NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu and Who Will Be Ningthou?

NCERT Solutions provides the solutions accurately in simple language for easy understanding of the topics covered in the chapter. These solutions play a major role in enhancing grammatical skills, which are essential in the English language. The thorough explanation of the concepts in solutions has been developed by the expert teachers with the intention of providing the best source to students. Practising these solutions as many times as possible undoubtedly helps students to score high marks in their academics.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu and Who will be Ningthou? explain the concepts in a precise manner according to the grasping power of students. Those who find difficulty in understanding the concepts discussed in the textbook are suggested to refer to the NCERT Solutions for more conceptual knowledge.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou?

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu and Who will be Ningthou?

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu

Malu Bhalu

1. Where did the polar bear live with her family?


The polar bear lived with her family in an icy lair.

2. What did Malu learn to do from her parents? 


She learnt fishing and swimming from her parents.

3. Where did Malu want to travel? 


Malu wanted to travel beyond the big blue sky.

4. What was it that Malu’s parents wanted her to learn?


Malu’s parents wanted her to learn the art of swimming.

5. Was Malu scared to swim? Did she learn it easily?


Yes, Malu was scared to swim. Yes, she learnt it easily.

6. Read the last two stanzas of the poem. Whom does ‘she’ stand for in both?


‘She’ stands for Malu Bhalu in the first stanza, and in the second stanza ‘she’ stands for her mother.

7. Use a chart

True or False Character Sketch
Malu’s hair was white.  brave, strong, hardworking, eager to learn more, smart, caring, impatient, female, affectionate, bold, playful, white, adventurous, clever, young, fearless

1. _____________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

Malu knew how to swim.
Malu was playing with the penguins.
Malu was good at catching fish.
Malu was a brave bhalu.
Malu did not love her mother.
Malu’s mother was firm.

Now write a detailed character sketch of Malu Bhalu.




True or False Character Sketch
Malu’s hair was white. (T) brave, strong, hardworking, eager to learn more, smart, caring, impatient, female, affectionate, bold, playful, white, adventurous, clever, young, fearless

1. Malu Bhalu was brave.

2. She was very smart.

3. She was eager to learn more.

4. She was strong and hardworking.

5. She was very affectionate.

6. She was bold, fearless and adventurous.

Malu knew how to swim. (F)
Malu was playing with the penguins. (F)
Malu was good at catching fish. (T)
Malu was a brave bhalu. (T)
Malu did not love her mother. (F)
Malu’s mother was firm. (T)

Malu Bhalu was a female and brave polar bear. She was young and clever. Malu was covered with white hair. She was always eager to learn more. She learned how to fish easily. She was very smart and learned the art of swimming quickly. She was bold, fearless and adventurous too.

8. Read the following passage carefully. 

One day Meena plucks a mango and brings it home. Her grandmother gives the larger piece to Raju because he is a boy. Meena protests. After all, she brought the mango and she is the elder of the two. She insists she has a greater right over her share. Her father comes to her help and divides the mango equally.

Now answer the questions. 

(i) Who brought the mango home? 

(ii) Why did Meena’s grandmother give a larger piece to Raju? 

(iii) Who do you think should have got the larger piece?


(i) Meena brought the mango home.

(ii) Her grandmother gave a larger piece to Raju because he is a boy.

(iii) According to me, Meena should have got the larger piece.

9. What are the things your mother asks you to do? 

Things you like to do Things you do not like to do

_________________ ______________________

_____________________ ________________________

_____________________ _______________________


Things you like to do Things you do not like to do
Going to the market. Getting up early.
Watching cartoons on television. Studying every morning.
Playing in the evening. Arranging books in the cupboard.
Giving water to plants. Ironing the clothes.

10. We can avoid repeating the names by using certain other words in their place. Study the table below.

Singular Plural
person speaking I, me we, us
person spoken to you you
other persons he, him, she, her they, them
place things it,

Now rewrite the above paragraph using words from the above table.




One day, Malu’s father told him that the hunters had come to trap them. He knew how to hide very well. Malu shut his eyes and curled up like a ball of snow. The hunters searched for them everywhere but in vain.


Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou?

Who will be the Ningthou?

