Follow The 10 Tips Before Writing 10th Board Exams

Follow The 10 Tips Before Writing 10th Board Exams

With new lessons piling up, and old lessons sitting heavy in your head, it definitely isn’t a walk in the park preparing for the Class 10 board exams. Regarded as one of the important exams of your life, the class 10 board exam is the first step towards your dream career. With less time left for the board exam, students usually get jitters of anxiousness and tend to become nervous on the day of the examination. But with a smart plan in place, it doesn’t have to be a scary affair. Here we provide you with tips and tricks to follow before the boards and during exams to help you pass with flying colours.

Tips to Follow Before Writing Class 10 the Exam

Below, we have provided tips which will help you during the exam preparation. You must go through it and use them while studying.

1) Get Your Own Distraction-Free Study Corner

Your study corner or the study room should be free from distractions because distracted studying leads to poor understanding of concepts. Now, study distractions can either be internal or external distractions. Internal distractions include emotional thoughts and psychological needs, while external distractions include people and technology. Fix a study corner free of these distractions to prepare for your exam effectively. Gadgets waste your most precious time before this important examination, so stay away from them while preparing for your exam.

2) Follow The Revision Pattern

You have a memory cycle of a day or 24 hours and again for the next seven days. If you are revising a topic, you need to revise it again in the next 24 hours and then again within the next seven days – Follow this technique to make sure your brain refreshes those topics again and again. This habit will help you revise better for any future exams.

3) Timetable With The Syllabus

Follow a timetable with the syllabus on it for all subjects, and religiously follow it. There are going to be many topics to revise at this point in time, and if you are allocating equal time for all the subjects, then you are going to cover all topics without fail. Click here to get the latest CBSE board syllabus for class 10.

4) Use Mnemonics Memory Technique to Revise

If you are unable to remember a topic or the main points of a topic, use mnemonics (a learning technique that aids information retention in human memory) to remember them. A mnemonic doesn’t have set rules to be applied for; you can create your own mnemonic formula.

The most common way to do it is to integrate the initials of words/sentences and memories with the integration of that word. It is also called the link method. For example, there are four types of tissues in the human body –

  • Epithelial
  • Connective
  • Muscle
  • Nervous

and you are unable to remember the names – Integrate the initial letters –

Co Mu Ne Ep (Come you Neep)

Easy, ain’t it? So the next time you have a topic giving you headaches – VIBGYOR it.

5) Sample Papers Are a Must

Come you Neep

To get acquainted with the time limit and exam pattern, you should take sample test papers in your study corner, avoiding all distractions. This way, you will get to know how much time you should spend answering the questions, marks-wise, and also about your areas of improvement. So, practise the CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers and boost your exam preparation.

6) Hone Your Strengths But Don’t Ignore Your Weakness

After taking the mock tests, you will come to know the topics that you are strong as well as weak in. With one month in hand, it is never too late to ask your teacher/ mentor to teach you that topic again. You can also find some useful video tutorials that will help you in covering the topics in an easy way

7) Keep Calm and Keep Fit

Stress can affect your health and mind. Have a positive attitude and don’t think too much on what will happen. Go on a brisk walk and keep yourself calm and fit. Energise yourself by playing outside and eating healthily. It is important to avoid studying late hours now. Don’t stay up late in the night before the examination, you might end up having headaches during the examination.

Tips to Follow While Writing Class 10 Board Exam

Below we have provided some useful tips which will help you during the examination.

1) Present Your Paper Well

Remember, the examiner doesn’t know you, you don’t know the examiner. The paper that he has in his hands is what you are presenting before him – so you need to present your paper well. It is important for you to write in legible and neat handwriting.”

2) Don’t Waste Too Much Time on an Answer You Don’t Remember

If you can’t remember the answer of a particular question, then just relax, calm yourself and think. If you still don’t remember – then just leave a space to go for the answer later and start attempting the next question. Come to the left-out question after some time with a fresh mind.

3) Keep the Last 15 Minutes to Recheck Your Paper

Revise what you have written in the answer sheet, question by question, to see if you left any question to answer by mistake, misnumbered an answer, provided relevant diagrams or not etc. Keep the last 15 mins to revise your paper thoroughly.

Class 10 board is a crucial exam that determines the career path you choose. You must study hard and keep in mind these important tips to prepare for your Class 10 board exam. Remember to solve CBSE Previous Year Class 10 Question Papers for every subject.

All the best for your exam! Keep yourself updated with the latest CBSE-related news through the CBSE Notification Only at BYJU’S.


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