NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog and Rip Van Winkle

Here, we are providing solutions for the students of Class 5 to help them in their exam preparations. They can follow these solutions while solving textbook questions. The solutions are well structured by our faculty in an elaborate manner in order to help students to understand the concepts effectively. Practising these solutions as many times as possible will enable students to fetch excellent marks in their academics.

NCERT Solutions for The Lazy Frog and Rip Van Winkle consist of comprehensive answers constructed by a set of expert faculty after conducting thorough research on each concept. Students who are not able to find the best study source can make use of these solutions while practising textbook questions. Here, students can access the solutions PDF from the links available below.

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog
NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog and Rip Van Winkle:

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog

The Lazy Frog

1. What did the frog do all day?


The frog slept all day.

2. Besides lazy, what other word can you think of to describe the frog?

(Hint: how he behaved with his mother……, when a lady frog walked by…)


Shirker, rude.

3. Complete the sentences with reference to the poem. 

(i) When the frog’s mother called him, he pretended to________________________________________________ 

(ii) When a lady frog hops by, he does not even _________________________________________________


(i) When the frog’s mother called him, he pretended to be hard of hearing.

(ii) When a lady frog hops by, he does not even open one eye.

4. Did you like the frog’s behaviour?



5. Add one more matching word to each pair. One has been done for you.

log frog dog

shirk work ____________

vain design ____________

Preferring hearing _____________

heep keep _____________

past last ___________

way say ______________

What kind of words are they? _______________


log frog dog

shirk work clerk

vain deign brain

preferring hearing staring

heep keep sleep

past last fast

way say pay

They are rhyming words.

Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle

1. Circle the correct meaning of the given words. You may need to use the dictionary. 

Idled away wasted  rested admired
constant coffee construct  steady
companion dog stranger partner
realise to understand to set free real
descend to not send to be decent to move down
barrel a wooden container a musical instrument a bag
contents to be happy the ingredients the index of a book


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Rip Van Winkle - 1

2. Match the words in the box with their meanings. You may take the help of a dictionary.

grizzled astonished foothills
stroked familiar

near the lower part of a mountain ______________________

with grey hair __________________

to rub gently ___________________

to be very surprised __________________

known to you _______________________


near the lower part of a mountain foothills.

with grey hair grizzled.

to rub gently stroked.

to be very surprised astonished.

known to you familiar.

3. Say whether the following sentences are True or False.

(i) Rip was kind to children. _____________

(ii) Rip was a hardworking man. ______________

(iii) The short old man on the mountain was his constant companion. ______________

(iv) Rip helped the old man on the mountains because he wanted to have a drink from the barrel. _____________

(v) Rip was away for twenty years because he was asleep on the mountains. ___________

(vi) The drink from the barrel made him fall asleep for twenty years. _________

(vii) Nobody recognised Rip when he came back because he had reached the wrong village. ______________


(i) True.

(ii) False.

(iii) False.

(iv) False.

(v) True.

(vi) True.

(vii) False.

4. Complete the following sentences.

(i) Rip’s village was situated ____________.

(ii) The children of the village loved him because ________________________.

(iii) ____________ was his constant companion.

(iv) The villagers stared at him because _______________________________.

(v) The old woman who recognised Rip was ____________________.


(i) Rip’s village was situated at the foothills of the Kaatskill mountains.

(ii) The children of the village loved him because he played with them, he taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles, and told them long stories.

(iii) A dog named Wolf was his constant companion.

(iv) The villagers stared at him because they could not recognise him.

(v) The old woman who recognised Rip was his neighbour.

5. What were the strange things about the men on the mountains?

(i) ___________________

(ii) ___________________

(iii) __________________

(iv) __________________


(i) They were all dressed the same way.

(ii) All of them had beards of various shapes and colours.

(iii) Their faces were serious.

(iv) They were totally silent.

6. What kind of a man was Rip Van Winkle?

(i) He was a kind neighbour.

(ii) ________________________

(iii) ________________________

(iv) ________________________


(i) He was a kind neighbour.

(ii) He was ready to help anyone.

(iii) He played with children and told them long stories.

(iv) He was very lazy.

