Now that the exam date for the CBSE Board’s class 12th students is coming on May 23rd, students must complete their preparation for the Accountancy exam. Because of the uncertain scenarios generated by Covid-19, this year’s class 12 board exams were split into two sessions.
Examine the curriculum and follow it step by step to ace your performance in CBSE 12th Board Exam in 2022. For the upcoming board exam, review the Accountancy class 12 term 2 syllabus.
Syllabus run-through tips for CBSE Accountancy class 12 term 2
- NCERT books are considered to be the finest for preparing for Accountancy board examinations. It provides a thorough understanding of all of the units, allowing you to ace the exam.
- Try to grasp the concept rather than rote memorising.
- Using many reference books might lead to a loss of concept of subjects.
- The subject is primarily theory-based, and it must be studied in this manner.
Last day tips for Class XII Accountancy exam
- To prevent losing marks, practise writing responses and looking for your errors.
- Because the Business Studies board exam is extensive, practise a sample paper and schedule yourself. You can get the class 12 accountancy sample papers here.
- Check for the questions that are likely to appear in the exams and read those topics carefully.
- Have the required stationary, your admit card set aside and don’t forget to carry them to your exam center.