How to Make a Rain Gauge

Rain Gauge
When you see rain falling, how do you know how much its quantity is? Get to find this out by creating a rain gauge. A rain gauge is an instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists in order to gather and calculate the quantity of liquid precipitation over a recorded period of time. Record the result and then study the findings.

Things you will need

  • A soft drink bottle
  • Pebbles or Stones
  • Marker
  • Tape
  • Ruler

How to do it?

  • Take the bottle and cut its top off.
  • Take the bottle and put some stones into it. Turn it upside down and tape the top upside down to the bottle.
  • Make a scale on the bottle by using a ruler and a felt pen.
  • Take water and pour it into the gauge until it reaches the bottom strip.
  • Place the apparatus outside in the rain when it begins raining.

What happens next?

When you keep the apparatus out, the rain falls into it and collects, making it easily measurable. Take the reading and compare it to the amount of time the rain was falling for. If you are interested, you can also graph the rainfall that took place for a period of time. You can create a full weather report if you report the air pressure, wind speed, and wind direction. This exercise will be more fruitful if you live in a place that sees a lot of varying seasons.

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