NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 Crying and My Elder Brother

Expert faculty at BYJU’S have prepared precise answers to each textbook question after conducting vast research on the concepts. The main objective of creating the solutions is to boost confidence in solving the questions with ease among the students. These solutions help students to solve questions of higher difficulty levels in an efficient manner. Students who want to gain better conceptual knowledge are advised to practise these solutions on a regular basis.

Chapter 4 Crying and My Elder Brother consists of accurate answers to each and every question of the textbook. Students can make use of the solutions PDF as a reference guide to obtain a better hold of the concepts covered.

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 4 Crying
NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 4 My Elder Brother

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 Crying and My Elder Brother:

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1. According to the poet, should you cry a little or should you cry a lot?


You should cry a lot, according to the poet.

2. What can you do after crying a lot?


After crying a lot, you can laugh from the bottom of your heart.

3. (i) Read the first two lines of the poem. Is the mood

happy? sad? angry? jealous? upset?

(ii)  In the last few lines the mood of the poet has changed. What is it now?

very happy angry cheerful sad jealous


(i) In the first two lines of the poem, the poet is sad.

(ii) In the last few lines, the poet is very happy.

4. Are these sentences right or wrong? 

(i) The poet says you must not cry much. ( ) 

(ii) The poet says that you should cry till your pillow is soaked. ( ) 

(iii) The poet says that after crying you should open the window and laugh so that people will see that you are happy. ( ) 

(iv) The poet says that you should open the window and show people that you are crying. ( )


(i) Wrong.

(ii) Right.

(iii) Right.

(iv) Wrong.

5. Word Building

The word ends in and comes from the word happy. Write three words that end in the same way. Which words do they come from? 

_____________________ ness; __________________

_____________________ ness; __________________

_____________________ ness; __________________


sadness – sad

happiness – happy

neatness – neat

6. Fill in the blanks with the exact word. 

(i) The tourists were ___________ to see the beautiful Taj Mahal. (amazed, shocked, worried) 

(ii) The lights went out suddenly. I was alone and _____________. (worried, shocked, frightened) 

(iii) He has been ill for a long time and his parents were __________. (unhappy, worried, angry) 

(iv) The shopkeeper was ____________when he saw his safe wide open with all his money missing. (unhappy, shocked, angry)


(i) The tourists were amazed to see the beautiful Taj Mahal.

(ii) The lights went out suddenly. I was alone and frightened.

(iii) He has been ill for a long time and his parents were worried.

(iv) The shopkeeper was shocked when he saw his safe wide open with all his money missing.

Access Answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 My Elder Brother

My Elder Brother

1. What are the things that Munna liked to do?


Munna liked to play games such as football, volleyball, kabaddi and fly kites.

2. What did Bhaiya do all day? 


Bhaiya was involved in studies all day. Sometimes he studied the same word and sentences several times in order to learn them better.

3. Why was Munna not happy with the timetable that Bhaiya made for him?


Munna loved to play. He was not happy with the timetable because there was no scope to play in it.

4. How do you think Munna felt when his brother was so strict with him? Why was Bhaiya so strict with him?


Munna felt disappointed. Bhaiya was strict with him because Munna was playful by nature and wanted to play games like football, volleyball etc., all the time.

5. Whose character do you like more — Munna’s or Bhaiya’s? Why?


I liked Bhaiya’s character more than Munna because Bhaiya was dutiful and was aware of his responsibilities towards his younger brother. He also gave importance to his father’s hard-earned money.

6. After reading the letter, answer the following questions. 

(i) Who has written the letter? ____________ 

(ii) To whom has the letter been written? ____________ 

(iii) Where is the writer of the letter? ____________ 

(iv) What is the name of his hostel? ____________ 

(v) On which date was this letter written?____________ 


(i) The letter was written by Pratap.

(ii) The letter was written to his mother.

(iii) The writer of the letter is in his Hostel.

(iv) The name of his hostel is Krishna Boys’ Hostel.

(v) The letter was written on 10th July 2000.

7. Now, write a letter to your friend or relative in another city telling him/her about activities/events in your school. 

Follow the same pattern as the above letter. 


Sapna Girl’s Hostel

Bharatiya Vidya Mandir


28th August 2015

My dear Sneha,

How are you? I hope everything is fine. Last week I was busy celebrating the 68th Independence Day in our school. On this occasion, cultural programmes like dance and singing competitions were held. Students of lower classes participated in paying tribute to soldiers who struggled for the country’s freedom. I also participated in drawing posters on the freedom struggle. Freedom fighters are considered heroes who helped the nation to get freedom. A salute to all the soldiers who lost their lives for the country. We had a great day. Convey my regards to your parents. Please do write back soon.

Your loving friend


8. Why did Oliver live in the orphanage?


Oliver had no home to live in. Hence, he lived in the orphanage.

9. Who was Mr Bumble?


Mr Bumble was the owner of the orphanage.

10.  What meals were the boys given?


A bowl of watery soup was given to the boys as a meal.

11. What did Oliver say to Mr Bumble?


Oliver said, “Please Sir, I want some more soup” to Mr Bumble.