1. Name the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled.


Kangleipak is the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled.

2. Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen?


The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they always wanted them to be happy and live in peace.

3. Why did the Ningthou want to choose a future king?


Ningthou grew old. Hence, he wanted to choose a future king.

4. How did the king want to select their future king? 


The king wanted to select their future king by conducting a contest to know who was most worthy of becoming a good ruler.

5. What kind of child was Sanatombi? 


Sanatombi, the daughter of Ningthou and Leima, was lovely, soft and beautiful inside.

6. Have you ever seen an animal or a bird in pain? What did you do?


Once I saw a cat being hit by a running car. The car driver was in a hurry and injured it. He did not even pay attention to it. I was very upset to see the cat in misery. I went to the injured cat, brought it to my home and gave first aid. It stopped crying only after I treated him and patted him for a long time.

7. Where is Manipur on the map of India? 


Manipur is situated in the northeastern part of India.

8. Who do you think should have been made the future king?

Sanajaoba, the one who jumped through the tree. 

Sanayaima, the one who jumped over the tree. 

Sanatomba, the one who uprooted the tree.

Why do you think so? 

Who was made the future queen and why?


A future king should be judicious and considerate. But the sons of Ningthou believed only in showing their strength which was not important. Sanatombi was declared a future queen because she had all the qualities of a good ruler. She could feel the pain of not only people but also animals, birds and trees.

9. Write the meanings of the following in English.

Tunggi Ningthou – _________________

Thouro! Thouro! – __________________

Phajei! Phajei! – __________________

Shagol thauba nupa! – __________________


Tunggi Ningthou – The future king

Thouro! Thouro! – Bravo! Bravo!

Phajei! Phajei! – Wonderful! Wonderful!

Shagol thauba nupa! – Such fine horsemen

10. Some interesting words sound like the noises for which they stand. You use a different tone of voice when you say these words. The voice becomes louder and more forceful. 

For example,

Zoom! went the car.

Bang! went the door.

Pip! pop! flippety flop!

say the following and write what would make these sounds or actions. 

Click! _____________________ 

Chirp! _____________________ 

Whisper! _____________________ 

Bravo! _____________________ 

Oh! _____________________ 

Ah! _____________________ 

Hurrah! _____________________ 

Alas! _____________________ 

Wonderful! _____________________ 

Hi! _____________________ 

Ho! _____________________ 

Hop away! _____________________


Click! Camera

Chirp! Birds

Whisper! To speak softly.

Bravo! It is said to express approval when someone is doing well.

Oh! It is said to express surprise, anger, disappointment, joy.

Ah! It is said to express surprise, pleasure, sympathy.

Hurrah! It is said to express happiness

Alas! It is said to express grief, pity or concern.

Wonderful! It is said to express happiness or pleasure.

Hi! It is said to greet someone.

Ho! It is said to grab someone’s attention.

Hop away! A sound expressed at the time of jumping.

11. Read the lesson carefully and put a circle around all the action words with -ed at the end. Then write them in one column and their present form in another. One is done for you.

Action words with -ed at the end Action words in present form
admitted admit
___________________ __________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________


Action words with -ed at the end Action words in present form
admitted admit
shouted shout
walked walk
pierced pierce

12. Fill in the correct word in the blanks and complete the story.

In a forest, there _________ (live/lives/lived) a goblin named Cruel. One day, he __________ (meet/met/meets) an old man wandering in the forest. Immediately, Cruel _____________ (leap/ leaps/leapt) on to the old man’s shoulders and _____________ (order/ orders/ ordered) him, “Let’s go. Move fast.” The frightened old man _________ (obey/obeys/ obeyed) the nasty goblin and _______ (walk/ walks/walked) on. As they ___________on, (move/moves/moved) he _________ (notice/ notices/ noticed) that the goblin’s feet were very tender. The old man ____________ (ask/asks/asked) Cruel, “ Sir, how are your feet so soft and tender?” Cruel __________, (reply/ replies/replied) “ I have taken a vow that I will not touch the ground with my feet, till I wash them.” They soon ____________ (come/comes/ came) to a pool. The goblin ________ (instruct/ instructs/ instructed) the old man to wait for him while he ___________ (enter/enters/ entered) the pool. The old man ___________ (think/ thinks/ thought) to himself, “Now that the goblin has wet his feet, he does not need me. Let me run for my life or he will surely eat me up.” So he ___________ (run/runs/ran) off.


