 Science Book in Hindi

The NCERT Science Book for Class 5 comprises 15 chapters. A few of the chapters grab more attention from the students, as they seem to be more interesting. A few such units are The Moon, Animal life, Safety and First Aid, Natural Calamities and many more. NCERT books for Class 5 are a great source of knowledge-gaining study material for the students. These books provide a definite description and clarification for all the queries that might arise in the mind of the students while learning.

NCERT Book for Class 5 EVS Chapter in English

Chapter 1. Super Senses
Chapter 2. A Snake Charmer’s Story
Chapter 3. From Tasting to Digesting
Chapter 4. Mangoes Round the Year
Chapter 5. Seeds and Seeds
Chapter 6. Every Drop Counts
Chapter 7. Experiments with Water
Chapter 8. A Treat for Mosquitoes
Chapter 9. Up You Go!
Chapter 10. Walls Tell Stories
Chapter 11. Sunita in Space
Chapter 12. What if It Finishes…?
Chapter 13. A Shelter So High!
Chapter 14. When the Earth Shook!
Chapter 15. Blow Hot, Blow Cold
Chapter 16. Who Will Do This Work?
Chapter 17. Across the Wall
Chapter 18. No Place for Us?
Chapter 19. A Seed Tells a Farmer’s Story
Chapter 20. Whose Forests?
Chapter 21. Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 22. On the Move Again

NCERT Book for Class 5 EVS Chapter in Hindi

पाठ 1: कैसे पहचाना चींटी ने दोस्त को?
पाठ 2: कहानी सँपेरों की
पाठ 3: चखने से पचने तक
पाठ 4: खाएँ आम बारहों महीने!
पाठ 5: बीज, बीज, बीज
पाठ 6: बूँद-बूँद, दरिया-दरिया…
पाठ 7: पानी के प्रयोग
पाठ 8: मच्छरों की दावत?
पाठ 9: डायरी: कमर सीधी, ऊपर चढ़ो!
पाठ 10: बोलती इमारतें
पाठ 11: सुनीता अंतरिक्ष में
पाठ 12: खत्म हो जाए तो…?
पाठ 13: बसेरा ऊँचाई पर
पाठ 14: जब धरती काँपी
पाठ 15: उसी से ठंडा उसी से गर्म
पाठ 16: कौन करेगा यह काम?
पाठ 17: फाँद ली दिवार
पाठ 18: जाएँ तो जाएँ कहाँ
पाठ 19: किसानों की कहानी – बीज की जुबानी
पाठ 20: किसके जंगल?
पाठ 21: किसकी झलक? किसकी छाप?
पाठ 22: फिर चला काफ़िला

NCERT books provide substantial information. At BYJU’S, there is a provision to download textbooks in the form of PDF. Get the books for Class 5 Science along with the solutions by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Class 5 Science Books


Where can students find the NCERT Class 5 Science Books?

Students under the CBSE Board can find the NCERT Class 5 Science Books on BYJU’S website. Downloading the books will not take much time, as the links are available with a free download option. For these books, solutions are provided in a systematic manner which can be referred to by the students while learning the chapter. The faculty make use of simple language to answer the questions to help students score well in the annual exams. Using these books will help students to analyse the chapters in which they are lagging behind and work on them for a better score.

Should I pay to download the NCERT Class 5 Science Books?

No, the NCERT Class 5 Science Books are absolutely free. Students can download the books from the links available at BYJU’S. The books are accurate as per the CBSE guidelines and exam pattern. To understand the answers to the questions present in NCERT textbooks, students should make use of the solutions from BYJU’S. It will improve their subject and language knowledge. Using PDFs will help students to learn the concepts without any difficulty.

What are the advantages of using the NCERT Class 5 Science Books?

The advantages of using the NCERT Class 5 Science Books are as follows:
1. The NCERT textbooks are available in PDF with a free download option.
2. NCERT Books at BYJU’S strictly adhere to the CBSE syllabus and exam pattern.
3. Students can learn the chapter in both online and offline modes without any time limits.


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