12. The boys were given three meals a day. Then why were they always hungry? 

(i) Because the soup they were given was never enough. 

(ii) Because they worked very hard all day long. 

(iii) Because the older boys drank up their soup.


They were always hungry because the soup they were given was never enough.

13. Find the words from the passage that mean the same as 

(i) very hungry (para 2) …………………………. 

(ii) to vanish (para 3) ………………………….


(i) Starving is the word which means the same as very hungry.

(ii) Disappeared is the word which means the same as vanish.

14. ‘All the boys assembled in the cold stone hall.’ Here the word means 

(i) moved away (ii) collected (iii) worked together


The word ‘assembled’ means collected.

15. From the word ‘assembled’ remove the last two letters. Add one letter to make a word which means a time at the school when the whole school gathers.



The word which means a time at the school when the whole school gathers is “assembly”.

16. Give a suitable title to the passage. 

Struggle of Oliver in the Orphanage.

17. To learn means to understand or to gain knowledge. To teach means to show how or to explain. 

learn learns learned has learned
teach teaches taught has taught

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of or learn learns learned has learned teach teaches taught has taught 

(i) Will you __________ me chess? 

(ii) Mr Sharma _________ Class VIII. 

(iii) The students have ___________ about ‘road safety’. 

(iv) My sister has ___________ me how to ride a horse. 

(v) I have ___________ some of the customs of India. 

(vi) I ________ how to cycle when I was just four years old. assembled To learn To teach teach learn.


(i) Will you teach me chess?

(ii) Mr Sharma teaches Class VIII.

(iii) The students have learned about ‘road safety’.

(iv) My sister has taught me how to ride a horse.

(v) I have learned some of the customs of India.

(vi) I learned how to cycle when I was just four years old.

18. Choose the correct word and complete the paragraph. 

All the class V students of our school ______________ (were/ was) gathering in front of the Principal’s office. They _______ (were/was) going for the inter-school race. The bus __________ (arrive/ arrived) and they ___________ (leave/ left) for the stadium. The runners were ___________ (taking/ taken) to the starting point. The runners ________ (take/ took) their positions. Sir _________ (blow/ blew) the whistle. One student of our school _________ (run/ran) fast and __________ (come/ came) first. Everyone ________ (do/ did) their best and our school _______ (won/ wins) the trophy. Everyone ___________ (feel/ felt/ fell) joyous.


All the class V students of our school were gathering in front of the Principal’s office. They were going for the inter-school race. The bus arrived and they left for the stadium. The runners were taken to the starting point. The runners took their positions. Sir blew the whistle. One student of our school ran fast and came first. Everyone did their best and our school won the trophy. Everyone felt joyous.

19. Read the following sentences.

Bhaiya has been studying in the same class for two years. (for a period of time)

Munna has been flying kites since morning. (from a time in the past till the present)

Fill in the blanks using for or since.

(i) I have lived in this house ______ I was a baby. 

(ii) This big jar has been in our family _______ many years. 

(iii) The old banyan tree in the village has been there ________ the last 200 years. 

(iv) Nobody has seen him ________ yesterday.


(i) I have lived in this house since I was a baby.

(ii) This big jar has been in our family for many years.

(iii) The old banyan tree in the village has been there for the last 200 years.

(iv) Nobody has seen him since yesterday.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 Crying

This chapter talks about crying. Here, crying a little is not enough, one should cry until the pillow is soaked well. The solutions have been designed accurately by our subject-matter experts to provide standard solutions to the students. These solutions are reliable and can be used by the students as a reference guide in exam preparations.

Chapter 4 Crying:

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 My Elder Brother

This chapter deals with the story of two brothers, aged 9 and 14 years old. The elder brother is strict and dutiful while the younger brother is always playful by nature. All the textbook questions have been crafted by our experts in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus. Students can make use of the solutions in the PDF format to enhance in-depth knowledge of the concepts.

Chapter 4 My Elder Brother:

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4


Why are NCERT Solutions the best study source to boost exam preparation in the CBSE exams?

Provided here are the comprehensive solutions to each question of the textbook to help students understand the concepts thoroughly. The solutions formulated by our experts help students to come out with flying colours in the final examinations. Teachers recommend that students follow these solutions to clear their doubts instantly during exam preparations.


Why is crying little is not enough in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions of Class 5 English?

According to the poet, crying a little is not enough and one should cry until the pillow is soaked. After crying a lot, one should laugh heartily. The solutions have been prepared by our subject-matter experts to help students understand the covered concepts effortlessly. Students can make use of these solutions to cross-check their answers while solving textbook questions. This helps them to obtain an idea of solving the questions in a comprehensive manner.


What do you think about why Munna was unhappy with the timetable in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions of Class 5 English?

Munna was unhappy because there was no time to play according to the timetable made by his elder brother. He was playful by nature and loved to play games like kabaddi, football, volleyball and flying kites. Practising these solutions on a daily basis helps students to improve their conceptual knowledge of the concepts, which is essential from an exam point of view.


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