CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals Objective Questions

From Chapter 9 of CBSE Class 8 Science, students get to learn about Reproduction in Animals. Some of the basic topics covered in this chapter are modes of reproduction, male reproductive organs, sexual and asexual reproduction and more. Students who wish to master these concepts can solve the CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals Objective Questions with solutions. Along with practice, students will also learn the concepts well.

Students can also prepare ahead for the CBSE exams with the help of these CBSE Class 8 Science objective questions we have provided here.

Sub-Topics from Chapter 9

Here we have listed out the complete list of topics and sub-topics covered in chapter 9 objective questions of CBSE Class 8 Science. Students can just download the PDF and study well for the exam.

9.1 Modes of Reproduction

9.2 Sexual Reproduction

9.3 Asexual Reproduction

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Reproduction in Animals

1. The number of eggs produced in internal fertilisation is

A. more than external fertilization

B. less than external fertilization

C. more or less than external fertilisation depending on the environmental conditions

D. equal to external fertilisation

Answer: (B) less than external fertilization

Solution: In the case of external fertilisation, the number of eggs produced is more than the number of eggs produced in internal fertilisation. External fertilisation usually occurs in aquatic animals. These animals lay hundreds of eggs and release millions of sperms. However, many of the eggs do not get fertilised (fused with sperm) to develop into new individuals. This is because the eggs and sperm get exposed to water currents and wind.

Also, there are other animals (predators) which may feed on these eggs. Thus, the production of a large number of eggs and sperm is necessary to ensure the fertilisation of at least a few of them.

2. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to:

A. Continue their species

B. Maintain growth

C. Fulfil their energy requirement

D. Keep the individual organism alive

Answer: (A) Continue their species

Solution: The production of new individuals from their parents is known as reproduction. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to continue the species.

3. How many parents are involved in sexual reproduction?

A. 0

B. 4

C. 2

D. 1

Answer: (C) 2

Solution: In sexual reproduction, such as in humans, two parents are required. In case of plants, male and female reproductive parts are required.

4. After fertilisation, the ________ divides repeatedly to give rise to a ball of cells.

A. Ovum

B. Sperm

C. Zygote

D. Embryo

Answer: (C) Zygote

Solution: The fusion of the male and the female gamete, i.e., the sperm and the ovum, is called fertilisation. This results in the formation of a single-celled zygote. After fertilisation, the zygote repeatedly divides to give rise to a ball of cells. This ball of cells

eventually develops into the various types of cells and tissues in an organism.

5. Budding is seen in ________ .

A. Humans

B. Amoeba

C. Hydra

D. bacteria

Answer: (C) Hydra

Solution: Hydra may have one or more bulges or outgrowths on its body. These outgrowths are called buds, which develop into new individuals. Once the buds mature, the new individuals detach from the parent organism. This mode of asexual reproduction is called budding.

CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 9 Reproduction In Animals Objective Question 5 Solution

6. Which of the following is not a part of the male reproductive system?

A. Vas deferens

B. Ovary

C. Testes

D. Penis

Answer: (B) Ovary

Solution: Ovary is a part of the female reproductive system. All other given options are parts of the male reproductive system. Penis is the external genital organ in males. Testes are the main reproductive organs in males and produce sperms. Vas deferens carry semen from the testes to the urethra for ejaculation.

7. A Paramecium reproduces by dividing itself into two daughter cells. This process is called

A. Budding

B. Regeneration

C. binary fission

D. vegetative propagation

Answer: (C) binary fission

Solution: Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction seen in unicellular organisms. In this method, first, the nucleus divides, followed by cytoplasmic division. This forms two daughter cells from one parent cell. Therefore, Paramecium dividing itself to form two daughter cells represents binary fission.

8. The female gamete produced by the ovary is called ___. It is haploid in nature.

A. Zygote

B. ovum

C. blastula

D. sperm

Answer: (B) Ovum

Solution: The female gamete produced by the ovary is called the ovum. Ovum is haploid in nature and it fuses with sperm to form a zygote.

9. Which of the following is the site of fertilisation in humans?

A. Uterus

B. Fallopian tube

C. Ovary

D. Vagina

Answer: (B) Fallopian tube

Solution: Fertilisation is the fusion of male and female gametes. In human beings, it takes place in the fallopian tube of the female reproductive system.

10. Which of the following is not an oviparous animal?

A. Cow

B. Silkworm

C. Hen

D. Frog

Answer: (A) Cow

Solution: Animals like cows, cats and dogs give birth to young individuals, hence they are called viviparous animals whereas frogs, hens and silkworms lay eggs, and hence they are called oviparous.

11. Name the process in which tadpoles develop into young frogs.

A. Budding

B. Fertilisation

C. Metamorphosis

D. Embedding

Answer: (C) Metamorphosis

Solution: The transformation of the larva into an adult through drastic changes is called metamorphosis. Frogs, butterflies, silkworm, etc., undergo metamorphosis.

12. The male gamete is called the ________ .

A. Zygote

B. Sperm

C. Eggs

D. ovaries

Answer: (B) Sperm

Solution: Male gametes in humans are called sperms. Sperms are produced by testes. Sperms fuse with egg produced by ovaries to form a zygote.

13. The process by which organisms make copies of themselves is called ________ .

A. reproduction

B. transpiration

C. respiration

D. photosynthesis

Answer: (A) reproduction

Solution: The process by which an organism produces its young ones is called reproduction. Reproduction is a key factor which plays a major role in the continuation of any species.

14. The eggs in females is produced by the

A. testes

B. Zygote

C. Sperm

D. ovaries

Answer: (D) Ovaries

Solution: Egg/ova is the female gamete. It fuses with the male gamete, sperm to form zygote. It is produced by the ovaries.

15. Female reproductive system in human beings contains __________ .

A. two pairs of ovaries

B. single ovary

C. a triplet of ovaries

D. a pair of ovaries

Answer: (D) A pair of ovaries

Solution: The female reproductive system in human beings contains a pair of ovaries. Ovaries produce the egg cell/ova which is required for fertilisation.

16. The testes produce male gametes called ________ .

A. Ovum

B. Zygote

C. Foetus

D. Sperms

Answer: (D) Sperms

Solution: The testes is a part of the male reproductive system that produce male gametes called sperms. Sperms fuse with the female gamete, ovum to form the zygote. Zygote develops into the embryo which later develops into the foetus.

17. Female gamete in humans is called _______ .

A. Ova

B. Ovary

C. Uterus

D. sperm

Answer: (A) Ova

Solution: Female gamete in humans is called ova/egg. It is produced by the ovaries. The male gamete called sperm fuses with the egg to form a zygote.

18. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

A. There is no advantage – asexual reproduction is more advantageous

B. There are more variations

C. Less number of offspring are produced

D. Competition for food is less

Answer: (B) There are more variations

Solution: Since the characteristics of two individuals are combined in sexual reproduction, more variations are seen in the offspring. More variations in offspring ensure better survival in changing environmental conditions.

19. Which of the following is an example of a viviparous animal?

A. Cat

B. Cobra

C. Fish

D. Hen

Answer: (A) Cat

Solution: Viviparous animals give birth to their young ones. Cat is an example of an animal that gives birth to it’s young ones. On the other hand, hen, fish and cobra lay eggs and are termed as oviparous animals.

20. In which of the following organisms does metamorphosis take place?

A. All of the given

B. Silkworm

C. Frogs

D. Butterfly

Answer: (A) All of the given

Solution: The process of transformation of young ones into an adult while undergoing drastic changes is called metamorphosis. Butterflies, frogs, silkworms, etc., are examples of animals that undergo metamorphosis.


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