7. Pick out the names of the games mentioned in the story.





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The names of the games mentioned in the story are

(i) Flying kites

(ii) Shooting marbles

(iii) Mountain climbing

(iv) Ninepins

8. Sometimes we join two words to make a describing word. For example, Rip was a good-natured man, everybody liked him. 

Here are some more describing words. Use them to complete the given paragraph.

long- sleeved high-heeled well-dressed
open-mouthed sweet-looking odd-looking

Mrs Das has a ___________________ job in a clothes shop. Yesterday, an ____________________ woman walked into the shop. She was wearing ________________ shoes. A _____________ dog was with her. “I want a ________________ shirt for my dog, please”, she said. “For your dog?”asked Mrs Das, ___________________ in surprise. “Yes”, replied the woman. “I want him to be _________________ for my next party”. 


Mrs Das has a part-time job in a clothes shop. Yesterday, an odd-looking woman walked into the shop. She was wearing high-heeled shoes. A sweet-looking dog was with her. “I want a long-sleeved shirt for my dog, please”, she said. “For your dog?” asked Mrs Das, open-mouthed in surprise. “Yes”, replied the woman. “I want him to be well-dressed for my next party”.

9. Silent letters

What is common in the following groups of words?

(i) knee, knife, knot, know ___________

(ii) neighbour, daughter, fight, straight ____________

(iii) honest, honour, hour,  heir ______________

Try and  make more silent letter words.

gnat: ___________________, ______________

tongue: ____________________, ______________

chalk: __________________, _______________

whistle: __________________, __________________


(i) The sound ‘k’ is silent in the given words.

(ii) The sound ‘gh’ is silent in the given words.

(iii) The sound ‘h’ is silent in the given words.

gnat: gnash, gnarled

tongue: technique, colleague

chalk: calm, walk

whistle: wrestle, bristle

10. Read the two paragraphs given below.

My mother is always awake before anyone else in the family. I usually wake up after 6 O’clock. I loll around lazily for a few minutes. Then I get up and get dressed for school.

At bedtime, I read a story book. When I feel tired I lie down and go to sleep very quickly. I fall asleep in no time at all!

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(i) Now find the opposites of the following words from the paragraphs and complete the table. 

awake asleep

wake up ___________

get up __________

lazily _____________

(ii) Fill in the blanks using the words in the previous questions. 

(a) ___________ and ___________ quickly! You will be late for school.

(b) Shh! The baby is __________. Don’t make a sound, or she will ___________.

(c) Are you still __________?You should be __________ now or you will not be able to _______ in the morning for school.


(i) awake asleep

wake up go to sleep

get up fall asleep

lazily quickly

(ii) (a) Wake up and get up quickly! You will be late for school.

(b) Shh! The baby is asleep. Don’t make a sound, or she will wake up.

(c) Are you still awake? You should be asleep now or you will not be able to get up in the morning for school.

11. Read the speech bubbles. Who walks to school most often? Put them in order. 

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(i) Arjun

(ii) Nazim

(iii) Mini

(iv) Anu

(v) John

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog

This poem tells us about a frog who is very lazy. When the mother of the frog called him for help, he pretended to fall asleep instead of helping her. Our subject-matter experts have described the solutions depending on the intelligence quotient of students. Students are highly recommended to make use of these solutions in order to excel in the exams.

Chapter 5 The Lazy Frog:

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle

This chapter describes the story of a person named Rip Van Winkle who lived in a village. He was a simple, good-natured person but was very lazy. In order to avoid work, he would walk away into the forest along with his dog. The solutions are formulated by our experts with the aim of helping students perform excellently in their exams.

Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle:

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 5


Why are NCERT Solutions Class 5 English considered the best study source in CBSE Board Examinations?

Following NCERT Solutions prepared by our subject-matter experts, students would gear up to write the exams in a comprehensive manner. Each and every question of the textbook is framed in a simple and lucid manner as per the CBSE board. Solving textbook questions using these solutions improves self-confidence to ace the exam effectively among the students.


What does the frog love to do all day in Chapter 5 of NCERT Solutions Class 5 English?

The frog loved to lie around lazily all the time. In order to avoid work, he pretended to fall asleep when his mother called him. The detailed explanations of the concepts in these solutions enhance students’ performance in the final examinations. Students can download the solutions PDF for effective learning of the covered concepts from the links given here.


What made Rip Van Winkle fall into a deep sleep in Chapter 5 of NCERT Solutions Class 5 English?

As Rip Van Winkle and his companion reached the mountains, some odd-looking men who had beards of various shapes and colours started gazing at Rip Van Winkle. His companion emptied the contents of the barrels into glasses and made Rip drink it. He obeyed as he was frightened and drank a few glasses which made him fall into a deep sleep. Those who are finding obstacles in solving textbook questions can follow the solutions formulated by our faculty in a precise manner.


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