vanasthali public school

School Name Vanasthali Public School
Address Sector 56 Noida Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 210431 India
Status Senior Secondary
Phone Number
School Type Independent
CBSE Affiliation Type Provisional
CBSE Affiliation Period 1/4/2012 To 31/ 3/ 2017
Founded In 1984
Website Not Specified
Fax Number Not Specified
Email Not Specified
Opening Date Not Specified
School Trust B Category
School Category Co-Educational
Total Classrooms Not Specified
Land Area Meters: N/AAcres: N/ABuilt-up Area: N/AGround Area: N/A
Students Nursery-LKG: N/AI-V: N/AVI-VIII: N/AIX-X: N/AXI-XII: N/A
Nearest Railway Station Not Specified (In Kilometres: N/A)
Nearest Police Station Not Specified (In Kilometres: N/A)
Nearest Bank Not Specified (In Kilometres: N/A)
Swimming Pool Not Specified
Indoor Games Not Specified
Dance Rooms Not Specified
Gym Not Specified
Music Rooms Not Specified
Health Check-up Not Specified
Hostel Not Specified


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