CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots - Albert Einstein at School Summary

Summary of Albert Einstein at School

Albert Einstein at School is an extract from Patrick Pringle’s biography on Albert Einstein – The Young Einstein. This extract tells us a story about how Albert coped with his studies at school. He was not really interested in the traditional methods of teaching and had formed his views about learning at a very young age. He did not consider remembering facts as a proper form of learning. He was more interested in ideas that explained why and how things happen. Albert was sad and reluctant about attending school for his diploma. He wanted to study science – a subject he was highly interested in, but the school he was sent to did not emphasise teaching science. Albert finally decided to leave the school and, with the help of his friend Yuri, procured a medical certificate that recommended he stay away from school for six months. Albert Einstein Summary is a part of BYJU’S CBSE Summary. Students can also visit CBSE Notes to access learning materials and notes on CBSE Class 11 English syllabus.

CBSE Class 11 English Albert Einstein at School Summary

The story begins with Albert in a history class. His teacher, Mr Braun, asked him the date of the war between the Prussians and the French. Albert replied that he did not know the date, and on further probing by his history teacher, he replied that he had never tried to learn because that kind of information can be always looked up in a book. According to Albert, learning facts was not education. It was the ideas that mattered. Mr Braun punished Albert for his misbehaviour in class and called him a disgrace. Albert pointed out that it was not his wish to go to school.

Albert wished that his father had taken him away from that place, although he knew it was impossible because his father wanted him to earn his diploma first. Albert’s father had little money, and as a result, Albert’s accommodation was in a room in one of the poorest quarters in Munich. He did not mind the bad food and the uncomfortable living conditions as much as he hated the slum violence of the place. The landlady used to beat her children, and her husband would beat her on Saturdays when he was drunk.

His friend Yuri used to live with other students, and Albert liked the idea that Yuri was surrounded by civilised human beings, even if they were poor students. Yuri informed him that violence was not an uncommon thing among students as well. One of the students was killed in a duel, and the student who killed him was only bothered about the authorities prohibiting him from participating in any duels. He told the same thing to his cousin Elsa when she came to Munich. He doubted if he would pass the diploma exams. Elsa advised him to learn things as they were taught and simply repeat those in the exams to earn a diploma. Albert replied that he was not good at learning things by heart. Elsa noticed Albert studying a Geology book. Albert explained that he liked science, and there was hardly any of it being taught in his school.

Science and music were the only two things that comforted Albert. He used to play the violin till the landlady screamed at him to stop.

After staying in Munich for six months, Albert told Yuri that continuing in his school in Munich was of no good to anyone. Given that Albert was not interested in the lessons taught at school, nor was he trying to change his attitude towards learning, he felt that he was wasting his father’s money and everyone’s time. Albert asked Yuri if he knew any doctors who could officially recommend Albert to stay away from school on account of facing a nervous breakdown. Yuri knew a friend who had recently qualified as a doctor, and, in fact, Albert might be his first patient. Yuri asked Albert to be frank and honest with the doctor.

Albert was very nervous before his appointment with Dr Ernst Weil. He was worried about proving his nervous breakdown to the doctor. When he finally met the doctor, the latter concluded that Albert did really develop a nervous state about the school. Otherwise, he would not have decided to see a doctor about it. He asked Albert what the plan was if he got a medical certificate for a nervous breakdown. Albert responded that he would return to his parents in Milan and try to get into an Italian college or institute. He would try to get a reference from his Mathematics teacher. The doctor knew what it was like to be a student and gave Albert a recommendation to stay away from school for six months.

When Albert showed Yuri his certificate, Yuri agreed that it was a good decision. And since Albert was not actually leaving school, he could return anytime to finish his diploma. Albert assured Yuri that he was not coming back to the school again. Mr Koch, Albert’s Mathematics teacher, gladly provided Albert with a glowing reference. He knew that Albert was eligible for admission into a college or an institute of higher Mathematics.

But before Albert could use his newly acquired doctor’s certificate, he was called in by the head teacher, who asked Albert to leave the school. Alberts’s presence in the classroom made it impossible for the teacher to teach and the other students to learn. His constant rebellion hindered any serious work inside classrooms. It would be wiser if Albert left the school of his own accord – there would be no need for a formal case of expulsion. Albert wanted to retaliate but left the school, where he had spent five years, without saying goodbye to it.

Yuri was the only one he felt like saying goodbye to. Elsa had gone back to her home in Berlin. Albert had no other significant friends. Yuri wished Albert good luck and hoped that the latter would be happy in a wonderful country like Italy.

Conclusion of Albert Einstein at School

Albert Einstein Summary gives us a view of how students are not always interested in everything being taught a school. Albert took a stand for himself when he found out that he was particularly interested in science rather than other subjects. He was also very good in Mathematics, as we can infer from his conversation with Mr Koch, who gave him a glowing reference for admission into colleges. Albert was successful in taking a step towards something he loved doing. Taking a step towards higher education would only refine his talent and expand his base of knowledge in Science. If we can figure out our interests and potential talents, it is always beneficial for us to nurture those and cultivate them for growth and prosperity in those fields.

A clear picture of the historical background of Albert Einstein can enable students to analyse and appreciate his life better. Students are encouraged to read more about the life and works of this renowned scientist. Students can refer to our website for information and content related to CBSE Class 11 English for learning materials and study exam-related information.

Frequently asked Questions on CBSE Class 11 English Albert Einstein at School


How did Einstein feel at school?

Einstein did not like the way things were taught at school. He felt that the concepts of learning used at school were not productive. Also, he was interested in learning science, but his school did not offer many opportunities in this field.

What can we learn from ‘Albert Einstein at School’?

We can see that students’ interest in learning depends largely upon how teachers teach, and for a successful outcome, teachers should take students’ thoughts, views and opinions into account as well.

Why did the doctor agree to give Albert a medical certificate for a nervous breakdown?

The doctor knew that although it was Alberts’s plan to use a medical certificate to stay away from school, the motivation behind it was not a good one. Albert had suffered as a student because of the school and could have been close to a nervous breakdown if he had asked a doctor for medical help.
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