Last Minute Preparation Tips for Class 10 Science Board Exam 2023

 Preparation Tips for Class 10 Science

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts the Class 10 Science board exam in the month of February or March. This year the CBSE Class 10 Science exam is on 4th March 2023. Students need proper guidance and preparation strategy to score good marks in the Science exam. The CBSE Class 10 Science syllabus is really vast. Students should have a proper study plan so that they can finish the syllabus by the end of December month and get enough time to practise the previous years’ papers and sample papers. Some students find this subject easier, while some find it difficult. So, to help students prepare in a better way for the exam, we have provided CBSE Class 10 Science preparation tips. These tips will work for all students.

Preparation Tips for the Class 10 Science Exam

Students must study through the NCERT Class 10 Science textbook. The book covers the entire syllabus, and the question paper is designed from it. So, students must be thorough with all the concepts covered in this textbook. They must also solve the exercise questions from the book. Here are a few tips which will help them prepare effectively for the board exam.

Watch the Video below to Learn the Tips for the Class 10 Science Exam


1) Know the Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

CBSE Class 10 theory Science paper is of 80 marks. The question paper is divided into 5 sections. The marks distribution and the number of questions for each section are given below. To know the detailed question paper design and unit-wise marks distribution, students should go through the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus.

Section Type of Question Marks per Question Total Questions No. of Words for Answering
A MCQs, very short, assertion reasoning type 1 20 1 word or 1 sentence each
B Short answer type questions I 2 6 30 to 50 words each
C Short answer type questions II 3 7 50 to 80 words each
D Long answer type questions 5 3 80 to 120 words each

The above data is provided by analysing the Class 10 Science Sample Paper 2022-23. It is expected that the same pattern will be followed in the 2023 examination. However, there can be some minor changes in the question paper design.

2) Go through the Entire Science Syllabus Once Again

Students must have completed the syllabus along with the classroom sessions. But they need to go through it once again by themselves. This will be a kind of revision for themselves, and they get to know on which topic they have to put extra effort. Accordingly, they can formulate an effective study plan and work on those areas. Along with the revision, it will be better if they solve the NCERT textbook questions once again. In case students get stuck somewhere, then they can refer to the NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science.

3) Preparation Tips for the Class 10 Science Exam

Class 10 Science is one of the major subjects that could help students in shaping up their entire careers. Therefore, the students who are planning to continue Science to their higher studies are advised to have a thorough conceptual understanding of concepts taught in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This will build a strong foundation in the Science subjects. Students usually get nervous and stressed as the exam approach. So, here are some CBSE study tips that help students in their studies and build confidence in them.

To Know How to Make and Use Mind Maps for the Class 10 Science Exam, Watch the below Video:


a) Preparation Tips for Class 10 Science – Physics

  1. In Physics, conceptual and formula-based questions are mostly asked in the exam. So, students must be thorough with all the important formulas, and they should be at their fingertips.
  2. Topics like Newton’s laws of motion and their applications are important from the exam perspective, and some of the questions can be expected from them.
  3. Practise numerical on the series and parallel combination of resistances. Most of the time, the numerical problems on the lens and mirror are also asked.
  4. Practise diagrams like lines of the magnetic field around a solenoid and a bar magnet, electric circuit diagram,  AC and DC generator, image formation by lenses and mirrors, the human eye, glass prism, and image formation for both defective and correct vision.
  5. Practise previous years’ question papers and model test papers to get an idea of what types of numerical and theoretical questions are asked from the Physics portion.

Students can access the CBSE Class 10 Science Previous Years’ Papers here.

b) Preparation Tips for Class 10 Science – Chemistry

  1. Chemistry is a high-scoring part and requires lesser time for preparation. Learn the tips involved in balancing chemical equations. Also, memorise the applications of acids, bases, and salts in everyday life.
  2. Every year 2-3 questions are asked about salts and their compounds. So, students must know the common names, preparation, chemical formula, and uses of salts and their compounds.
  3. Focus on carbon compounds and their nomenclature containing functional groups.
  4. Make proper notes of all reactions involving the conversion compounds. These revision notes will assist in your last-minute preparations.
  5. Understand the modern periodic table with electronic configuration and memorise all the elements placed in the first and last two groups of the periodic table.
  6. Speed and accuracy can be acquired through extensive practice of sample papers and in-depth preparation of the subject.

c) Preparation Tips for Class 10 Science – Biology

  1. In biology, the students must practise diagrams like the representation of reflex action, the respiratory system, the human brain, different parts of a flower, female and male reproductive organs, etc.
  2. Thoroughly prepare Mendel’s experiments and understand the traits of inheritance.
  3. In Biology, there are complex terminologies that can be memorised by doing regular revisions. It is always good to write and understand these terms to get acquainted with them.
  4. Understand the functions performed by the reproductive organs in humans and the reproduction process in plants.
  5. Biology comprises several complex diagrams; therefore, students must build a habit of drawing a neat and clean diagram while writing the answers. This will also help them in scoring more marks.

To Know How to Maximise Your Score in the Class 10 Science Exam, Watch the below Video:


4) General Tips to Be Followed before the Exam Day

  1. Students must not touch any new topic before the exam day.
  2. Students should revise the notes that they have created during preparation.
  3. Be relaxed and cool.
  4. Take proper sleep at night before the exam day.
  5. Students should make sure that they have not skipped any important topic from the syllabus.

5) Tips for Attempting the CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper

While attempting the Science paper, students must take care of the following things:

  1. Write the answers depending on the marks allocated to them.
  2. Do not get stuck on a particular question. Students must move on if they cannot find the answer to a particular question.
  3. Keep an eye on the time and try to finish the entire paper in the allocated duration.
  4. Draw the diagram wherever required to explain the answer.
  5. Write answers in good handwriting and try to maintain them till the end of the answer sheet.

Most importantly, the students are advised to practise at least the previous 5 to 6 years’ CBSE Last 10 Year Papers for Class 10. It will help the students to understand the exam pattern and enhances their speed, accuracy, and time management skills. Following these techniques will surely ensure excellent performance in the CBSE Class 10 Science Board Exam.

We hope students have found this article on “CBSE Class 10 Science Preparation Tips” useful for their exam preparation. Keep learning and stay tuned to BYJU’S for further updates on CBSE and other competitive exams. Download BYJU’S – The Learning App and subscribe to the YouTube channel to access interactive Maths and Science videos.


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