CBSE Topper Answer Sheet

CBSE topper answer sheets are the best medium to grasp the answer writing techniques for board exams. Every year, CBSE officially releases the topper answer sheets on the official website. The CBSE model answers by the candidate for the examination 2021 Term 1 exam have not been released yet. However, the model answers till 2020 are available on the official website. Here, we have compiled the CBSE topper answer sheets from 2014 to 2020 years for Class 10 and 12 students. Going through this will help students to score high marks in board exams.

CBSE Topper Answer Sheet for Class 10 and 12

To access the CBSE topper answer sheet click on the link below. The best time when students can use this answer sheet is while practising the sample papers or CBSE previous years’ question papers. Once they are done with solving the previous years’ papers, they should then compare their answer sheet with the topper answer sheet. This will help them in analysing where they are lagging behind and losing marks. Accordingly, they can focus on those areas and can improve their performance.

CBSE Class 10 Topper Answer Sheet
CBSE Class 12 Topper Answer Sheet

How to Download CBSE Topper Answer Sheet from Official Website

Students can also download the CBSE topper answer sheet for classes 10 and 12 from the official website. Here we have provided the step-by-step guidelines to download the model answer sheet pdf.

  1. Visit the official CBSE site (
  2. Click on the link that says “Main Website”.
  3. Now, under the “Board Examination” drop-down, click on “Model Answers”.
  4. A new page will open. Then click on the link “Model answer by candidates for the examination 2020”.
  5. Select either Class 10 or 12.
  6. A new page will open containing answer sheets of all subjects of the class that the student has selected.
  7. Similarly, there are various other links available for model answers by candidates for the examination years 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014.
  8. Students must click on the year for which they want to download the topper answer sheet.
  9. Also, select a subject by clicking on it. The PDF file will get downloaded.

We hope students have found this information on the “CBSE Topper Answer Sheet” useful for their studies. Keep learning and stay tuned for further updates on CBSE and other competitive exams. Download BYJU’S App and subscribe to the YouTube channel to access interactive Maths and Science videos.


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