Components of Garbage

Components of Garbage:

Waste that has accumulated in our surrounding area and is ready for disposal is called garbage. Garbage is solid waste that includes domestic waste, industrial waste and municipal waste.

Domestic waste is the garbage emerging from our houses

Municipal wastes are the wastes from schools, roads, shops and offices.

Industrial wastes are the wastes discarded from factories and industries.

A large area used to dispose of garbage is known as a dump. The downside of having garbage dumps is that it becomes the breeding ground for various flies and mosquitoes. The dumps are also sometimes burned, which releases harmful gases into the atmosphere. These harmful atmospheric gases may cause respiratory diseases. In the long run, the garbage mixes with soil, which takes time to decay that makes the soil loose.

There are mainly two types of garbage waste:

Dry Garbage

Dry Garbage

1. Dry waste or non-biodegradable wastes: These include newspapers, plastics, broken glass pieces and waste rags. They can be recycled once in a while. They are taken to the recycling plants for the process of recycling.

2. Moist waste or biodegradable wastes: These come from our kitchen and home. Food remains, vegetable peels, fruit peels, and garden waste are examples of these wastes. These can be used to obtain manure and compost that are safe for the environment. We are going to see how composting and vermicomposting can be used to manage moist waste.

If you want to learn how this garbage can be managed to make them less harmful to the environment and take a look at BYJU’S chapter wise NCERT solutions for Garbage here – Garbage


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