NCERT To Adopt Government Schools Across India

NCERT To Adopt Government Schools Across India

The government schools are soon to be adopted by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) with the aim of improving the level of education across India. At its initial phase, this plan will be implemented in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Rajasthan and Odisha since the Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs) of NCERT are situated at Bhopal, Mysuru, Shillong, Ajmer and Bhubaneswar, which belong to the states aforementioned.

The director of NCERT, Hrushikesh Senapathy, said that their teams from the RIEs would adopt schools in the vicinity of their institutes and from Tripura, at first, as the state government requested them for collaboration. He added that the teachers from these institutes would regularly visit the schools to interact with the students and teachers to find out their problems and difficulties. “If they need help like teaching assistance or resources, our teachers will provide them with that,” he further added.

Once the initial experiment with village schools near the RIEs are successful, Senapathy said that the plan would be implemented in the schools throughout the country. This plan of NCERT comes as a part of the initiative by the government to improve the quality of education in government schools. According to reports, government schools have seen a considerable dip in the enrolment of the students while there has been an increase in the enrollment of students in private schools.