In a forest, there lived (live/lives/lived) a goblin named Cruel. One day, he met (meet/met/meets) an old man wandering in the forest. Immediately, Cruel leapt (leap/ leaps/leapt) on to the old man’s shoulders and ordered (order/ orders/ ordered) him, “Let’s go. Move fast.” The frightened old man obeyed (obey/obeys/ obeyed) the nasty goblin and walked (walk/ walks/walked) on. As they moved on, (move/moves/moved) he noticed (notice/ notices/ noticed) that the goblin’s feet were very tender. The old man asked (ask/asks/asked) Cruel, “ Sir, how are your feet so soft and tender?” Cruel replied, (reply/ replies/replied) “ I have taken a vow that I will not touch the ground with my feet, till I wash them.” They soon came (come/comes/ came) to a pool. The goblin instructed (instruct/ instructs/ instructed) the old man to wait for him while he entered (enter/enters/ entered) the pool. The old man thought  (think/ thinks/ thought) to himself, “Now that the goblin has wet his feet, he does not need me. Let me run for my life or he will surely eat me up.” So he ran (run/runs/ran) off.

13. Make a list of the action words from this story. 

-ed action words  Irregular action words
live            lived meet           met
______________ ______________ ____________ ______________
___________ ______________ ____________ ________________
______________ _________________ _________________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________ _______________


-ed action words  Irregular action words
live            lived meet           met
order           ordered leap                    leapt
walk            walked come                  came
ask              asked think                   thought
instruct       instructed reply                   replied
move           moved run                      ran

notice          noticed  
obey            obeyed

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu

This poem narrates the story of a female polar bear who lived in an icy lair called Malu. She was a clever bear and learned fishing and swimming from her mother quickly. At first, Malu was scared to learn the art of swimming but learnt it with ease. The answers have been created by our panel of subject matter experts for a better understanding of the concepts based on the latest CBSE syllabus. The solutions are well explained in a lucid manner to cater to the needs of the students.

Chapter 10 Malu Bhalu

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou?

The chapter tells us the story of a Manipur king and queen called Ningthou and Leima. They always thought about their people and wanted them to live in peace. The people were not only the ones who loved Ningthou and Leima, the birds and animals loved them too. They had 3 sons and a daughter. As the days passed, Ninghtou decided to declare the future Ningthou by declaring a contest among his sons. The solutions are apt, and students can cross-check their answers to analyse their level of preparation while solving textbook problems.

Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou?

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 10


What are the advantages of using the NCERT Solutions in the CBSE Exams?

NCERT Solutions promotes an in-depth understanding of the concepts explained in the NCERT textbook. The accurate answers improve the linguistic and grammatical skills of the students. The solutions also help students to obtain a better understanding of the weightage of questions present in each chapter. By practising the NCERT Solutions, students are able to prepare well and score high marks in their exams.


Why does Malu’s mother want her to learn in Chapter 10 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

The parents of Malu want her to learn the art of swimming. Malu was scared to swim as she had never swum before. She held her mother’s hand tightly, leaving behind doubt and fear, and swam bravely. This made her mother call Malu a fearless, brave and special daughter. Students must practise the textbook questions following the NCERT Solutions on a regular basis to understand the crucial topics in-depth. Download the solutions PDF from the given links to boost confidence and appear for the exams fearlessly.


What made Ningthou declare his daughter Sanatombi as the future Leima of Kangleipak in Chapter 10 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

Ningthou announced the contest between his sons to find out who was worthy of becoming a good ruler. All the sons gave importance to show their power in the contest. Everyone praised them a lot. Ningthou and Leima looked at their daughter, who was sad and lonely. The daughter stared at the Khongnang, who was dead by the throne. She felt the pain of birds. This quality of Sanatombi made her the future Leima of Kangleipak. Comprehensive answers developed by our faculty help students clear their doubts quickly and grasp the concepts with ease. For more conceptual knowledge, students can access the solutions PDF from the given links.


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